01/18/2023 Case Number: DA 22-0565 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case No. DA 22-0565 DANIEL BRIAN BOUDETTE, Appellant, v. TAMMY MARIE BOUDETTE, n/k/a TAMMY MARIE OSKERSON, Appellee [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RESPOND TO OPENING BRIEF Upon consideration for Appellee’s motion for extension of time to file her response to Appellant’s opening brief, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Appellee Oskerson’s response brief shall be filed on or before February 21, 2023. No further extensions will be granted unless Appellee notifies the Court as to the reason for the extension and whether there is an objection to the motion. DATED this ___ day of January, 2023. For the Court, Electronically signed by: Bowen Greenwood Clerk of the Supreme Court January 18 2023
Boudette v. Boudette
Combined Opinion