LAW LIBRAF%Y NOT FOR PUBLICATI()N ]N WEST'S HAWAI‘I REPORTS AND PACIFIC REPORTER No. 30333 g ' §§ § IN THE INTERMEDIATE C'OURT OF APPEALS G’-'.> 1 ‘ 4r OF THE STATE OF HAWAI I l ,‘ z» ~‘-"zs.,|:v 3 In the Interest of JK -ljs §§ APPE.'AL FROM THE FAMILY C'OURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT (FC-S NO. 09-l207l) ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL PURSUANT TO HRAP RULE 30 (By: Nakamura, C.J., Foley and Fujise, JJ.) (l) on it appears that: Upon review of the record, filed a notice of February lO, 20lO, Father-Appellant (Appellant) the appellate clerk filed a notice appeal; (2) on March 22, 20lO, of entering case on calendar and notified Appellant the jurisdictional statement was due on March 27, 2010 and the 20l0; (3) Appellant filed the opening brief was due on April 2l, jurisdictional statement, but he did not file the opening brief; V(4) on June l7, 20lO, the appellate clerk informed Appellant (a) the time for filing the opening brief expired; (b) the matter would be called to the attention of the court on June 24, 2010 for such action as the court deemed proper; and (c) the appeal may be dismissed pursuant to Hawafi Rules of Appellate Procedure (HRAP) Rule 30; and (5) Appellant did not file the required Therefore, document or seek relief from default. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the appeal is dismissed` pursuant to HRAP Rule 30. August 4, 20lO. DATED: Honolulu, Hawai‘i, Chief Judge Judge Associate Jud