Matter of Rules of Appellate Proced

X THE SLTREME CO'tAT OF 'THE STATE OF 230XTAXA In order to resoh e confusion as to m-hat is encompassed within a notice sfappeal from a final judgment, IT 1 HEREBY ORDERED that, effective the date of this order, Rule 4(c) of the s Montana Rules of Appellate Procedure is mended ta read as folfows (deleted language is indicated by strikeout; new language is underlined): Content ofthe notice of appeal. The aotice of appeal shall specify the party or parties taking the appeal: and shall designate the judgment;: J order O W a w e a l e d from, An ap~eaI from a judgment d ~ a inko question w all previous orders and rulings excepted or objected to and tChlch led up to and produced the judement. The notice of appeal shall substantially cumply with Fonn 1 in the Appendix of Farms to Rule 54. An appeal shall not be title dismissed for informality of form 01- of the ~iotiee appeal, so long as the of inftlmation required in. Fctm 1 in the Appendix of Foms ta Rule 54 is contained in the notice of appeal, The Clerk is directed to mail copies af this order to West G~oup, State Reporter Publishing Company and the Montarza Lawyer with the request that it be published in their respecthe pubiicatioas; to the Director of Legal Sew~ces sfthe Montana Legislative Services Division; m d ro all Clerks ofthe District Court of the State of Montana with a request that each Clerk Furnish a copy tg the District Cou1-t Judges. DA'TED this - @a % dy ' of October, 2003. Fd smith CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT STATE OF MONTANA