The first question involved is whether the petition discloses a justiciable controversy. It is the rule, too well established to warrant extended discussion, that this court will not entertain an action for declaratory relief in the absence of a genuine controversy. Heller v. Shapiro, 208
For convenience, the rulings of the secretary of state, which form the basis of his contentions in this action, will be set forth seriatim and disposed of.
The first ruling of the defendant is as follows :
“That even though a new political party complied with the statutory requirements for and obtained a new party column for the primary of 1934, the names of candidates receiving the largest number of votes for each would not be placed in the new party’s column on the general election ballot, but instead would be placed in the independent column, for the reason that under sec. 5.17 (1) such new party having had no candidate for governor at the last two preceding elections, there would be no basis for figuring the percentage requirement in said section provided.”
At this point it is necessary to consider not only the statutes involved, but the well-established rulings of this court with reference to the electoral franchise. In State ex rel. McGrael v. Phelps, 144 Wis. 1, 128 N. W. 1041, it is stated that “constitutional inhibitions of legislative interference with a right, including the right to vote and rights incidental thereto, leaves, yet, a field of legislative activity in respect thereto circumscribed by the police power. That activity appertains to conservation, prevention of abuse, and
“(d) . . . But any political organization which at the last preceding general election was represented on the official ballot by either regular party candidates or by individual nominees only, may, upon complying with the provisions of this act, have a separate primary election ticket as a political party, if any of its candidates or individual nominees received one per cent of the total vote cast at the last preceding general election in the state, or subdivision thereof, in which the candidate seeks the nomination, under such designation as the chairman and secretary of such organization shall certify to the secretary of state as the name of such party, which shall not duplicate the name of any other party.”
It will be noted that by the terms of this section a new political group may, for its first year, be represented on the official ballot by individual nominees only. At the next election the group may have a separate primary election ticket as a political party if any of its nominees at the first election received the vote required by the section.
Sec. 5.05 (6) (e) provides so far as material to this point:
“(e) Any other political organization which shall file with the secretary of state, not less than ninety days prior to the holding of a September primary, a petition signed by not less than one-sixth of the electors in at least ten counties therein, or by one-sixth of the electors within any senatorial, assembly or congressional district, praying that said organization be given a party ticket at the said September primary, may have a separate party ticket as a political party in such district or in the state, as the case may be, at such primary;
Whatever other controversies there may be as to the meaning of these sections and their practical working, it is not disputed that they evidence a legislative intent to authorize new
The basis of defendants first contention, as evidenced by his ruling, is sec. 5.17, which provides as follows:
“(1) If all candidates for nomination for any one office voted for on any party ballot shall receive in the aggregate five per cent or more of the average of the vote cast for the nominee of such party for governor at the two last general elections, the person receiving the greatest number of votes . : . shall be the candidate of that party. ...”
Defendant contends that this section is applicable to all parties having a separate primary ballot; that it was the legislative intent not merely to compel existing political organizations to maintain their strength after achieving a place upon the general ballot, but to demonstrate their strength before receiving such a place. Plaintiffs contend that the section applies only to political organizations that have been in existence long enough to have had candidates at two previous elections for governor. The section contains internal evidence that the legislative intent was not that claimed by the defendant. It can never be applied to a new party. Until a party succeeds in getting a party column on the general election ballot, it does not have a nominee for governor in the statutory sense, and it never could qualify under sec. 5.17. In other words, such a party can never pass the test prescribed by sec. 5.17 for securing a place on the general ballot until it has had such a place upon the ballot for two successive elections for governor. The mere statement of this indicates the impossibility of ascribing such an intent to the legislature. The conclusion is that sec. 5.17 has no application to new political groups. For the defendant there is some reliance upon the following statement in the McGrael Case:
“Thus no party can in a special column, be represented by a candidate for an office at one election, unless, first, it shallPage 403have had a party candidate for governor at the preceding general election; ...”
It is frankly admitted by defendant that this statement was not addressed to the question before the court or necessary for the decision, and these concessions are not improvidently made. The statement constitutes a dictum by which this court is not bound, and minimizes the further contention that the statement called the attention of the legislature to the statute, and that the legislature, by failing to so amend as to make the statute clear, adopted the interpretation of the court. Defendant concludes that the legislature apparently gave no serious thought to statutes affecting new parties, and did not have them in mind when .it enacted the statute which, properly construed, impedes their organization and makes difficult an effective expression of their view's. The legislature having failed to deal with the subject, it is argued at some length that this court, without usurping the function of the legislature, cannot so fill the gaps existent in the present law as to enable a new party to have a place on the general ballot following its first appearance in the primary.
In dealing with this contention it again becomes necessary to consider the rule as stated in the McGrael Case. Measures taken by the legislature to regulate the manner of voting are restrictions upon the constitutional right of voters, not merely to vote but to make effective their views through political organizations. The legislature is not the source of the right; it is merely the source of the restriction, if it imposes one. Thus the court, in construing sec. 5.17 and similar statutes, is not in search of legislative authorization for the new party, or legislative machinery to give such an organization effectiveness. The objective is to find intended restrictions or regulations of the rights of the citizens comprising the new group, and the new party is entitled to a place upon the general ballot if none is found. Thus it is
“(6) This title shall be construed so as to give effect to the will of the electors, if that can be ascertained from the proceedings, notwithstanding informality or failure to comply with some of its provisions.”
It was held that the rule of liberal construction enunciated by this section applies to ch. 5. State ex rel. Oaks v. Brown, 211 Wis. 571, 249 N. W. 50.
The second contention of defendant is that should a petition containing the names of one-sixth of the electors in ten counties in the state be presented to the secretary of state, the secretary of state, under the provisions of sec. 5.05 (6) (e), could grant the new party column for only the five state offices but not for the office of United States senator, nor any of the county offices, and that in order to obtaip a party column to include each congressional, assembly, and senatorial office to be sought for, it would be necessary to file a separate petition containing one-sixth of the electors in each such district, and that however many petitions were filed, no new party ticket could include under any circumstances the office of United States senator or any of the eight county offices. It must be conceded at the outset that sec. 5.05 (6) (e) offers considerable support for the views of the defendant. The section is very inartificially drafted, and its construction is not free from difficulty. It is our conclusion that the words, “may have a separate party ticket as a political party in such district or in the state, as the case may be, at such primary,” have reference to territory and not to offices; that a party, the petition of which qualifies it for a party ticket in the state, is entitled to a full party ticket and not merely
“And all candidates of such party for the nomination as candidates for the office of member of the assembly or of the senate or for representative in congress, if the petition be signed by electors in the district only, or for the nomination as candidates for state offices, if the petition be signed by the above required number of electors in at least ten counties in the state, shall, upon complying with the provisions of law relative to nomination papers, be placed upon such ticket.”
It is contended that this clause indicates the scope of the party ticket; that if a petition is filed within an assembly district only, the party ticket will contain only the candidate for assembly; that if the petition is signed by the requisite number of electors in at least ten counties of the state, the new organization will be entitled to a separate party ticket for state offices only. In so far as it may be said to be in conflict with the preceding one, this clause must yield, for it deals not with the scope of the party ticket but with the steps necessary for candidates to put themselves upon the party ballot at the primaries. It is our conclusion that the term “separate party ticket ... in the state” means a full party ticket throughout the state, including all offices, without restriction. The term is sufficiently inclusive to cover county offices and the office of United States senator, and the term is one that in common usage denotes a full party ticket throughout the state, including all offices to be voted for at the election.
With respect to the office of United States senator, attention is called to sec. 5.02 (3), which reads as follows:
“Party candidates for the office of United States senator shall be nominated in the manner provided herein for the nomination of candidates for state offices.”
If the party candidates for this office are in all respects to be governed as to their nomination by the rules governing
The next contention of defendant is that the word “electors” as used in sec. 5.05 (6) (e) means the total number of all eligible voters and not just those who have voted at any given election. Throughout sub. (6) (e), in describing the requisites of the petition, the term “one-sixth of the electors” is consistently used. Standing alone, the conclusion might be nearly inevitable that one-sixth of the electors within any senatorial, assembly, or congressional district, or in at least ten counties in the state, means the total number of electors qualified to vote. The phrase might be considered to have such a plain and unambiguous meaning as not to warrant the application of rules of construction. However, the statute, in our opinion, contains indisputable evidence that such is not the meaning of the phrase. The last sentence of the subsection provides:
“The basis for ascertaining the number of signers required on any such petition shall be the same as for ascertaining the number of signers necessary on nomination papers as provided in this section.”
The words, “the basis for ascertaining the number of signers,” can only apply to the number, one-sixth of which will qualify the new party for a separate party ticket in the primary. It is indicated that the basis has previously been stated in the section, and upon an examination of sub. (6) (d) we find that the basis of percentage, that is to say, the total number of which a percentage is taken, shall be the vote of the party for the presidential elector receiving the largest vote at the last preceding presidential election in which such party had candidates for presidential electors. Obviously,
The next contention of defendant is that even though a new party column were to be granted, the names of no inr dividuals could be placed thereon at the 1934 primary, since under sec. 5.05 (6) (d), such party had no candidates for presidential electors at the last preceding presidential election, and hence there would be no basis for determining the number of signers necessary for nomination papers for individual candidacies. It is literally true that sec. 5.05 (6) (a), (b), and (c) can have no application to a new party, for the reason that such a party has not had previously a party vote and the number of signers upon nomination papers cannot be determined. It is also clear from sec. 5.05 (6) (e) that the candidates of the new party must qualify for places upon the primary ballot by filing nomination papers, it being specifically provided that such candidates, upon complying with the provisions of law relative to nomination papers, shall be placed upon such ticket. We have thus presented this situation: The provisions of sec. 5.05 (1) to (5), inclusive, could all be applied to the candidates for anew political party. Subs. (1) and (2) provide the form of the nomination papers; sub. (3) provides that each signer of a nomination paper shall sign but one such paper for the same office, declare that he intends to support the candidate named thereon,
By the Court. — It is declared and adjudged:
(1) That sec. 5.17 has no application to a new political party, and that such a party, upon compliance with the provisions of sec. 5.05 (6) (e), is entitled to a place upon the general ballot.
(3) That the term “electors” as a basis upon which the number of petitioners required by sec. 5.05 (6) (e)' is to be computed means the total number of voters who voted in the last presidential election.
(4) That candidates for a place upon the primary ballot of a new party which has complied with the provisions of sec. 5.05 (6) (e), must qualify for such place by filing nomination papers in full conformance with sec. 5.05 (1) to (5), inclusive, but that sec. 5.05 (6) (a), (b), and (c), have no application to the papers of such candidates, and that with respect to them, the statute makes no requirement as to the number of signers necessary to qualify such candidates for a place upon the primary ballot.