There were two returns from the town of Chester, certified and signed by two different sets of selectmen, by one of which, it appeared that Silvester Emmons was elected, and by the other, that Asa Wilcox was elected. The election of the for-rfier was controverted by Nathan Ellsworth and others, and that of the latter by Asahel Wright and others, on the ground, in both cases, that the selectmen, by whom the respective elections were certified, were not duly elected.1
“ At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Chester, qualified to vote in town affairs, on the 1st day of March, at 9 o’clock, A. M,, (the legality of which is not questioned,) 'William Henry, the clerk of the town, opened the meeting in the usual manner, and called for the ballots for a moderator, which he received, sorted, and counted, and then declared that William Shepard was elected. Shepard signified his acceptance of the office, and called for ballots for a town clerk; and upon counting the ballots, it appeared that there was no choice. It appears that there was a motion made, (as is proved by a number of deponents, and the fact is not disputed,) to adjourn to the next day, at 9 o’clock, A. M. Thus far, there is no question but the proceedings of the town were correct and legal. The moderator put the motion of adjournment, and declared it was a vote to adjourn. The vote was doubted by more than ten persons, and the moderator said he must divide the meeting. The house was divided but not counted. At this time it was nearly dark. The moderator deposes, that he adjourned the meeting by power of the first vote, and that at the time of dividing the meeting, there was much noise and confusion. Some of the deponents state that the meeting was, or could be divided, and others that a division was not, or could not be effected. It also appears by a number of depositions, that the moderator made this declaration: ‘ by power or authority vested in me, I adjourn this meeting, until tomorrow at 9 o’clock, A. M.,’ at the time, when the inhabitants dispersed. The moderator deposes, that he requested the town clerk to record the adjournment of the meeting, and that he declined, on the ground of its illegality.
On the second day, there was a full meeting, as many being present, as on the first day. The moderator called for the ballots for a clerk, and having counted them, he declared Otis Taylor elected by a majority of one vote. Taylor was duly sworn, and officiated. It was then voted to choose three .selectmen, who should also be assessors. On counting the
The voters who remained at the meeting-house, Mr. Henry presiding as moderator, made choice of Isaac Whipple for moderator, and ’William Henry for town clerk, and Isaac ’Whipple, James Nooney, Jr., and Charles Collins, as selectmen and assessors, (the same who were selectmen and assessors, the preceding year.) They also chose Martin Phelps, Jr., constable, and such other officers as are required by law, to be chosen in the months of March or April, annually.
Pursuant to a warrant, directed by said - Kyle, Stebbins, and Hamilton, as selectmen, to said Smith, as constable, notifying the voters qualified as the law directs to assemble and give in their votes for a representative to the general court, a part of the inhabitants of Chester assembled on the 3d day of May, and made choice of Silvester Emmons, Esq., for their representative, whose election was duly certified by Kyle, Stebbins, and Hamilton, as selectmen of said town, and who was notified by Horace Smith, as a constable of the town of Chester.
Pursuant to a warrant directed to Martin Phelps, Jr., as constable, by 'Whipple, Nooney, Jr., and Collins, as selectmen, to notify the inhabitants qualified as the law directs, to assemble and give in their votes for a representative to the general court, a part of the inhabitants of Chester aforesaid assembled on the 10th day of May, and made choice of Asa Wilcox, Esq., as their representative, whose election was duly certified by said Whipple, Nooney, Jr., and Collins, as selectmen, and who was notified by Martin Phelps, Jr., as constable for the town of Chester.
“ That, in their opinion, the adjournment of the meeting of the town of Chester, on the first day of March last, was illegal, inasmuch as that when the moderator had put the question of adjournment, and had declared it to lie a vote, and when such vote was ‘ scrupled or questioned by seven or more of the voters present,’ he did not £ make the vote certain by pollimr the voters,’ the meeting not having desired the vote to be decided in any other way; that an attempt to divide being unsuccessful, no attempt was made to count the voters and ascertain the will of the town.
That, at a meeting of the inhabitants of said town of Chester, duly notilied anti warned by Marlin Philips, Jr., constable o± said lown, pursuant to a warrani isr-ned by Isaac Whipple, James Nooney. Jr., and Charles Collins, as selectmen of Chester, at the request of Asa Wilcox and deven others, freeholders and inhabitants of said town, for the purpose of choosing town oilieers, the said Isaac Whipple. James Nooney, Jr., and Chillies Collins, were legally chosen selectmen ol said town ; and the said selectmen have certified, according lo law, that Asa Wilcox was duly elected, on the 10th day of May last, by the freeholders and others, inhabitants of the town of Chester, qualified voters, to represent them in the general court, to be assembled on the last Wednesday of said month. The committee are of opinion, and hereby report, that Asa Wilcox is entitled to a seat in this house.
The committee further report, that the meeting at the centre school-house, in Chester, on the 22d day of Match last, beinsr, in their opinion, illegal, Forbes Kyle, Samuel 11. Slebbins, and John Hamilton, who have made return as selectmen of said town, in the usual form, that Silvester Emmons was dulv elected, on the third day of May last, at a meeting notified and warned, in pursuance of a warrant by them issued to Horace Smith, as constable of >ukl town, were not the selectmen of said town, and that, tor the mme reason, Horace Smith was not constable of said town.
This report, was made at the May session, and referred from thence to the January session,1 but does not appear to have been afterwards acted upon.
45 J. H. 42.
45 J. H. 119.