In re Yoshinaga

N0. 303UB lN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRTE OF HAWAlTQ lN RE LORI L. YOSHlNAGA m CRlGlNAL PRCCEEDlNG ORDER GRRNTING PETlTlON TO RESIGN AND SURRENDER LlCENSE (By: Moon, C.J., Nakayama, Aooba, Duffy, and Reoktenwald, JJ.) Upon consideration of Fetitioner Lori L. Yoshinaqa's Petition to Resign and Surrender License, the attached affidavits, and the lack of objections by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, it appears that the petition complies with the requirements of Rule l.lO of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Hawai‘i (RSCH). Therefore, lT lS HEREBY ORDERED that the petition is granted. IT lS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner Yoshinaqa shall return her original license to practice law to the Clerk of this court forthwith. The Clerk shall retain the original license as part of this record. Petitioner Yoshinaqa shall comply with the notice, affidavit, and record requirements of sections (a), (b), (d), and (q) of RSCH 2.l6. IT IS FlNALLY ORDERED that the Clerk shall remove the name of Lori L. Yoshinaqa, attorney number 6l47, from the roll of attorneys of the State of HawaiU¢ effective with the filinq of this order. DATED: Honolulu, HawaiUq February 4, 20lO. craig @éw;_ E:`. Q~,’ mm m 04 z::.,.a(/