NO. 294él lN THE SUPREME COURT ©F THE STATE OF HAWAI`I S‘YATE or HAWA:‘:, R@sp@na@ne:/Piain:iff»z:ipp@ii§:;i, VS. SYDNEY NOBUTO TGKUNAGA, Petitioner/Defendant»Appellant. CERTIORARI TO THE INTERMEDlATE COURT OF APPEAIS qw (CR, NO. O6~l-22l6) ** ORDER REJECTlNG APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARl (By: Duffy, J., for the courtU Petitioner/Defendant-Appellant Sydney Nobuto Tokunaqa’S application for writ of certiorari, filed on December 8, 2009, is hereby rejected. DATED: Honolulu, HawaiT4 January l4, 20lO. FOR THE COURT: %z..,¢....¢. 0»44,,,@~- ASSociate Justice Walter J. Rodby 'for petitioner/defendant~ appellant on the application 1 Considered by: M0on, C.J., Nakayama, Acoba, Duffy, and Recktenwald, JJ.