Opinion by
This is an appeal from the remand order of the Court of Common Pleas No. 6 of Philadelphia County, in a workmen’s compensation case, by the claimant-appellant, Willie James Barber. The remand order held that the findings of the Board were not supported by sufficient legally competent evidence and directed the Board to find facts in accordance with the court’s opinion.
This case has had an eventful history. It began with the Referee refusing benefits. On appeal, the Board reversed but remanded to the Referee for findings and conclusions in accord with its decision and for the further purpose of determining medical and hospital expenses. The appellees appealed to the Court of Common Pleas No. 6 of Philadelphia County. After the filing of this appeal a stipulation was made as to medical and hospital costs. The Referee then made his findings and conclusions and awarded benefits. The appellees appealed to the Board which affirmed the Referee. The appellees again appealed to the Court of Common Pleas No. 6 of Philadelphia County. The remand order followed and then this appeal by the claimant.
The claimant was 37 years of age at the time of the hearing and was employed by the appellees, a building contractor, as a manual laborer, since March of 1959,
The pertinent finding of facts affirmed by the Board .are as follows:
“4. That in compliance with the Board’s directions, the Referee finds as a fact that the claimant, Willie James Barber, while lifting rolls of tar, each roll being about four feet long and weighing between 150 and 175 lbs. in the regular course of his employment with the defendant, on August 8, 1960, overexerted himself and this overexertion was the primary cause of his present disability. He is therefore entitled to award of compensation benefits.
And the following pertinent conclusion of law:
“The Referee further concludes as a matter of law that the events described in Findings of Fact No. 4 constitute an accident within the provisions of the Pennsylvania Workmen’s Compensation Act.”
Where the accident lies in the work, as opposed to the injury, it has been said that there must be either “unusual work” or usual work in an unusual manner. Query v. Alleg. Pgh. Coal Co., 141 Pa. Superior Ct. 517, 15 A. 2d 564 (1940). Where the lifting is held to be unusual it generally involves a heavy object. In Durga v. Williams, 89 Pa. Superior Ct. 156 (1926), the claimant lifted a scoop weighing 200 lbs. which ordinarily would require two men to lift. The medical testimony was that death was due to the exertion. It was held that the death was the result of undue exertion of lifting the scoop into place.
It cannot be said that lifting tar rolls of the size and weight described, unassisted, was ordinary, usual or routine labor. As the Board said: “There was a substantial deviation from the Claimant’s usual duties on that day. We find as a fact that his employment with the Defendant on August 8, 1960, required a materially greater amount of exertion than that to which he was ordinarily subjected.” In Sosna v. Ford Motor Co., 192 Pa. Superior Ct. 456, at page 460, 161 A. 2d 657 (1960), this Court said: “An injury is compensable where the work in which an employe was engaged at the time of the occurrence was of a different nature and required a materially greater amount of exertion, risk or exposure than that to which he was ordinarily subjected.”
In workmen’s compensation cases the courts may not weigh the evidence or decide what inferences should be drawn therefrom, nor make additional findings, change or correct the findings, or substitute its own findings. 42 P.L.E. §438. The question for the reviewing Court is whether there is competent evidence to support the findings of fact involved. Downing v. Leechburg Min. Co., 195 Pa. Superior Ct. 574, 171 A. 2d 857 (1961). “The compensation authorities may make findings of fact from direct proof, circumstantial evidence, or by inference . . .”. Falls v. Tenn. Furn. Co., 122 Pa. Superior Ct. 550, 555, 186 A. 272 (1936). The evidence and the inferences must be viewed in the light most favorable to the claimant and it is the exclusive province of the Board to weigh the evidence and to accept or reject the testimony of a witness. Meehan v. Philadelphia, 182 Pa. Superior Ct. 161, 126 A. 2d 488 (1956).
There is no conflict in the medical testimony in this case to the effect that the claimant is disabled from doing any kind of physical work as a result of the failure of the spinal fusion, i.e., pseudoarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine, has disabled the claimant. There is conflict as to causation. The credibility of medical witnesses and the weight of their testimony are matters for the Board. McCann v. Cross Brothers Meat Packers, Inc., 205 Pa. Superior Ct. 255, 208 A. 2d 887 (1965). Here, where the disability is so immediate, direct and persuasive—“my back popped and I couldn’t straight up, pains went through my leg”—and the
Dr. Klinghoffer, an orthopedic surgeon, testified that tbe necessity for tbe herniated disc operation and tbe spinal fusions, which resulted in tbe disability, was tbe result of tbe overexertion of tbe claimant in lifting tbe tar roll when bis back “popped”. Tbe Board found Dr. Klinglioffer’s testimony was “clear, convincing, persuasive and credible. In bis testimony, tbe causal relationship between tbe over-exertion and tbe injuries which tbe Claimant now has, is definitely established.” Tbe doctor stated unequivocally when asked for bis opinion, as follows: “Having begun at tbe time, pseudoarthrosis is not tbe result of the incident, but tbe result of something that occurred as a result of tbe incident. Tbe pain problem is tbe pseudoarthrosis which is tbe result of an unsuccessful attempted spinal fusion which was performed because of tbe incident in August of 1960.”
We have decided that tbe Board properly concluded as a matter of law that tbe extraordinary exertion that resulted in tbe back injury constituted an accident. However, if, arguendo, tbe facts upon which this conclusion is based were not supported by competent evidence, tbe claimant is still entitled to an award under tbe theory of unusual pathological result.
There may be a compensable accident where an employee is performing bis usual work when an unexpected and unusual pathological result occurs. In such a case tbe accident resides in tbe extraordinary exercise of tbe effect rather than the cause. As Judge Weight said in Wance v. Gettig Eng. & Mfg. Co. Inc.,
In the instant case our claimant was a healthy, normal workman with no prior history of accident, disease or ailment of any kind. He was lifting heavy rolls when he heard his back “pop” and suffered pain in the lower back. The subsequent operations to repair the back damage failed so that he is totally and permanently disabled as a result of pseudoarthrosis caused by the lifting incident on August 8, 1960. We find that in this case, even if the claimant were performing his usual work, that his disability was the occurrence of an unusual and unexpected pathological result, a compensable accident.
The Order of the court below is reversed and the record is remitted to the court below with direction to enter judgment in accordance with the award.