This is a bill in equity, wherein the complainant alleges that he is the original and first invent- or of a certain new and useful improvement in sewing machines, which was duly secured to him by letters patent, and that the respondent, well knowing the premises, has. without his consent and in violation of his exclusive right, made, used, and vended to others to be used, a large number of sewing machines, embracing substantially his patented improvement. Wherefore the complainant prays for an account, and for an injunction. His bill of complaint, founded on his original letters patent, dated September 10, 1846, was filed on August 9, 1859, and on October 3 following, the respondent filed his answer to the same. As originally granted the complainant’s patent would have expired on September 10,1860, but he obtained an extension of the same for the term of seven years from and after that date, and on November 7, 1800, he filed a supplemental bill of complaint, setting forth the fact of such extension. Having secured such an extension of his patent the complainant afterward surrendered the same, on account of a defective description, and .it was canceled, and on March 19, 18G1, a new patent was duly issued to him on an amended specification, and as he alleges, for the same invention, to continue for the term of twenty-one years from the date of the original patent. Accordingly the complainant, on April 12, 1801, filed a second supplemental bill of complaint, setting forth such surrender and reissue. Respondent filed his answer to the supplemental billsof complaint on June 29,18G1, and, among other things, alleges that since the filing of his answer to the original bill of complaint he has obtained letters patent of the United States for an improvement in sewing machines made and invented by him, which is of great value, and which is used by him in the machines that he sold. His principal defenses to this suit are, first, that the complainant is not the original and first inventor of his supposed improvement; and secondly, that if he is, that he, the respondent, has not infringed the same. Before proceeding, however, to examine the merits of the case, it becomes necessary to consider a preliminary motion submitted by the respondent. He moves the court that an order be passed directing that all proceedings in the cause be stayed, and that the complain
It is insisted by the complainant that the essential parts, combination and mode of' operation of his machine as organized are new, and that, in fact, he is the original and first inventor of the same when viewed as an organized whole. But the respondent denies that proposition, and insists that several organized machines for sewing, both; foreign and American, had been invented and patented, before the invention under-consideration was made by the complainant.. Full proof is exhibited that the complainant invented the sewing machine described in his specification, or “was employed in inventing and making it about December 1,. 1844,” and it is undeniably proved that the-machine was “finished, and in working order, so as to sew firm seams, as early as the middle of May,” in the following year. Two suits of clothes were sewed by the machine,, so made, about the middle of July, in the same year, and the testimony is, that they wore as well as any hand sewing. Witnesses were examined, who identify the machine, and it was exhibited at the hearing, and: operated by the complainant, in the presence of the court. Whatever differences of opinion there may be as to the merits of the-controversy, all must agree, I think, that the-machine in question, although it was made-nearly twenty years ago. compares favorably with the best constructed models of the present time, and that it reflects great credit upon the maker, as a specimen" of mechanical ingenuity and skill. Respondent does not deny that the complainant constructed the-machine exhibited, and the clear inference from all the evidence is, that he did so without the slightest knowledge of any one of the-machines set up in the answer, as superseding his invention. Assuming the fact to be-so, then clearly the complainant is the inventor of the improvement described in his-specification, and the only question on this-branch of the case is, whether he is the first inventor of the same. Most of the machines-set up in the answer, have been under consideration in the courts, and on one occasion, at least, where the subject-matter in contest was substantially the same as that involved in this suit. And whenever the subject has been considered the decision has uniformly been, -that no one of those machines is of a character to supersede the invention of the complainant. Considering-them in the order mentioned in the answer-of the respondent, they are as follows:
2. Reliance is also placed by the respondent upon the machine of B. W. Bean, as supporting this ground of defense; but even a cursory examination of the description of it, as contained in the specification, will clearly show that the machine can not avail the respondent for any such purpose. Devices, called cog wheels, combined with other devices, called gear wheels, are employed to crimp the cloth preparatory to the making of what the inventor calls the running stitch, and they also serve to hold the cloth; and after the same is crimped to force it upon a stationary needle, causing it to pass through the folds or corrugations of the cloth, so that, when it is afterward drawn out, it exhibits on both sides of it a basting or gathering seam. Such is a general description of the operation of the' machine and some of its principal devices. Taken as a whole, it bears little or no resemblance to the machine of the complainant, except that it has a mechanism for holding and feeding the cloth, and one for making a stitch, but all of the principal devices, as well as the stitch and seam, are very materially different, and so much so that the machine can hardly be regarded as a sewing machine, within the meaning of that term as employed in the patent of the complainant. Regarded as a basting machine, it may have been of some commercial value; but it is quite obvious that it can not in any point of view have the effect to maintain the defense set up by the respondent.
3. Examination must also be made of the foreign machines set up in the answer, of which the machine of Newton & Archbold is the one first mentioned. They describe the subject-matter of their patent as an “invention of improvements in producing ornamental or tambour work in the manufacture of gloves,” and evidence is wholly wanting to show that the machine was ever used for any other purpose. Ornament, such as the machine is designed to accomplish, consists of rows of loops or chain stitches on the back of the glove, or of the cut-out material fitted to make that part of the glove. Patentees express a decided preference that the gloves should be made before the ornamenting is attempted, but suggest that it may also be accomplished on the cut-out material before the glove is manufactured, leaving it clearly to be inferred that the sewing of the gloves is not to be performed with the machine, according to the description. Clamps are used by the inventors, to hold the material, and the feeding of the same is accomplished by moving the frame of the clamps in which the material is held. Certain modifications are suggested in the specification, and in one of them a bent wire is mentioned as a device pressing upon the material of the glove to prevent it from being forced up by the needles, but the suggestion does not embrace
4. Pursuing the order already indicated, the next machine to be considered is that of Fisher & Gibbon, which, as described by the patentees, is an invention of certain improvements in the manufacture of figured or ornamental lace, or net, or other fabrics. Two forms of the invention are described in the specification, but it is the second which more especially comes under revision in this case. Confining attention to the latter, it is clear that the design of the machine was to embroider or ornament lace, muslin, or other fabric of similar texture, with gimp or cord. Inventors use two threads fo accomplish the work, but the gimp or cord constitutes one of the threads, and the principal ingredient of the ornament or embroidery. They also describe the complicated apparatus employed to effect the result, which, among other devices, consists of a series of needles and shuttles, arranged in sets, each set having a needle and a shuttle, and the series being sufficiently multiplied to extend the work over the entire width of the material to be ornamented or embroidered. None but thin fabrics are used as the material for the foundation of the work, and the material is placed on two rollers, so arranged that the material may be wound off from one on to the other, in order, at proper intervals, to bring forward fresh surfaces to be ornamented; and being drawn over bars, between the rollers, which are at considerable-distance apart, it is kept stretched, as it passes from one roller to the other, in the operation of the machine. All the needles have a curve or crook in the length, and are attached to a bar, and that same bar operates the whole series. Drawings also are annexed to the specification, which show what the construction of the shuttle is, but it is only necessary, upon that subject, to-say that it 's the common ribbon shuttle, as contended by the complainant. Gimp, or cord, it will be remembered, is used in the shuttle instead of thread, and the description of the operation is that the shuttle passes-through at the bend of the needle, and between the thread of the needle and the-needle itself, every time the needle passes up through the material to be ornamented.
Broad loops of the thread carried by the needle are necessary, in order to secure the-passage of the shuttle between the thread of the needle and the needle itself, as described in the specification, and on that account the-needle is required to be formed with a curve or crook in its length, and it is obvious that a compliance with the requirement is essential to the operation of the machine, because without the additional space between the needle and its thread, which is obtained' at the bend by the curve or crook in the same, the shuttle would not at all times pass between the needle and its thread, and consequently would fail to perform its functions-in a manner to accomplish the result described in the specification.
Minute description is also given of the several devices employed for driving the shuttle, but it is not necessary to enter into the particulars of the narration, as the apparatus-described bears little or no analogy to the devices employed for that purpose in the machine of the complainant Suffice it to-say, that the shuttles arfe moved to and from the back and front of the machine, for the purpose of carrying the gimp or cord, and of performing certain other functions in connection with the operation of the needle in sewing down the gimp or cord. Explanations have already been given to show that the needle, in its first movement, conies up through the material to be ornamented, and that the shuttle passes between the needle and its thread as often as the needle ascends. Notice should also be taken of the fact that the needle with its thread is employed to sew down the gimp or cord, carried by the shuttle the foundation material, and of the further description of the operation by which it is accomplished. Having described the operation of the devices which cause the first ascent of the needle, the inventors state that just after the shuttle has been moved from the front to the back of the machine, the needle descends, “sewing down” the gimp or cord “laid by the shuttle;” and, continuing the description, they also state that the needle then ascends again, when the shut-
ü. Great reliance also is placed by the respondent upon the Thimonier machine, which was patented in the kingdom of France. Reference to the general elements of the combination, however, will be sufficient to show that the machine bears no substantial resemblance whatever to the machine of the complainant. First. It has no feeding apparatus of any kind, and consequently will not make a single stitch unless aided by the operator of the machine. Secondly. It has no shuttle or equivalent device, and emplos’s but one thread in the stitching. Thirdly. It uses a crochet or hooked needle, instead of the needle employed in the complainant’s machine, and a device termed In the patent an "accroucheur,” which operates to lay the thread on to the hook of the needle after it has passed through the cloth. Fourthly. The material to be worked is laid upon a horizontal table, and so fed forward and guided by the hand of the operator. Fifthly. It has no mechanism by which the length of the stitch is regulated, automatically, and the evenness of the stitching depends chiefly upon the skill and experience of the person who guides the material. Sixthly. There is no apparatus for the interlocking of two threads, and if there was, it would be useless, because one thread only is used in forming the seam. Seventhly. The stitch itself is widely different from that produced by the machine of the complainant. Experts describe it as the chain stitch, and the machine is denominated as one “suitable for the production of seams called chain stitching upon all sorts of stuffs and cloths.” Considering that the dissimilarity in this respect is admitted, it will be sufficient to add, without entering into particulars, that the stitch consists of a succession of loops, one through another, by a single thread, forming a continuous -seam on the surface of the material employed as the foundation of the work. Eighthly. The holding apparatus is also substantially different in its mode of operation, and in its combination with the other devices, especially with those constituting the mechanism for feeding. They are the horizontal table on which the cloth is laid, and a device, called in the patent an “onglette,” which is a small, thin tube or rim surrounding the crochet hook, and which at times presses upon the clotli and holds it down upon the table, operating to prevent the cloth from following the hook in its retraction. Such pressure, however, only occurs when the crochet hook descends for a loop, and of course the effect is upon the previously-made loop, as well as upon the cloth, keeping it open so that the hook may pass through it without catching as it is retracted to bring up the new loop. While the pressure continues, the “onglette” obviously performs the function of a holding surface, and it is also an efficient adjunct of the stitching mechanism; but when the new loop has been brought up and the cloth is to be moved forward, the device in question, instead of co-operating to feed the cloth, as is the case in the machine of the complainant, is withdrawn altogether from the cloth and becomes entirely inoperative. For these reasons, I am of the opinion that the machine has no tendency to show that the complainant is not the original and first inventor of his improvement.
6. Nothing need be remarked respecting the W. Hunt machine, described in Brewster’s Encyclopedia, except to say that the former was a failure and the latter was a tambour-machine, for ornamenting goods in the web, and was designed to work with a series of crochet needles extending across the entire width. Suggestions, however, are therein made that a needle with an eye near the point may be used, in combination with
7. Special reference was also made at the argument to the machine of Henry Bock, and also to the machine of William Sneath, but upon examination, it appears that neither of those machines is set up in the answer, and consequently they are not in the case. Copies of the patents, however, were furnished to the court at the hearing, and in order to prevent any misapprehension upon the subject, it may perhaps be well to say that they have been examined, and I am of the opinion that if they had been duly set up in defense, they could not have benefited the respondent. But the objection to their introduction as evidence was seasonably taken, and clearly they can not be admitted, as it would operate as a surprise upon the complainant.
8. Abandonment is also set up by the, respondent, which is the next ground of defense to be considered. Among other, things, he alleges that machines producing the chain stitch, and two needle machines have been, with the knowledge of the complainant, extensively manufactured, used, and sold in. public, and that he has deliberately acquiesced in such manufacture, use, and sale, whereby he has surrendered and abandoned any right or title he may have had to any exclusive property under his patent. He also alleges, that in consequence of such manufacture, sale, and use, and of the acquiescence of the complainant, he, the respondent, was led to believe, and did believe, that the manufacture of his machines would not be deemed to be an infringement of the complainant’s patent, and was thereby induced to make large expenditures for carrying on his business as a maker of sewing machines, which will be wholly lost if he is enjoined in this suit Argument is unnecessary to show that the matters pleaded in the answer are in avoidance of the claim of the complainant, as set forth in the bill of complaint. Such an allegation in the answer is not evidence, but the facts therein stated must be proved, and the burden of proof is upon the respondent. Hart v. Ten Eyck, 2 Johns. Ch. 88; 2 Story, Eq. Jur. § 1529; 3 Greenl. Ev. | 287. Testimony was introduced by the respondent, which shows that needles for machine sewing, with grooves, had been known for about five years, and one of the witnesses stated that he had known them to .be used in a very large number of chain stitch and shuttle machines. Inquiry was also made of a third witness, who stated that he had frequently seen such machines, but he was not able to state what number he had seen, nor could he state how extensively they had been in use, or on sale. They do not state where they saw such machines, nor' any of the attending circumstances, nor when or where they were manufactured, used, or sold. Knowledge on the part of the complainant, of such use and sale, is alleged in the answer, but there is not one of the witnesses that undertakes to testify to any such fact, or to state any circumstances from which any such presumption can properly arise. Acquiescence, therefore, on the part of the complainant in such manufacture, use, and sale, is not proved, nor is it shown that the respondent had any reasonable ground to believe that the manufacture, use, and sale of machines like those of the complainant, would not be deemed to be an infringement of the complainant’s patent. Claim was not made for the grooved needle, in the original patent, and, of course, the complainant, under that patent, could not maintain a suit against any person for using such a device, although it was a part of his invention, and was fully described in his specification. Suits for an infringement, whether at law or in equity, must be founded upon letters patent, and the plaintiff or complainant, as the case may be, can only recover for the invasion of what he has claimed in his patent, however much less the claim may be than his actual invention. Where the claim is narrower than the invention, and the description is given in the specification, the patent may be surrendered, and a reissue taken out, correcting the error, and that is what the complainant did in this case, and then, and not before, he was in a condition to enforce his right to that part of the invention. Judge Grier held, in Goodyear v. Day [Case No. 5,566], that it is no justification of the infringement of a renewed patent that the infringer had used the invention with impunity, before the patent was amended, and the supreme court also held in Stimpson v. Railroad Co., 4 How. [45 U. S.] 202, that no prior use of a defective patent can authorize the use of the invention after the defect is corrected, and the patent has been duly reissued. Complainant’s patent, therefore, must be considered as valid, and I am of the opinion that he is the original and first inventor of the organized sewing machine described in his specification, • when viewed as an existing whole. He also alleges that the respondent has infringed his patent, and
Every loop made of the thread carried by the perforating needle must be opened after it is formed, in order that the second thread, in the complainant’s machine, or a loop of the second thread in the respondent’s machine, may be passed through it, so that the two threads may be interlocked, as required, to form the seam. Such opening of the loop, formed of the thread carried by the perforating needle, is accomplished in the machine of the complainant entirely by the shuttle, which also carries the second thread. Shuttles are not used in the machine of the respondent, either to carry the second thread or to open the loop formed of the thread carried by the perforating needle. Other devices, however, are found in his machine which - perform the same functions, and which stand in the same combination as that in which the shuttle is arranged in the complainant’s machine; and the question is whether or not those devices are to be regarded as equivalents of the shuttle. Instead of the shuttle, the respondent employs the second needle or thread carrier, already described, which evidently performs the same functions in carrying the second thread, and also in looping it through the loop previously formed of the thread carried by the perforating needle, because, the interlocking of the thread is the characteristic principle of the manipulation in the formation of the stitch; and clearly it can not benefit the respondent to show that he first loops the second or shuttle thread, and then uses it double, or in loop, instead of single, as in the machine of complainant.
His second needle, or thread carrier, also commences to open the loop formed of the threads carried by the perforating needle, and continues to perform the function until an auxiliary device, called a hook, catches the partly-opened loop and completes the operation, opening and spreading it precisely in the same manner, and quite as effectually, as the function is performed by the shuttle in the machine of the complainant. Different devices, or devices differing in form, and having different names, are certainly employed by the respondent for that purpose; but the plan or idea, the arrangement, combination, and result are the same; and it is clear to a demonstration that every one of the functions performed by the shuttle in the machine of the complainant, is accomplished m the machine of the respondent, by the lower needle, called the thread carrier, or controller, with the aid of its auxiliary device, the hook; and I am of the opinion that the two combined are the equivalent of the shuttle; though it may be that they perform the work better. Holding surfaces, stationary in their character, are also found in the machine