Tew v. State

nMNzswHAHY N0. 29455 3 §§ §§ IN THE SUPREME c0URT 0F THE sTATE 0F HAWAIh: §§ ` CZ."» ROBERT LEE TEW, JR., Petitioner/Petitioner~Appella t, ;; , V . §§ vs . -..;}‘§ $M STATE OF HAWAfI, Respondent/Respondent-Appellee. CERTIORARI TO THE INTERMEDIATE COURT OF APPEALS (S.P.P. NO. 07-1-OO35; CR. NO. 06-1-O664) ORDER REJECTING APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI (By: Recktenwald, J., for the courtH Petitioner/Petitioner-Appellant Robert Lee Tew, Jr.’s application for writ of certiorari filed on June 28, 20lO, hereby rejected. is DATED= Hono1u1u, Hawafi, August 10, 2010. FOR THE COURT: /727¢A¢_.A£/L¢@LLopo{ Ass0ciate JuStice Shawn Anthony Luiz on the application for petitioner/petitioner- appellant. 1 C0nsidered by: Nakayama, Acting C.J., Duffy, and Recktenwald, JJ., and Circuit Judge McKenna in place of M00n, C.J., recused, and Circuit Judge Crandall in place of Acoba, J., recused.