This is an appeal by Edward C. Ball, one of the accountants in the matter of certain accounts of the trustees under the will of Carlos E. Ball, deceased, from a decree charging the accountants with items of income and principal of the trust estate.
Carlos E. Ball, hereafter referred to as the testator, died January 10, 1909, leaving a widow, Elizabeth W. Ball, and a grandson, Edmund Ball Hopkins, a minor. The testator gave the residue of his estate to Edward C. Ball, William Leavens and Frederick H. Page in trust to pay the income to his widow during her life; at her death one third of the estate was to be divided among the testator’s heirs at law with the exception of the grandson, to whom was to be paid the income of the remaining two thirds until he arrived at the age of twenty-five, when one half of the principal was to be paid him, and he was to receive the balance of the principal when he reached the age of forty. The widow was ap
The testator was a member of the firm of Conant, Ball and Company, chair manufacturers at Gardner. Edward C. Ball, his nephew, and Charles C. Brooks were the other members of the firm. The testator had a half interest, Edward C. Ball a one-third, and Brooks a one-sixth interest in the business. The articles of partnership provided that on the death of a partner the surviving partners had the right to purchase the share of the partnership. In order to exercise this right the surviving partners were to give written notice of their election to purchase to the executor of the deceased partner within thirty days of the appointment of the executor. If they were unable to agree upon the price to be paid for the share of the deceased partner, the value was to be determined by arbitration.
At the hearing in the Probate Court in 1925-1926 the accounts were opposed by Edmund Ball Hopkins. In 1926 Freelon Q. Ball as executor of the will of Elizabeth W. Ball, Edmund Ball Hopkins, the Malden Trust Company (the trustee appointed to succeed the trustee Ball who had resigned) and Edwin M. Wolley, guardian ad litem for the minor children of Edmund Ball Hopkins, moved for a rehearing, which was granted. The administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Carlos E. Ball was admitted as a party respondent. At the hearing in 1927 the judge found that the surviving partners of the testator1 elected to purchase his interest in the partnership; that being financially unable to comply with the stipulations in the partnership articles they organized a corporation known as the Conant Ball Company to accomplish the purchase. This corporation was capitalized at $150,000, represented by three hundred shares of common stock and twelve hundred shares of preferred, at a par value of $100 each. All the common stock, with the exception of three qualifying shares, was held by Edward C. Ball and Brooks in the proportion of seven twelfths by the former and five twelfths by the latter. Of the preferred stock five hundred and twenty shares were held by Edward C. Ball and six hundred and eighty shares
The price for the purchase of the partnership interest of the testator as finally agreed upon by the surviving partners, the executrix, and her counsel Hamilton and Eaton, was $152,040.42. This payment, according to the judge’s finding, was provided for by cash payments of $15,000 each by Edward C. Ball and Charles C. Brooks, by a cash payment of $22,040.42 from the partnership surplus, by the purchase for $32,000 of the testator’s half interest in Gardner real estate (which price was secured by a mortgage at five per cent on the entire tract), and by the issue to the trustees of six hundred and eighty shares of the preferred stock in the new corporation. It was found that the purchase price of the partnership interest of the testator was adequate. Dividends on the preferred stock were paid, as was the interest on the mortgage except for the period between February 1 and October 20, 1909. In 1&22 it was voted to retire the preferred stock by payment in full, and in November of that year the mortgage was discharged.
During the negotiations preceding the sale of the partnership interest to the corporation, the only advisers of Mrs. Ball were Edward C. Ball and Messrs. Hamilton and Eaton. Ball testified that two years before the death of the testator "the latter "spoke to . . . [him] about putting a lot of confidence in . . . [him], and putting everything in . . . [his] hands,” saying, "I know you will do the same by my widow as I would do by yours.” The firm of Hamilton and Eaton began to render services for Edward C. Ball and Charles C. Brooks in connection with the organization of the company on the date when "they began to form the corporation.” The judge found that Hamilton and Eaton organized the Conant Ball Company corporation "and, ever since its organization have been its general counsel”; that the widow at the time of the negotiations was sixty-eight or sixty-nine years of age with no accurate knowledge of the business of Conant, Ball and Company; that she consulted Hamilton and Eaton on four or five occasions after her husband’s death
At the death of the testator the surplus representing the earnings of the several partners remaining in the business was $189,990.02, of which amount $122,040.42 was due the testator. The profits of the corporation from 1910 to 1924 were $843,340.34; the dividends paid during this period amounted to $435,100 on the common stock and $83,700 on the preferred. In February, 1922, it was voted to retire the preferred stock of the corporation. In February, 1923, a stock dividend of four hundred per cent, payable to the common stockholders, was declared. The decree recited that while the trust fund was invested in the preferred stock the corporation derived profits from the use of this fund in excess of the dividends paid; that the preferred stock was retired after large profits had been realized therefrom which enured in part to the profit of Edward O. Ball without the knowledge or consent of all the persons interested therein; that the corporation realized from the land mortgaged profits in excess of the interest paid thereon, without the knowledge or consent of all the parties interested; and it was decreed that the beneficiaries were entitled to all the income and principal earned by the trust fund while invested in the preferred stock and in the mortgage. ■
1. The judge found it was not a fact that the parties beneficially interested consented to the sale of the testator’s interest in the partnership to the corporation on the terms agreed "with full and complete knowledge of the facts.” This finding, as well as all his findings of facts, is to be given due weight; his decision, depending on the oral evidence of witnesses who testified before him, is not to be reversed unless plainly wrong. Corkery v. Dorsey, 223 Mass. 97, 100. Witherington v. Nickerson, 256 Mass. 351, 354.
An examination of the reported evidence does not show that the judge was plainly wrong. Edward C. Ball was
2. If a trustee deals fairly, openly and in good faith, a transaction in which he is personally interested will not be avoided. Warren v. Pazolt, 203 Mass. 328, 340. Colburn v. Hodgdon, 241 Mass. 183, 191. But no advantage could be taken of the parties beneficially interested, by misrepresentation or concealment of any important fact, and they must be in a position to understand the nature and effect of the contract. Brown v. Cowell, 116 Mass. 461. The burden of proof was on the trustee to show this and to show that the contract was advantageous to the person for whom he was acting. Witherington v. Nickerson, 256 Mass. 351, 356.
3. It was found as a fact, as we construe the findings of the judge, that Mrs. Ball did not consent to the sale with full and complete knowledge of the facts; she relied entirely on Ball, the trustee, and the attorneys, who were also acting for the surviving partners in the formation of the corporation and who since that time have been its general counsel. The investment of such a large part of the estate in the preferred
4. Furthermore, Edmund Ball Hopkins, who was interested in the remainder, was a minor and was not represented in the transaction. He became of age in 1921, and during his minority he had no legal guardian. Denholm v. McKay, supra, page 443. Bennett v. Pierce, 188 Mass. 186.
5. The decree provides that the beneficiaries are entitled to all income and principal earned by the trust fund while invested in the preferred stock and in the mortgage note of the Conant Ball Company. The decree was warranted so far as it concerned the preferred stock. In our opinion, however, it was wrong in including the mortgage as a part of the trust investment for which the trustees were chargeable with the money earned by this mortgage, in addition to the interest paid on the mortgage note. We assume that this mortgage was given in 1909. It was given to pay the purchase price of the share of the testator in the real estate in
The investment in the preferred stock was not a proper investment, and the beneficiaries are not precluded from contesting the accounts on the ground that this investment was authorized by a decree of the Probate Court. Bennett v. Pierce, supra. On this point the accountant relies on Farquhar v. New England Trust Co. 261 Mass. 209. That case is not in conflict. Neither the estate of Mrs. Ball nor the remaindermen are barred by the conduct of Mrs. Ball in assenting to the allowance of the first five accounts of the trustee or by her own accounting as executrix. Bennett v. Pierce, supra. Upon all the facts the decree in so far as it considered the preferred stock a part of the trust fund was not erroneous.
6. The contestants contend that the issuance of the preferred stock to the beneficiary was a breach of trust; that when retired the preferred stock was worth more than $100 a share; and that the preferred stock had the right to participate in the stock dividend. The judge found, in effect, that the preferred stock was not retired for the purpose of preventing it from sharing in the stock dividends. This was a question of fact; we see no reason why the finding should
7. Edward C. Ball contends that it was error to charge the accountants with profits. It has been held in some cases where an investment has been disallowed that the trustee is to be charged with the amount of the investment with interest. State Street Trust Co. v. Walker, 259 Mass. 578, 584. But this rule does not in all cases prevent the beneficiaries of a trust from recovering profits where trust funds have been used by the trustee in his business. It was said in Bowen v. Richardson, supra, at page 296: “The rule is general and fundamental, that no person holding trust funds can be allowed to derive any personal gain or advantage, either directly or indirectly, from the use thereof, but he must manage them with a single eye to the advantage of the trust estate; and, if he assumes to use them in any manner for his own benefit or in his own business, he must account for all the profits arising from such use, if profits are made, or for the principal and interest, in case of loss. The persons interested in the trust estate have the'option of taking the profits, or of taking interest. This rule is applicable to every kind of fiduciary relation .... It is also applicable to every mode in which such trustees may either directly or indirectly seek to derive a personal gain or advantage from the use of trust funds, whether by using the same in their personal business, or by treating the same as a loan to one or more or all of themselves, either with or without security, or to their partners, or to a firm of which they are members, or otherwise. Whatever form the transaction may assume, the salutary rule must be enforced which forbids them from reaping a personal profit from the method which they adopt of investing or managing the trust estate.” In our opinion this rule is appli
8. The fact that the executrix of the will of Carlos E. Ball •sold the testator’s interest in the partnership to the trustees and consented to take the stock in payment does not, under all the circumstances disclosed, prevent the beneficiaries from ■securing the profits which the trustee gained for himself by the transaction. We do not think that in the case at bar the principle laid down in Vyse v. Foster, L. R. 8 Ch. App. 309; L. R. 7 H. L. 318, is inconsistent with what is here decided.
9. The accountant further contends there was error in comparing the trust capital with the par value of the capital stock of the corporation; that, for the purpose of determining the profits which the contestants should receive, the ratio must be determined by the trust capital on the one hand and the total invested capital on the other. The method pursued in ascertaining profits was substantially this: The total investment of the trust estate amounting to $100,000, made up of the $68,000 of preferred stock and the $32,000 mortgage, was first considered. The earnings of the corporation were then taken into account, deducting taxes, interest and dividends paid the estate. The profits were then apportioned according to the capital stock of the corporation, $150,000, the resulting fraction being 100/150. One contention of the accountant is that the proper comparison should be with the -actual invested capital; that the actual invested capital was $212,000 and the fraction should be 100/212 instead of 100/ 150v We find-no error in the method pursued by the judge
10. The accountant asked for the ruling that, if the trustee was chargeable with any profits, those profits should be determined after due allowance for profits attributable to the personal services of Edward C. Ball and Charles C. Brooks, “and for this purpose the nominal salaries actually received by them should be disregarded.” This ruling was refused. It appeared that from 1909 to 1917 the salaries were fixed by the board of directors; after that date the salaries were increased. In an accounting between partners allowance is to be made for the skill and services of the surviving partner. Robinson v. Simmons, supra. The salaries of Ball and Brooks we assume were deducted in ascertaining the net earnings of the corporation. They agreed, it could have been found, to the salaries actually fixed by the board of directors of the corporation they controlled. The judge was not required to allow them greater compensation, even if there was
11. In the statement of findings it appeared that the executor of the will of Mrs. Ball was entitled to income in an amount equal to such proportion of all the net earnings of the corporation during the time its preferred stock was held by the trustees “as the amount of capital from time to time held by the trustee bears to the entire capitalization less the five per cent dividends already paid . . . that the remaindermen are entitled as principal, to the same proportion of the accumulated and undistributed earnings of the corporation at the time the preferred stock was bought in by it.’! In the final decree, the accountants were charged with $124,305.24 balance of dividends due the estate of the life beneficiary, Mrs. Ball, and were charged with $132,930.25, the balance of earnings not distributed which were due the remaindermen. On this branch of the case the accountant contends that the entire charge for dividends and undistributed earnings is income, and since it accrued during the life of the life tenant, “her estate is entitled to the whole unless otherwise barred.” The life tenant and the remaindermen did not contest the decree, they did not appeal, and apparently are satisfied with the decision made. Edward C. Ball alone appealed. Strictly speaking, the accountants are not interested in the question whether the undistributed earnings are treated as income or principal, this concerns only the life tenant and the remainder-men. But we think the judge was right in his ruling on this point. He sought to make an equitable distribution of the earnings, and apparently followed the rule of Minot v. Paine, 99 Mass. 101, that a stock dividend in a corporation was capital as between the life tenant and remainderman. See in this connection Kinmonth v. Brigham, 5 Allen, 270; Westcott v. Nickerson, 120 Mass. 410.
13. The accountants were charged with interest on the profits due the estate of Elizabeth Ball, and with interest on the undivided profits belonging to the remaindermen. In
We do not consider it necessary to discuss the question raised by the contestants as to the legality of the issue of the preferred stock.
The decree was wrong in allowing interest on the profits received and in computing the profits on the basis of the entire earnings of the corporation instead of computing them on the basis of Edward C. Ball’s share in the profits; it was also wrong in including the mortgage of $32,000 as a part of the trust fund entitled to share in the profits. The decree is to be modified accordingly and when so modified is to be affirmed.
Ordered accordingly.