LAMiHWHAHY NO. 30665 f“-,§ :N THE SUPREME coURT oF THE STATE oF HAWA:‘I;§ ”Z MICHAEL C. TIERNEY, Petitioner, VS. THE HONORABLE GLENN S. HARA, JUDGE OF THE CIR %? COURT OF THE THlRD ClRCUlT, STATE OF HAWAI‘I, ReSpo§§ent.§3 ORIGINAL PROCEEDING ORDER Nakayama, Acoba, Duffy, (By: Moon, C.J., and Recktenwald, JJ.) Upon consideration of petitioner Michael C. Tierney‘s petition for a writ of mandamus and the papers in support, it appears that petitioner fails to demonstrate a clear and indisputable right to mandamus relief. See Kema v. Gaddis, 91 HawaiH.200, 204, 982 P.2d 334, 338 (l999) (A writ of mandamus is an extraordinary remedy that will not issue unless the petitioner demonstrates a clear and indisputable right to relief and a lack of alternative means to redress adequately the alleged wrong or obtain the requested action.). Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the clerk of the appellate court shall process the petition for a writ of mandamus without payment of the filing fee. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the petition for a writ of mandamus is denied. DATED: Honolulu, Hawafi, AuguSt 18, 2010_ @/?”””“‘ tamm L!.'~»\¢»,¢e»qa./)o» @Ama.£,JbW@Q1Q1~ nyM /z,w»w»(/