State v. Wright

LAV\/ L!BRAHY NOT FOR PUBLICATION IN WEST'S HAWAI‘I REPORTS AND PACIFIC REPORTER NO. 29864 lN THE INTERMEDIATE COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF HAWAlT %’L “V G~aavamz § 3'::.¢§ sTATE oF HAwAfI, plaintiff-Appe11ee, v. KEVIN WRIGHT, Defendant-Appellant CIRCUlT APPEAL FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND WAILUKU DIVISION O893497MM & O894033MM) (Case Nos. SUMMARY DISPOSITION ORDER (By: Nakamura, C.J., Fujise and Leonard, JJ.) (Wright) appeals the Defendant-Appellant Kevin Wright in the District Court of the entered on May 6, 2009, in Case Nos. Wailuku Division (district court) Judgments, 4Second Circuit, O893497MM and O894O33MM.1 3 Wright entered conditional guilty pleas and was in violation of Hawaii and No No-Fault convicted of Driving Without a License, (2007) (2005).