(after stating tlie facts as above). The fact of a distinction between the liability of an employer for an injury caused by the negligence of his emplové or his servant, and the liability of an owner for an injury caused by the negligence of an independent contractor who undertakes to execute specified work upon the owner’s property, was formerly not well recognized (Bush v. Steinman, 1 Bos. & P. 404), but is now distinctly understood (Hilliard v. Richardson, 3 Gray, 349). If any confusion now exists, it is in regard to the controlling tests that determine the character of the particular contract which is under examination. The two kinds of employment are frequently close to each other, and, while it is often not difficult to appreciate and understand the difference between the two classes of contracts, it is sometimes difficult to express the distinctions with exactness of language. The cases of Casement v. Brown, 148 U. S. 615, 13 Sup. Ct. 672, and Railroad Co. v. Hanning, 15 Wall. 649, illustrate that, while two contracts may apparently be similar in phraseology, yet their nature and subject-matter may place the respective contracting parties in different relations to each other. The tendency of modern decisions is not to regard as essential or controlling the mere incidentals of the contract, such as the mode and manner of payment (Corbin v. American Mills, 27 Conn. 274), or whether the owner can discharge the subordinate workmen, and not to regard as essential, or an absolute test, so much what the owner actually did when the work was being done, as what he had a right to do. Many circumstances may combine, as in Butler v. Townsend, 126 N. Y. 105, 26 N. E. 1017, which show that the relation of an independent contractor exists, but the significant test, which courts regard as of an absolute character, has been variously expressed by them as follows:
“The test, I tlfinlv, always is, bad the superior control or power over the acting or mode of acting of the subordinates? * * * Was there a control or direction of the person, in opposition to a mere right to object to the quality or the description of the work done? * * * On the other hand, if an employer has no such personal control, but has merely the right to reject work that is ill done, or to stop work that is not being rightly done, but has no power over the person or time of the workman' or artisan employed, then he will not be their superior, in the sense of the maxim, and not answerable for their fault or negligence.” Lord Gifford in Stephen v. Commissioners, 3 Sess. Cas. (4th Series Scot.) 535, 542.
In Linnehan v. Rollins, 137 Mass. 123, 125, the instruction of the trial judge, which was adopted by the appellate court, was:
“The absolute test is not the exercise of' the power of control, but the right to exercise power of control.”
“The test lo determine whether one who renders service to anotlior does so as a contractor or not is to ascertain whether he renders the service in the course of an independent occupation, representing the will of his employer only as the result of his work, and not as to the means by which it is accomplished.”
In Casement v. Brown, supra, the court, by Mr. Justice Brewer, said:
“The will of the companies [the owners] was represented only in the result of the work, and not in the means by- which it was accomplished. This gave +o the defendants the status of independent contractors, and that status was not affected by the fact that, instead of waiting until the close of the work for acceptance by the engineers of the companies, the contract provided for their daily supervision and approval of both material and work.”
—-Whereas, in Railroad Co. v. Hanning, supra, the court found that Che essence of the contract to rebuild an old wharf, and “make it as good as new,” was a reservation of the power, “not only to direct what shall be done, but how it shall be done.”
In the case now under consideration the contract was not in writing, but was manifested by the course of business between the parties, and the witnesses are not at variance as to its terms. There was no question before the jury as to the evidence, but the plaintiff in error insists that it was entitled to a ruling that the legal conclusions from the evidence must be that the firm of carpenters stood in the position of independent contractors, or at least that the question of the character of the contract was one for the jury. The members of the court concur in the opinion that the fads (lid not entitle the plaintiff to the absolute ruling which was asked for,.and the majority are of opinion that the only just inferences from the testimony are that the relation between the shipowners and the carpenter was that of master and servant. The dissenting judge thinks that the inferences, might be twofold, and that the question should have been submitted to the jury.
The steamship company had for four years before the accident been operating a line of steamers carrying horses, cattle, and general cargo from New York. Whenever a si earner arrived in port, its fittings for cattle and other equipments for the carriage of freight required repairs, which were uniformly made by Kirkham & Son, who charged for work by the hour, and for material by the foot. The dock superintendent of the steamship company, in reply to the question, “Describe- to us how the work is done; who gives the directions?” said:
“There are hardly any directions to be given. Mr. Kirkliam lias a foreman there, and he goes to work. — being used to this work, he knows just what is to be done; and lie goes ahead and does this work regularly each week, excepting possibly when we have horses. AVhen we have horses, then I counsel him how many horses.”
In reply to the question, “What kind of work do they do on the ship, and how long are they there generally each trip?” he said:
“Some of them are there most all the time while the ship is in port. There is so many things to be done — fitting up the boat for grain, and tinkering around, one thing and another; living up the cattle fittings; fixing up for the horses— that it takes a larger or smaller gang, according to the amount of work, most of the time the ship is in port.”