Alliant Energy Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

                  United States Court of Appeals


        Argued April 6, 2001       Decided June 19, 2001 

                           No. 99-1448

               Alliant Energy Corporation, et al., 


              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 

              Enron Power Marketing, Inc., et al., 





                           No. 99-1544

                  Enron Power Marketing, Inc., 


              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 

               MidAmerican Energy Company, et al., 

     Steven J. Ross argued the cause for the MAPP Members as 
petitioners in No. 99-1448 and as intervenors in No. 99-1544.  
Catherine M. Giovannoni and Richard T. Saas were on brief.

     Jeffrey D. Watkiss argued the cause for Enron Power 
Marketing, Inc. as petitioner in No. 99-1544 and as interve-
nor in No. 99-1448.  Ronald N. Carroll was on brief.

     David H. Coffman, Attorney, Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission, argued the cause for the respondent.  Dennis 
Lane, Solicitor, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, was 
on brief.

     Donna M. Attanasio argued the cause for intervenors 
Northern States Power Company and Northern States Power 
Company (Wisconsin) in No. 99-1448.  Earle H. O'Donnell 
was on brief.

     Isaac D. Benkin was on the brief of intervenor Nebraska 
Public Power District in No. 99-1448.

     Before:  Williams, Sentelle and Henderson, Circuit 

     Opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge Henderson.

     Karen LeCraft Henderson, Circuit Judge:  The petitioners 
challenge two decisions of the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (Commission or FERC) that ordered the Mid-
Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) to refund "third party 
compensation" charges it assessed customers after March 1, 

1997 for transmitting electricity into or outside of the MAPP 
geographical area.  First, a group of petitioning MAPP mem-
bers (MAPP petitioners) assert that the ordered refunds are 
impermissibly retroactive and that they were incorrectly cal-
culated.  In addition, petitioner Enron, a MAPP member and 
beneficiary of the refunds, maintains the refunds should 
include not only the third party compensation charges, as the 
Commission directed, but also a portion of the amounts 
Enron paid MAPP border utilities, based on their tariff rates, 
to transmit the energy inside or outside the MAPP area.  For 
the reasons set forth below, we reject all of the petitioners' 
arguments and deny both petitions for review.


     MAPP is an association of energy transmission utilities, 
generators and marketers serving an area encompassing part 
or all of several midwestern and western states and two 
Canadian provinces.  Among other functions, MAPP coordi-
nates energy sales and transmissions between and among its 
members.  Before 1994 MAPP's energy pooling agreement 
required its members to provide free, reciprocal transmission 
service to other members.  In 1994 the pooling agreement 
was amended with the addition of a tariff, "Schedule F," that 
imposed a charge for transmissions among MAPP members, 
but at a discounted distance-based rate rather than at the 
individual transmitting members' filed tariff rates.  FERC 
accepted the new agreement, including Schedule F, in a 
decision dated December 15, 1994.  Mid-Continent Area 
Power Pool, 69 F.E.R.C. p 61,347 (1994).  The Commission 
provided the following explanation for its decision to accept 
the new schedule:

     Notwithstanding our concerns with the calculations and 
     adjustments discussed above, we will accept the proposed 
     MAPP rates for filing because MAPP's methodology 
     produces rates that are just and reasonable and not 
     unduly discriminatory or preferential when tested 
     against traditional standards.  We note that the single 
     system-wide MAPP rate that members will pay for ser-
     vice over the entire MAPP system is lower than the rate 
     that each jurisdictional MAPP member could separately 
     propose under a traditional rate while taking into account 
     distance and power flows.
Id. at 62,307.

     In March 1996 MAPP filed a proposed restated pooling 
agreement that amended Schedule F to include a new section 
2.4 requiring that a MAPP member purchasing energy from 
or selling energy to a non-member arrange for extra-MAPP 
transmission with a MAPP border utility (paying the border 
utility's tariff for the transmission) and, in addition, that the 
member pay MAPP itself the Schedule F intra-pool transmis-
sion charge in order "to compensate Members for third party 
use of their systems in connection with [the] sales or pur-
chases."  Joint Appendix (JA) 56.1

     On May 16, 1996 the Commission issued "Order 888," a 
final rule which requires generally that each public utility, 
and utility pool, file an "open access tariff" by a specific 
deadline.  Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open 
Access Non-discriminatory Transmission Services by Public 
Utilities and Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities 
and Transmitting Utilities, Order No. 888, 61 Fed. Reg. 
21,540, 21,541 (1996) (codified at 18 C.F.R. s 35.28).  The 

     1 Section 2.4 of the filing provided in full:

     Additional Use of Rate Schedules:  In addition to the primary 
     purpose of this Tariff, as set forth in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, the 
     Members shall also use the rate schedules appended hereto to 
     compensate Members for third party use of their systems in 
     connection with sales or purchases by Members to or from non-
     Members that otherwise meet the requirements of a Coordina-
     tion Transaction.  Such transactions must be scheduled and 
     arranged by the transacting parties under the Transmission 
     Providers' Open Access Transmission Tariffs or other trans-
     mission agreements.
JA 56.  Section 1.7 of Schedule F defines a "Coordination Transac-
tion" as "[a]ny sale for resale of power and/or energy between 
Members, for a period not to exceed two years, using existing 
generation and transmission facilities."  JA 48.

order required power pools such as MAPP to file both 
"reformed power pooling agreements" and "a joint pool-wide 
Final Rule pro forma tariff" not later than December 31, 
1996.  Id. at 31,728.  The reformed power pool agreement 
must "establish open, non-discriminatory membership provi-
sions and modify any provisions that are unduly discriminato-
ry or preferential."  Id.  The tariffs, like all open access 
tariffs filed under Order 888, are required to conform both to 
the "pro forma tariff" set out in the final rule2 and to FERC's 
1994 Transmission Pricing Policy Statement, 59 Fed. Reg. 
55,031 (1994), clarified, 71 F.E.R.C. p 61,195 (1995) (Policy 
Statement).3  See Order 888, 61 Fed. Reg. at 21,541, 21,618-

     On September 12, 1996 the Commission issued a decision 
accepting the restated MAPP agreement filed the previous 
March, including Schedule F.  Mid-Continent Area Power 
Pool, 76 F.E.R.C. p 61,261 (1996).  The Commission noted its 
1994 order had found that the tariff's methodology, "while 

     2 The pro forma tariff was issued in its final form in "Order 
888-A," 62 Fed. Reg. 12,274 (Mar. 14, 1997).

     3 The Policy Statement espoused a "new policy ... designed to 
allow much greater transmission pricing flexibility than was allowed 
under previous Commission policies."  59 Fed. Reg. at 55,031.  The 
Commission announced therein that it would "permit more flexibili-
ty to utilities to file innovative pricing proposals that meet the 
traditional revenue requirement and will allow such proposals to 
become effective 60 days after filing, as long as they satisfy certain 
pricing principles" and "the Commission determines that such a 
pricing proposal meets the statutory requirements of the [Federal 
Power Act], i.e., is just and reasonable and not unduly discriminato-
ry or preferential."  Id. (footnote omitted).  One of the principles 
that had to be satisfied was the "comparability standard" "for 
judging whether access to transmission services is unduly discrimi-
natory, or anticompetitive."  Id. at 55,034.  Under that standard, 
"[a]n open access tariff that is not unduly discriminatory or anti-
competitive should offer third parties access on the same or compa-
rable basis, and under the same or comparable terms and condi-
tions, as the transmission provider's uses of its system."  Id. 
(footnote omitted;  alteration original).

flawed, produced rates that were just and reasonable and not 
unduly discriminatory or preferential when tested against 
traditional standards" because "the single system-wide MAPP 
rate that members would pay for service over the entire 
MAPP system would be lower than the rate that each public-
utility MAPP member could separately propose under a 
traditional, postage stamp rate while taking into account 
distance and power flows."  Id. at 62,341-42 (citing 69 
F.E.R.C. at 62,307).  The 1996 restated Schedule F, the 
Commission concluded, "still produces rates that are reason-
able when compared to the rate that each public-utility 
MAPP member could separately propose using a traditional, 
postage stamp rate methodology."  Id. at 62,342.  The Com-
mission nevertheless warned MAPP:

     Nothing in this order relieves MAPP public utility mem-
     bers of their obligations under Order No. 888 to file a 
     joint pool-wide pro forma tariff no later than December 
     31, 1996, and to begin to take service under that tariff for 
     all pool transactions no later than December 31, 1996. 
     They must also file a reformed power pooling agreement 
     no later than December 31, 1996 that establishes open, 
     non-discriminatory membership provisions and modifies 
     any provisions that are unduly discriminatory or prefer-
     ential. When those filings are made, the Commission will 
     review rate and non-rate issues pertaining to MAPP to 
     ensure that MAPP's public utility members are comply-
     ing with Order No. 888.
Id. at 62,336;  see also id. at 63,342 (noting that "issue [of 
special rates] can be renewed when MAPP files its joint pool-
wide pro forma transmission tariff in response to Order No. 
888");  id. n.11 ("Under Order No. 888, public-utility members 
of loose pools like MAPP must file reformed power pooling 
agreements no later than December 31, 1996, and a joint 
pool-wide pro forma transmission tariff no later than Decem-
ber 31, 1996.  Therefore, we will soon have another opportu-
nity to review rate issues when the revised MAPP agreement 
is filed.").

     On December 24, 1996 MAPP submitted a "compliance 
filing," as required by Order 888, which included a substan-
tially unchanged Schedule F.  On February 20, 1997 Enron, 
after being assessed the third party charge for extra-MAPP 
transmission in accordance with Schedule F, intervened to 
challenge the MAPP compliance filing as inconsistent with 
Order 888 and its pro forma tariff.  In an order issued 
February 28, 1997 the Commission declared that MAPP's 
submissions were "hereby accepted for filing and suspended 
for a nominal period, to become effective March 1, 1997, 
subject to refund and subject to the issuance of further 
orders."  78 F.E.R.C. p 61,203, at 61,883 (1997).

     On March 10, 1997 Enron sent MAPP a letter complaining 
that imposing the Schedule F charges on top of the border 
utility's individual tariff rate charge for extra-MAPP trans-
mission was discriminatory.  When the parties failed to re-
solve the dispute internally or through mediation, Enron filed 
a complaint with the Commission on August 19, 1997 assert-
ing MAPP's filing did not conform to the Order 888 pro forma 
tariff because it discriminated against extra-MAPP transac-
tions.  Enron sought a declaration that MAPP violated Order 
888 by failing to file an open access tariff and by assessing 
the third party charges and requested that the Commission 
order MAPP to (1) file a conforming nondiscriminatory tariff 
without third party additive charges and (2) refund to Enron 
the third party charges it had paid.

     In an order issued April 15, 1999 the Commission directed 
MAPP "to eliminate tariff provisions that are related to 
member-restricted services," 87 F.E.R.C. p 61,075, at 61,310 
(99), and specifically to eliminate section 2.4 which it found 
"unacceptable," id. at 61,313.  The Commission also directed 
MAPP to provide "refunds for any and all billings under the 
compliance tariff ... for transactions periods [sic] commenc-
ing March 1, 1997, the date that MAPP's compliance tariff 
became effective."  Id. at 61,324.

     Enron filed a "Request for Clarification or Alternatively 
Rehearing" of the April 15, 1999 decision, seeking a declara-
tion that the refunds should include not only the third party 

charges but also the difference between the transmission 
charges Enron paid (based on the border utilities' tariffs) and 
what Enron would have paid if charged the discounted mem-
ber transmission rate.  The MAPP petitioners also filed for 
rehearing, on behalf of MAPP, challenging the Commission's 
authority to order retroactive refunds and the method of their 
calculation.  In an order issued November 1, 1999 the Com-
mission denied each rehearing petition and clarified that the 
refunds should be limited to the third party compensation 

     Both the MAPP petitioners and Enron petitioned the court 
for review.


     First, MAPP asserts the third party compensation charge 
refund ordered by the Commission constitutes retroactive 
ratemaking in violation of the Federal Power Act.  "The 
governing principle is that when there is a 'substitution of 
new law for old law that was reasonably clear,' the new rule 
may justifiably be given prospectively-only effect in order to 
'protect the settled expectations of those who had relied on 
the preexisting rule.'  By contrast, retroactive effect is appro-
priate for 'new applications of [existing] law, clarifications, 
and additions.' "  Public Serv. Co. of Colo. v. FERC, 91 F.3d 
1478, 1488 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (quoting Williams Natural Gas 
Co. v. FERC, 3 F.3d 1544, 1554 (D.C. Cir. 1993)), cert. denied, 
Amoco Prod. Co. v. Public Serv. Co. of Colo., 520 U.S. 1224 
(1997).  In this case, the Commission's April 15, 1999 decision 
rejecting MAPP's compliance filing and ordering refunds was 
a permissible application of existing law, Order 888, which the 
Commission had issued on May 16, 1996.  MAPP nonetheless 
contends that, when it submitted its compliance filing on 
December 24, 1996, it reasonably relied on the Commission's 

     4 Meanwhile, MAPP filed, and the Commission approved, a re-
vised Schedule F which, inter alia, eliminated both the border 
utility tariff charge and the third party compensation charge and 
extended the discounted intra-pool rate to extra-pool transmission.  
See Mid-Continent Area Power Pool--Order on Compliance Filing, 
88 F.E.R.C. p 61,157 (Aug. 2, 1999).

September 12, 1996 decision accepting Schedule F for filing 
and expressly concluding that its methodology, "while flawed, 
produced rates that were just and reasonable and not unduly 
discriminatory or preferential when tested against traditional 
standards."  See 76 F.E.R.C. at 62,341.5  We conclude MAPP 
could not reasonably rely on the September 1996 order to 
establish that Schedule F, and in particular section 2.4, 
complied with Order 888.

     Order 888 was expressly designed "to remedy undue dis-
crimination in access to the monopoly owned transmission 
wires that control whether and to whom electricity can be 
transported in interstate commerce."  61 Fed. Reg. at 51,541.  
Under Order 888 every electrical transmitter was required, 
for the first time, to file an open access tariff that conformed 
to both the Commission's new pro forma tariff and its 1994 
Policy Statement.  61 Fed. Reg. at 21,541, 21,618-19.  Once 
this new regime took effect and MAPP made its compliance 
filing, as Order 888 required, it could not reasonably rely on 
the pre-Order 888 acceptance.  See Public Serv. Co. of Colo. 
v. FERC, 91 F.3d 1478, 1490 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (reliance on 
Federal Power Commission treatment of state tax under 
National Gas Act "would have been foolhardy" because subse-
quent "enactment of [Natural Gas Policy Act's] substantially 
new regulatory regime ... undermined any assurance" that 
such treatment would "withstand scrutiny under the [Natural 
Gas Policy Act]").  The unreasonableness of MAPP's claimed 
reliance is particularly apparent when viewed in context.  The 
Commission had expressly warned MAPP in the September 
12, 1996 acceptance order that the rates would be reexamined 
under Order 888 after the compliance filing due in December 
and repeated this warning when it accepted the December 
1996 filing subject to refund on February 28 1997.  It should 
therefore have come as no surprise to MAPP that the Com-
mission subsequently reexamined Schedule F, found the tariff 

     5 With regard to retroactivity, the MAPP petitioners acknowledge 
that "[t]he only question before this Court is whether MAPP 
reasonably relied on the September 1996 Order when it restated its 
schedule F rates in the Order No. 888 compliance filing."  MAPP 
Reply Brief at 7.

was discriminatory under both Order 888 and its pro forma 
tariff and ordered refund of overcharges paid after March 1, 

     The MAPP petitioners next challenge the refund order on 
the ground that the Commission did not determine the 
amount charged non-member purchasers and sellers was 
above that which was "just and reasonable" so as to warrant a 
refund.  They argue that, because the stacked rates of indi-
vidual members were available as an alternative to Schedule 
F and were higher than the Schedule F rates charged, the 
Schedule F rates are necessarily reasonable and no refunds 
are due.  This contention, however, ignores the heart of the 
matter:  the discriminatory effect of Schedule F, which the 
Commission resolved by ordering reimbursement of the of-
fending section 2.5 charge.  That an alternative rate exists 
that is higher than the Schedule F rate is of no consequence.

     Finally, Enron contends it should have recovered refunds 
not only of the discriminatory third party charges but also of 
the difference between each charging border utility's tariff 
rate and what it would have been charged had the discounted 
intra-MAPP rate been applied to the extra-MAPP transmis-
sion.  The Commission, however, provided a simple and rea-
sonable justification for refusing to order a refund of any part 
of the border members' tariff rates:  those rates were never 
placed at issue in this proceeding.  Enron's complaint did not 
challenge their justness and reasonableness.  As a conse-
quence the Commission made no finding they were unjust or 
unreasonable and they are not a part of the filing that was 
the subject of the proceeding below but are set out in the 
individual border members' separately filed tariffs.  See 89 
F.E.R.C. at 61, 389.7

     6 The brief discussion of section 2.4 in the April 14, 1999 decision 
expressly cites only the 1994 Policy Statement, 87 F.E.R.C. at 
61,323, but other passages in the order make clear that the Com-
mission found MAPP's tariff discriminatory under Order 888 as 
well, see 87 F.E.R.C. at 61,309-10, 61,074-75.

     7 The Commission also contends now, with some force, that it 
lacks authority to order MAPP to refund charges that were collect-

     For the preceding reasons the petitions for review are


ed and retained by third parties, namely the charging border 
members. In light of our holding, however, we need not address this 
issue and we therefore dismiss as moot MAPP's motion to strike 
the portion of Enron's reply brief responding to it.


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