No. 81-428 I N THE SUPREME COURT O F THE S T A T E O F MONTANA 1982 I N RE THE MARRIAGE O F BEVERLY J . LARSON, P e t i t i o n e r and A p p e l l a n t , -vs- FRED J . LARSON, R e s p o n d e n t and R e s p o n d e n t . Appeal from: D i s t r i c t C o u r t of t h e E i g h t h J u d i c i a l D i s t r i c t , I n and f o r t h e C o u n t y of C a s c a d e , T h e H o n o r a b l e H. W i l l i a m C o d e r , J u d g e p r e s i d i n g . C o u n s e l of R e c o r d : For A p p e l l a n t : S m i t h , B a i l l i e & Walsh, Geeat Falls, Montana For Respondent: Alexander & Baucus, G r e a t Falls, Montana S u b m i t t e d on B r i e f s : June 1 0 , 1 9 8 2 Decided: September 2 , 1 9 8 2 S L ..~2 1982 Filed: Mr. Justice Frank B. Morrison, Jr., delivered the Opinion of the Court. On ~ p r i l17, 1981, the Eighth Judicial District Court entered a decree which dissolved the marriage of petitioner and respondent, established child custodv, support and visitation, divided the real and personal property comprising the marital estate, and ordered each party to pay his or her attorney's fees. This decree was amended June 10, 1981, and from that amended order, Beverly Larson appeals. Petitioner raises the following issues on appeal: 1) Whether the District Court's valuation and division of the marital estate was adequate and equitable? 2) Whether the District Court should have awarded maintainence to Beverly Larson? 3) Whether the District Court should have required Fred Larson to pay Beverly Larson's costs and attorney's fees? On the basis of the first issue we reverse the District Court's decision and remand this matter for reconsideration of the factors enumerated in section 40-4-202, MCA, as elaborated in this opinion. Maintainence and attorney's fees need to be reviewed after the District Court has adequately determined the value of the net marital estate and apportioned the estate in an equitable fashion. FACTUAL BACKGROUND Beverly and Fred Larson were married October 15, 1965. Both had been previously married and had children from those marriages. These children have attained majority. The issue of the Larson marriage are as yet minors, Valerie, age 14, and Andy, age 9. At the time of the marriage Fred Larson was in the process of purchasing a piece of property known as the Thorn Place on a contract for deed. The purchase price was $61000.001 with $1,500.00 down and the remaining $4,500.00 payable at t h e r a t e of $100.00 p e r month b e g i n n i n g August 30, 1963. A b a l a n c e of a p p r o x i m a t e l y $2,000.00 remained when t h e p a r t i e s were m a r r i e d . The p a r t i e s used j o i n t l y - a c q u i r e d f u n d s and t h e p r o c e e d s from t h e s a l e of a house F r e d owned i n F a i r f i e l d t o pay t h e b a l a n c e . T i t l e t o t h e Thorn P l a c e was i n F r e d L a r s o n ' s name. The L a r s o n s l i v e d on and o p e r a t e d t h e Thorn Place u n t i l November, 1976, when t h e p r o p e r t y was s o l d on a c o n t r a c t f o r deed a t a p r i c e of $39,650.00. The p a r t i e s r e c e i v e d $11,500.00 a s a downpayment and a s o f t h e h e a r i n g d a t e , t h e b a l a n c e on t h e Thorn c o n t r a c t was $26,893.04. I n 1970, t h e p a r t i e s a c q u i r e d a s j o i n t t e n a n t s a 160- a c r e p i e c e of property r e f e r r e d t o a s t h e B a r t l e t t Property. I n 1976, t h e p a r t i e s remodeled t h e house on t h e B a r t l e t t P r o p e r t y u s i n g t h e downpayment t h e y r e c e i v e d on t h e Thorn Place. They moved i n t o t h e B a r t l e t t house i n November of t h a t year. The B a r t l e t t P r o p e r t y was s u b s e q u e n t l y r e f i n a n c e d t h r o u g h t h e F e d e r a l Land Bank of Spokane, and a s o f t h e h e a r i n g d a t e , t h e amount r e m a i n i n g on t h a t l o a n was $28,900.00. The p r e s e n t f a i r m a r k e t v a l u e of t h e B a r t l e t t P r o p e r t y i s $80,000.00. The t h i r d p a r c e l of p r o p e r t y i n v o l v e d i n t h i s m a t t e r i s t h e Davis P l a c e . T h i s 160-acre t r a c t was p u r c h a s e d under a c o n t r a c t f o r deed i n 1973. The p u r c h a s e p r i c e w a s $32,000.00; t h e t e r m s were $9.000.00 down w i t h t e n a n n u a l payments of $3,162.09. The t i t l e t o t h e Davis P l a c e was a c q u i r e d i n t h e names o f F r e d L a r s o n , and h i s s o n , M a r t i n L a r s o n , t h e n 2 0 y e a r s of age. A l o a n was o b t a i n e d from t h e F i r s t N a t i o n a l Bank of F a i r f i e l d t o make t h e downpayment. F r e d Larson was t h e named o b l i g o r on t h e l o a n and s e c u r i t y i n c l u d e d c a t t l e and machinery on t h e B a r t l e t t P r o p e r t y . art in owned an u n s p e c i f i e d number o f c a t t l e l o c a t e d on t h e B a r t l e t t P r o p e r t y . As of the hearing date, the balance due on the Davis Place contract was $18,987.00. The appraised value was $43,700.00. Throughout the marriage and during the pendency of these proceedings, Fred Larson, with assistance from his son Martin, operated the various parcels of property as one economic unit, accounting for income and expenses on a common basis. The proceeds from the unified ranching opera- tion, supplemented by Fred's wages from his employment by Greenfield Irrigation District as a ditchrider, were used to meet living and operating expenses and annual loan obligations. Beverly Larson cared for the children, numbering as many as five during some years of the marriage, and the home. She also tended the yard and chickens and occasionally helped out with small ranch chores and errands. Beverly Larson filed a petition for dissolution of the marriage on December 21, 1977. Some forty months later the final dissolution decree was entered. The District Court originally found the net worth of the marital estate to be $36,098.00 and awarded Beverly Larson the following property: a 1972 Chevrolet valued at $675.00, an oil and gas lease valued at $320.00, household furniture and appliances worth $1,875.00, and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) in cash, ten thousand ($10,000.00) of which was payable within 60 days, the remainder of which was payable in sixty monthly installments of $304.15. No mention was made of the remaining marital property in the ordering paragraph. By implication, the court awarded Fred Larson the Bartlett Property and the Davis Place valued at $80,000.00 and $43,700.00, respectively, automobiles and a trailer worth $6,275.00, cattle at a value of $5,000.00, $14,725.00 worth of farm machinery, the balance of the Thorn contract attributable to the marital estate valued at $2,527.95, and $9,892.00 in an unvested PERS retirement fund. The order expressly reposed in Fred Larson sole responsiblity for the parties' accumulated debt, then totalling $99,333.54. Included were First National Bank of Fairfield loans amount- ing to $44,040.00, a Federal Land Bank loan equalling $28,900.00, and the remainder due on the Davis Place contract, which was $18,987.00. Additionally, the court made no findings regarding petitioner's request for maintainence. It did find that both parties were capable of being responsible for their own attorney's fees. Fred Larson was ordered to pay Beverly Larson $200.00 per month per child for child support. The parties' stipulation regarding child custody and visitation was incorporated by reference. Petitioner then filed a timely motion for new trial or amendment of the findings of fact and order. Many of the issues raised on appeal were addressed in this motion. The court's amendments were limited to the following particulars: 1) the fair market value of the cattle was changed from $5,000.00 to $45,000.00; 2) the net value of the marital estate was increased to $92,399.91; 3) Fred Larson was held responsible for the minor childrens' reasonable medical, dental and optical expenses; and 4) Beverly Larson's cash award was increased to $31.000.00, of which $21,000.00 would be payble in eighty-four monthly installments of $327.32. NET WORTH AND DIVISION OF MARITAL ESTATE Petitioner contends that the District Court abused its discretion first by omitting certain marital assets proven at trial, and second, in its determination of the value of the assets included by the court. The total of the omitted and undervalued assets is $55,622.06, according to petitioner. When that amount is added to the net estate found by the court, petitioner argues, an award of only $33,870.00 in cash and personalty to petitioner is inequitable. Petitioner maintains that respondent's checking account balance, certain shares of stock in the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, and a 1977 leased winter wheat crop in seed at the time of hearing, should have been valued and included in the marital estate. Respondent counters that it was reasonable for the District Court to omit those items because the checking account balance fluctuated greatly, depending on current working expenses or payment obligations, the shares had no marketable value because they were an integral part of the Federal Land Bank loan, and the crop lease may have existed at the time of hearing, but there was no evidence of its existence at time of distribution. As a general rule, if contested evidence is presented to the trial court regarding the existence or valuation of a marital asset and no findings are made regarding that asset or no explanation is provided as to why the District Court accepted one party's valuations over that of the other, the District Court has abused its discretion. Peterson v. Peterson (1981), Mont. , 636 P.2d 821, 38 St.Rep. 1723. Item-by-item findings are not required in property division cases, but findings nevertheless must be sufficently adequate to ensure that this Court need not succumb to speculation while assessing the conscientiousness or reason- ableness of the District Court's judgment. In re the ~arriage of Caprice (1978), 178 Mont. 455, 585 P.2d 641. Here the District Court makes no finding regarding either the bank stock or the leased crop. The finding which pertains to the checking account fails to disclose why the ~istrictCourt chose to disregard the balance in its calculation of the net marital estate. This Court cannot uphold the District Court's judgment as within the realm of its broad discretion if we have no inkling of its thought processes. Petitioner's second contention is that the District Court erred in including less than ten percent of the balance remaining on the Thorn contract in the marital estate. Citing section 40-4-202, MCA, petitioner argues that there is no legal basis for limiting appreciation in land values over the course of the marriage by a fraction reflecting the ratio of prenuptial to post-nuptial payments made toward the original purchase price. Petitioner believes that such a valuation unduly minimizes her contribution as homemaker and ranch wife and disregards the statutory mandates of section 40-4-202, MCA. We agree. The District Court reasoned that petitioner was only entitled to 4.7 percent of the value of the Thorn Place as a result of the parties' marriage because only $562.68 of the $2,000.00 balance remaining at the time of marriage was paid with jointly-acquired funds, the rest being paid with the proceeds from the sale of property Fred acquired before the marriage. Five hundred sixty-two dollars and sixty- eight cents represents approximately 9.4 percent of the original purchase price; therefore, only 9.4 percent of the balance remaining on the sale of the Thorn Place, one-half of which could be attributed to Beverly Larson's contributions during the marriage, should be included in the marital estate. The consequence of the court's reasoning was exclusion of $25,629.06 from the net value of the marital estate. Respondent maintains that the District Court's reasoning is in keeping with the language of section 40-2-202, MCA, and the broad discretion afforded a District Court under section 40-4-202, MCA. The Court is not impressed with respondent's defense of the District Court's order. Section 40-2-202, MCA, refers to a married person's property rights during a marriage. The days when section 40-2-202, !