Pang v. Pang

A,’* N0. 30641 » 33 :N ran sUPREME c0uRT 0F ran sTATE 0F HAwA:HP §§ §§ wELL:NGT0N YEE YUN PANG ana §§ ANDREA JANET PAN@; P1ain:iffS, R:cHARD YEE cH00N PANG ana ¢§ §§ RAYM0N@E JEANNE cAD0RET PANG, D@f@naantS. ORlGlNAL PROCEEDlNG ORDER (By: Moon, C.J., Nakayama, Acoba, Duffy, and Recktenwald, JJ.) Upon consideration of the “complaint for fraud” filed in the supreme court by plaintiffs Wellinqton Yee Yun Pang and Andrea Janet Pang, it appears that we lack jurisdiction to adjudicate the complaint. See HRS § 602-5 (Supp. 2009). Therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the complaint is dismissed. DATED: Honolulu, HawaiTq August l0, 2010. pi¢w4@,LK“T»a4;u¢¢tw~& /W~'~“W< Qé»,6.b~A@,Qv /14¢~ /b ¢¢»zs.. ..,,-(/ ~»»v§aAnY .H~g,..\\ m