The plaintiffs, as administrators of Eliphas M. Day, deceased, in the year 1847, and after the first Monday of July of that year, brought a suit against the defendant, upon a guaranty in writing, endorsed on a promissory note made by Lucius Loss and George Kemp, in these words: “ For value received I guaranty the collection of the within note, and waive all notice. July 19,1842. Ira Beecher.” It was admitted that E. M. Day died in December, 1842. It does not appear by the case to whom the note was made payable, nor the amount for which it was given, nor the time when. There was due on the day of trial, in the county court, according to the verdict of the jury, $208,78. We may infer that the note was payable to Ira Beecher or order, or that it was given to Day in his lifetime, at the same time the guaranty was executed; in either of which cases the charge of the judge contained no error of which the defendants could complain. (Bee Lequeer v. Prosser, 1 Hill, 256. Miller v. Gaston, 2 Id. 188. 3 Id. 584.) The plaintiffs were entitled to recover.'
But there is another question of greater importance in this case, and .which deserves a careful examination. The action was assumpsit, commenced in the Saratoga county court after the first Monday of July, 1847, and was tried at the January term, 1848. The parties were inhabitants of Saratoga county, as we may infer from the evidence, and the sum claimed did not exceed two thousand dollars. This appeal, therefore, involves an inquiry as to the constitutionality of the 30th section of the judiciary act of May 12,1847, and incidentally of a part
The question is whether original civil jurisdiction can be conferred by the legislature on the county court, in any action known to the common law. The provision in the constitution, under which the question arises, is the fourteenth section of the sixth article; and is in these words: “ The county court shall have such jurisdiction in cases arising in justices’ courts, and in special cases, as the legislature may prescribe; but shall have no original civil jurisdiction, except in such special cases.” A subsequent clause in the same section, authorizes the legislature “to confer equity jurisdiction in special cases, upon the county judge.” The 30th section of the judiciary act of May 12, 1847, carries out the constitutional requirement above referred to, and prescribes in what special cases the respective county courts shall have original civil jurisdiction. It is in these words: “ The county courts in each county shall have power to hear, try and determine, according to law, suits and proceedings by scire facias to revive any judgment in said courts, or that shall have been rendered in the present court of common pleas of said county, or to have execution of said judgments, or to revive any suit in said county courts; also of suits and proceedings for the admeasurement of dower, or for the partition of'lands, when the lands are situated in the county where the court is held ; also to hear, try and determine, according to law, the following actions, when all of the defendants at the time of the commencement of the action, reside in the county in which said court is held; actions of debt, assumpsit and covenant, when the debt or damages claimed shall not exceed two thousand dollars; actions for assault and battery, and false imprisonment, when the damages claimed do not exceed five hundred dollars; actions of trespass, and trespass on the case, for injuries to real or personal property, when the damages
In determining the question before us, it becomes necessary to inquire what is meant by the term special cases in the fourteenth section of the sixth article of the constitution, and what department of the government is clothed by that instrument, with power to determine, in the first instance, the meaning of that term.
I.” The question what is meant by the term, special cases, was discussed in the senate, when the judiciary act was before that body, and more fully before the judiciary committee which reported the bill. It was contended by the learned chairman of that committee, now holding a seat on this bench, that, by the term special cases the framers of the constitution intended to confine the original civil jurisdiction of county courts to those particular cases to which the ordinary common law actions are not applicable. It is not improbable, from the discussions in the convention, that some of its members supposed this clause restricted the jurisdiction of the courts to certain statutory proceedings and cases, such as granting licenses for ferries, and the like. But the views of particular members of the convention are of subordinate importance. Those gentlemen were no better qualified to judge of the meaning of the constitution than their constituents. The instrument derives its force from the sanction given to it by the peopje at the polls. It is to be understood according to the language in which it is clothed. Judge Story has well collected the rules for interpreting a constitution or statute, in his Commentaries on the Constitution. (Vol. 1, p. 382 et seq.) Without repeating his several rules, with their qualifications and limitations, it is sufficient in general to observe, that the terms of the instrument are to be construed according to the sense and intention of the parties by whom it was adopted. This intention is to be gathered from the words, the context, the subject matter, the effects and consequences, or the reason and spirit of the instrument. When
In looking at the question in dispute in the light of these rules, we shall find that the term case, in other parts of the constitution, and in divers parts of the revised statutes, is indisputably used as synonymous with cause or action. Thus in the 10th section of the 6th article it is said, “ The testimony in equity cases shall be taken in like manner as in cases at law.” If the term cases, in this passage, it to be construed as meaning merely a special proceeding, and not as embracing actions, the improvement with respect to taking the proofs on the equity side of the court, is a mere illusion. But, if we understand the term as synonymous with actions, it reconciles every difficulty, and harmonizes with other parts of the instrument.
So also by the 5th paragraph of section 14, now under discussion, it is declared that “ the legislature may confer equity jurisdiction in special cases upon the county judge.” Under this clause, the 31st section of the judiciary act of April 12,1847, conferred equity jurisdiction on the county courts, in the following cases: “ 1st. In suits and proceedings for the foreclosure of mortgages, when the mortgaged premises are situated in such county. 2d. For the sale of real estate of infants, when the real estate is situated and the infants reside in such county. 3d. For the care and custody of lunatics and habitual drunkards, residing in such county. 4th. For the satisfaction of judgments and decrees on which there shall remain due a sum exceeding seventy-five dollars, out of the property of a debtor, when an execution has been returned unsatisfied, and said debtor resides in such county. 5th. For the partition of lands in such county. 6th. For the admeasurement of dower in lands in such county.” If the term special cases, in this paragraph of the constitution, is to be restricted to the narrow
There are other parts of the constitution in which the same term is used, and in the same sense which the legislature have adopted. Thus the 23d section of the 6th article authorizes the establishment by the legislature of tribunals of conciliation, with such powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, and with authority to render obligatory judgments on the par
The term “ special,” whether applied to “cases” or other judicial subjects, has long had a well known signification in outlaws. It is used in opposition to general, and thus means a designating of a species or sort—a separation of a part from the whole. The 8th chapter of the revised statutes, part 3d, entitled “ of proceedings in special cases,” affords a legislative exposition of the term, adopted nearly twenty years ago, and acquiesced in ever since. That chapter embraces the entire action of replevin; an action supposed to be known to the common law for at least five hundred years, and in use two centuries before the action of assumpsit, which is the creature of the statute. In the 3d article, title 2d, chap. 1, of part 2d “ of powers,” the legislature divides them into general and special; and defines a general power to be when it authorizes the alienation in fee, by means of a conveyance, will, or charge of the lands embraced in the power to any alienee whatever; and a special power to be, 1st. When the person or class of persons to whom the disposition of the lands under the power is to be made, are designated; and 2d. When the power authorizes the alienation, by means of a conveyance, will, or charge of a particular estate less than a fee. Thus the term special is applied when the persons or estate, less than the whole, which are the objects of the power, are designated. It is correctly so applied. The term special is obviously used in the same sense in title 1, chap. 4, of part 2d, “Of limited partnerships;”in the 2d section of which is described the difference between general and special partners. It is used in a similar sense in the act relative to bills of exchange and promissory notes, in title 2d of the same chapter; and the difference between a general and special endorsement and acceptance, in the law merchant, has long been known. We have the same distinction of the terms as applied to courts and terms of courts. Thus we have the geneal sessions and the special sessions; the latter having only a
From what has been said we may deduce the conclusion that special cases in equity embrace such subjects of litigation, or of judicial cognizance, falling within the range of equity jurisdiction, less than the whole, as the legislature may prescribe. And we may also infer that the special cases of which the legislature is authorized to give the county courts original jurisdiction, by the first clause of the 14th section of article 6, embrace causes of action which were formerly redressed by actions at common law, but limited either with respect to the amount to be recovered or the residence of the parties. The term special is put in opposition to general cases. The latter-embraces all causes of action of whatever amount, wheresoever and by whomsoever committed, and by whatever name described. This jurisdiction is by the 3d section of article 6th conferred upon the supreme court, which, under the constitution, is the only tribunal having general jurisdiction' in law and equity. Any court on which a jurisdiction may be conferred over any portion of the general cases less than the whole, either with respect to the name of the remedy, the residence of the parties, the amount to be recovered, or the location of the matter in dispute, may appropriately be said to have jurisdiction in special cases. It is precisely this jurisdiction which the legislature, by the judiciary act of 1847, conferred upon the county court; and we think that this exercise of their authority was warranted by the constitution.
The objections which are raised to the foregoing construction of the constitution are derived from the supposed opinion of the prevailing majority in the convention which formed that instrument. {See note in the first report of the commissioners on practice and pleadings, p. 43, et seq.) This opinion is presumed to be adverse to the existence of the power, because the
II. We proceed now to inquire what department of the government is clothed with the requisite power to decide, in the first instance, what is meant by special cases. This is devolved upon the legislature, by the constitution itself. The third article of the constitution vests the legislative power of this state in a senate and assembly. There is no restriction or limitation of this power affecting the present question. By the 5th section of article 6, it is in express terms declared, that “ the legislature shall have the same powers to alter and regulate the jurisdiction and proceedings, in law and equity, as they have heretofore possessed.” The 14th section of the 6th article restricts the legislature from granting original civil jurisdiction to the county courts, except in such special cases as they shall prescribe; and thus by necessary implication, authorizes the legislature to confer upon those courts original civil jurisdiction in such special cases. The legislature is the body upon which is devolved the duty of putting the government in motion under the new constitution. Without its aid, the various departments of government would have remained forever in a state of suspended animation. No election could have taken place, nor could the means of supporting the government have been otherwise obtained. The courts could not have acted, until they were duly organized, and the appropriate subjects of jurisdiction assigned to them. It therefore necessarily devolves upon that body to decide first, what are special cases, and secondly, to prescribe which of these shall be assigned to the county courts.From the nature of things, confidence must be reposed somewhere. In the present instance it is intrusted to the people’s own immediate representatives; and why should the exercise
The power to prescribe the “ special cases,” is, in the present instance, absolute and unrestricted. It is not only the right, but the duty of the legislature to act in the premises. It must make the selection of some out of many special cases, to fulfil the mandate of the constitution. It must, therefore, according to the dictates of reason, be allowed to judge for itself and make its own selection. It is responsible to its constituents for the wisdom of its choice, but there is no other appeal. The fitness of the selection can never be determined in a judicial forum. It is as much within the control of legislation as the details of the election law, the law giving compensation to public officers, or any other administrative law. The legislature thus having the power of prescribing what are special cases and what are not, the more or less special, or whether or not of the character which particular members of the convention intended, can never enter as an ingredient into a judicial decision.
The learned commissioners on practice and pleadings, in their note, pages 41, 42 in their first report, insist that it was not the intention of the constitution to confer jurisdiction on the county courts for the trial of ordinary actions between party and party. They maintain that it was a cherished object of the constitution to have a common tribunal for the trial of all civil actions, except those cognizable by a justice of the peace. After quoting the language of the constitution, “ The county courts shall have such jurisdiction in cases arising in justices’
So far as the constitution is to be construed by its words, our views have already been expressed, and need not be repeated. But we think also the commissioners err, when they say, that the construction given to the section in question by the legislature of 1847, renders the qualifying words of no meaning. Without these qualifying words, it is conceded that the whole subject of jurisdiction would be at the disposal of the legislature without limitation or restriction. That body might then confer jurisdiction in general cases upon every subject of judicial cognizance. With these words, the power of the legislature is limited to such special cases as they may prescribe. The difference in construction between the section in the constitution with the qualifying words and without them, is precisely the difference between special and general cases. It is the difference between the exercise of a power, restricted to such limits as they in their wisdom may judge fit, and the exercise of a power without limitation or restraint. The convention, therefore, did no vain and idle act, when they inserted the qualifying words in question, and neither the legislature of 1847 nor that of 1848 transcended their power when they conferred upon the county court original civil jurisdiction in common law actions,
The learned commissioners, in our judgment, repose too much on the presumed private intentions of the “ prevailing majority” in the convention; as if the constitution was a mere grant from the convention, and the people its beneficiaries. We have already endeavored to show the fallacy of this reasoning.
It has been already remarked, that the legislature is clothed by the constitution with power to determine, in the first instance, the meaning of the term special cases. The same principle applies to every department of the government upon which any duty is devolved. It must decide, in the first instance, upon the circumstances under which its power is invoked, and whether, consistently with the constitution the act can be done. If, for instance, the executive is applied to for a pardon, he is not only authorized but required to decide for himself whether he has a constitutional power to grant it or not. If he grants it, in a case in which the power is not delegated to him, or against the regulations which the legislature, under the constitution may prescribe, the act may be a nullity. But there are many cases in which the decision of the executive, thus made, becomes final and conclusive, being from their very nature and character incapable of revision. Thus, should the executive grant a pardon, in a case within his constitutional power, but for reasons manifestly insufficient, the act would be legal, because there is no power to review it. So also in measures of a political or administrative character, where the supreme authority belongs to the legislative and executive departments, those measures cannot be re-examined elsewhere. Thus, the legislature, having the power of taxation, the question as to whether the tax should be one cent on the dollar, or two cents, can never become the subject of re-examination in any other tribunal. And yet, cases may readily be imagined, in which a tax may be laid, upon motives and grounds wholly beside the intention of the constitution. (See 1 Story on Con. 545, 546, § 374.) The case under consideration belongs to the same class of powers where a discretion is confided to the legislative
But when the question is of a different nature, and capable of judicial inquiry and decision, it admits of a different consideration. The decision there made, by the legislature or executive, whether in favor or against the constitutionality of the act, being capable, in its own nature, of being brought to the test of the constitution, is subject to judicial revision. It is in such cases, as we conceive, that the judiciary is made the final arbiter, provided by the constitution itself, to whose decisions all others are subordinate. An exemplification of this principle will be seen, should the legislature attempt to take the private property of a citizen, for public purposes, without compensation, contrary to section six of the first article of the constitution. In such case the citizen whose rights were invaded could invoke the aid of the judicial power to prevent the mischief, or to obtain redress after the mischief had been accomplished.
In conclusion, we entertain no doubt that the 30th section of the judiciary act of 1847, was a just exposition of the jurisdiction intended by the constitution to be conferred upon county courts, and that the legislature is the sole and exclusive judge of the subjects of jurisdiction thus to be assigned, provided such assignment is not of general and unlimited authority, but is special in its character.
The judgment, therefore, of the county court must be affirmed.
Cady, P. J. [after disposing of the other parts of the case, proceeded to discuss the constitutional question as follows:]
Another ground was urged on the argument, for reversing the judgment; to wit, that the county court had no jurisdiction of the cause, for the reason that the act of the legislature, professing to confer jurisdiction, was unconstitutional and void. An objection to a statute ought to be very obvious, to justify this court in pronouncing it void. By the 14th section of the 5th article of the constitution, it is declared that “ the county courts shall have such jurisdiction in cases arising in justices’ courts,
What are special cases? To whom did the constitution* delegate the power to determine what suits and proceedings might be known as special cases ? The legislature was to determine of what special cases a county court should have jurisdiction, and on the 12th of May, 1847, they undertook to designate them, and amongst other special cases, they gave the county courts jurisdiction over actions of assumpsit when all the defendants reside in the county in which the action is commenced, and the damages claimed do not exceed two thousand dollars. That, as the legislature of 1847 understood the constitution, was a special case. It was distinguished from all others, that the defendants must all reside in the same county, and not more than two thousand dollars must be claimed. Who can undertake to say that the legislature of 1847 violated the constitutiop by calling that a special case ? If they are to be condemned as violators of the constitution, the legislature of 1848, and the commissioners of the code, must share the same fate. '
Title four, § 33 of the code of procedure, enacts that “ the county courts shall have jurisdiction in the following actions and proceedings.” And what are they ? “ For the foreclosure or satisfaction of a mortgage and the sale of mortgaged premises within the county.” A suit or action in the court of chancery, for the foreclosure or satisfaction of a mortgage, and the sale of mortgaged premises,” was as well known when the con
The judgment of the county court must be affirmed.
Paige, J. concurred in the result of the foregoing opinions.
Hand, J. not having heard the whole argument, gave no opinion.
Judgment affirmed.