COURT OF APPEALS SANDEE BRYAN MARION FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT KEITH E. HOTTLE CHIEF JUSTICE CADENA-REEVES JUSTICE CENTER CLERK OFCOURT KAREN ANQELINI 300 DOLOROSA, SUITE 3200 MAR1A1.YN BARNARD SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205-3037 REBECAC MARTINEZ WWW.TXCOURrS.GOV/JTllCOA.ASPX TELEPHONE PATRICIA O. ALVAREZ (210)335-2635 LUZ ELENA D. CHAPA JASONPULLIAM FACSIMILENO, JUSTICES (210)335-27fi2 April 28, 2015 David L. Brenner Bradley Dean McClellan P.O. Box 26300 1701 Directors Blvd.. Suite 110 Austin, TX 78755-O3OO Austin. TX 78744 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 04-14-00685-CV Trial Court Case Number: 12-0823-CV Style: American Casualty Co. of Reading. Perm, v. Denise Bushman as Beneficiary of Clayton F. Bushman, Jr., Deceased Dear Counsel: The above cause has been set for formal submission and oral argument before this Court on June 24. 2015. at 9:00 AM. before a panel consisting of Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion. Justice Rebcca C. Martinez, and Justice Elena D. Chapa. Argument is limited to twenty (20) minutes to each side and ten (10) minutes rebuttal for the appellant. If you do not wish to present argument, you must notify this Court in writing within seven (7) days of receiving this notice. Very truly yours. Sandee Bryan Marion. Chief Justice
American Casualty Co. of Reading, Penn. v. Denise Bushman as Beneficiary of Clayton F. Bushman, Jr.
Combined Opinion