NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC., ASUS COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL, INC., BFG TECHNOLOGIES, INC., BIOSTAR MICROTECH (U.S.A.) CORP., BIOSTAR MICROTECH INTERNATIONAL CORP., DIABLOTEK INC., EVGA CORP., G.B.T. INC., GIGA- BYTE TECHNOLOGY C0., LTD., HEWLETT- PACKARD COMPANY, MSI COMPUTER CORP., MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, -LTD., GRACOM TECHNOLOGIES LLC (F0RMERLY KN0wN As PALIT MIJL'rIME:n1A INc.), PALIT MICROSYSTEMS LTD., PINE TECI-INOLOGY (MACAO COMMERCIAL 0FFSHORE) LTD., AND SPARKLE COMPUTER COMPANY, LTD., Appellants, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND RAMBUS, INC., Interuen0r, AND NVIDIA CORPORATION, Intervenor. AsUSTEK c0MPUTER v. ITc 2 20 10- 1556 On appeal from the United States Internati0na1 Trade C0mmissi0n in Investigati0n N0. 337 -TA-661. NVIDIA CORPORATION, Appellan,t, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, ._ AND RAMBUS, INC., Interven0r. 2010-1557 On appeal from the United States Internati0na1 Trade C0mmiSSi0n in Investigati0n N0. 337~TA_-661. ' RAMBUS INC., Appellan.t, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND NVIDIA CORPORATION, In,tervenor. F 3 ASUSTEK COMPUTER V. lTC 2010-1483 On appeal from the United States lnternational Trade Commission in lnvestigation No. 337-TA-661. ON MOTION ORDER Rambus Inc. moves without opposition to treat appeal nos 2010-1556, -1557 as consolidated appeals for pur- poses of briefing and moves to treat those cases as com- panion cases with 2010-1483 for purposes of oral argument The lnternational Trade C0mmission moves for an extension of time, until March 28, 2011, to file its consolidated response brief in 2010-1556, -1557 and its response brief in 2010-1483. The appellants in 2010- 1556, -1557 move to suspend the time to file "‘a corrected brief and to accept the previously submitted brief. Upon consideration thereof IT ls 0RDERED THAT: ~ (1) The motions are granted Consolidated briefs shall be filed for 2010-1556, -1557. That case will be argued consecutively with 2010-1483 before the same merits panel (2) The brief filed by the appellants in 2010-1556, -1557 is accepted for filing (3) The ITC's brief in 2010-1556, -1557 is due March 28, 2011. Rambus's consolidated brief in 2010-1556, -1557 is also due March 28, 2011. The ITC's brief in 2010- 1483 is due March 28, 2011. The Intervenor‘s brief in 2010-1483 is also due March 28, 2011. ASUSTEK COMPUTER V. ITC JAN 13 2011 Date cc: Paul M. Bartkowski, Esq. I. Neel Chatterjee, Esq. J. Michael Jakes, Esq. Ruffin B. Cordell, Esq. s20 FOR THE CoURT lsi J an Horbaly J an Horbaly Clerk 'nC 53-q 3101 sga Q'\:lu U.S. CO EALS FOR THE RCUIT 1111 13s2o1_1 lAN1'BBAI.¥ C1.EH1