It will be convenient to consider, first, that part of the will which relates to the establishment of a dispensary for indigent sick and lame persons. By that provision the testator declared that he “ would wish a public dispensary, as in Hew York, on a similar plan, for indigent persons, both sick and lame, to be attended, by a physician elected to the establishment, at their own houses, and also daily
But, in this view of the present question, the objections encountered are, that the discretion was personal to the individuals appointed to be executors, and that they renounced the trust. That the discretion was personal, and not official, it hardly needs argument to prove. The duties to be performed were of a responsible and delicate character; and they were certainly distinct from those which are usually devolved on the office of executor. For the performance of these duties, the testator selected the persons in whose integrity and fitness he was willing to confide; and he made no provision for a devolution of the trust upon any one else in any event whatever. The plaintiff is the administrator with the will annexed: but he cannot, in that character, execute powers and trusts which were personal to the executors who have renounced. The statute, it is true, provides that, “in all cases where letters of administration with the will annexed shall be granted, the will of the deceased shall be observed and performed; and the administrators with such wills shall have the same rights and powers, and be subject to the same duties, as if they had been named executors in such will.” (2 R. S., p. 72, §22.) This statute has not been understood as introducing any new principle of law. (Dimmick v. Michaell, 4 Sandf. S. C., 409, 410; Edgerton's Adm'rs v. Conklin, 25 Wend., 233.) Its terms, broad
The written renunciation of the executors, filed in the office of the Surrogate, was, in terms, of their office as such. That renunciation has been followed by twenty years of non-interference with the estate of the decedent, in any character whatsoever. They have never taken any step in the direction of giving - effect to the charities confided to their judgment and discretion. In behalf of these charities it has been argued that, although the assets of the deceased passed into the hands of the administrator, yet the personal trust reposed in the executors still lives, and is capable of execution. But their renunciation of the executorial office, followed by this long period of inactivity, can mean no less than an absolute and final abdication of the trusts contained in the will. They had a right to take that course. Conceding that they might, if they had chosen so to do, devise a plan for a dispensary, appoint the place of its location, and designate the necessary amount of funds, so that a court of equity might compel the administrator to appropriate the sum required, yet they were under no legal obligation to perform these acts. Having refused to qualify as executors, they never became accountable for any portion of the estate to be applied in charity or otherwise. Rejecting, then, the estate and the executorial duties which the testator wished to cast upon them, they certainly were not bound to accept any peculiar and still more confidential rela
The argument, therefore, for sustaining this provision of the will, founded on a supposed discretion in the executors, the exercise of which might render the testator’s wishes definite apd -certain, must fall to the ground. Upon all the facts before us¡, their renunciation of all right or intention to act must be deemed final and the discretion extinct and gone. Intestacy as to 'any portion of the estate designed for the dispensary is the necessary result; because, in this view of the subject, the testator has failed to speak. (Fontain v. Ravenel, 17 How. U. S., 369.) I am speaking here of intestacy according to legal rules. The cy pres power of courts of equity, where charity is the purpose or object of a bequest which is void or inoperative at law, will be hereafter considered.
If, taking another view of the provision in question, we say that the executors were not appointed to be the authors of a scheme for the proposed dispensary, with discretionary powers as to the amount of endowment and other circumstances, we shall find the difficulties still more obvious. All that we can ascertain from the language of the testator is, that he had in his mind a vague and shadowy conception of a dispensary, similar to those in the city of Hew York, without any determinate views as to the place of its foundation, the mode of perpetuating and governing it, or the amount of expenditure
There is, then, no principle of law or rule of. equity regulating trusts, other than charitable, which will support this, bequest. The inquiry, therefore, now is, whether there is anything in the law of charitable uses, as a peculiar system, by
There are two cases, recently decided in this court, which deserve a particular attention, because the principles expressly asserted in the one, and conceded, if not affirmed, in the other, are decisive’of the present question. In Williams v. Williams (4 Seld., 527), a testator bequeathed the sum of $6,000 to three trustees as a fund for the education of poor children at the
The other case to be particularly noticed is Owens v. The Missionary Society of The Methodist Episcopal Church, determined three years later (14 N. Y., 380). In that case the bequest was of the residue of the testator’s estate to “The \Methodist General American Missionary Society appointed to preach the gospel to the poor, L. C.” That society was unincorporated at the time of the testator’s decease, and the gift was .directly to it, without the intervention of any trustee to take and administer the fund and maintain the charity. An opinion, concurred in by a majority of this court, was delivered by Judge Selden, in which, with great learning and research, he traced the jurisdiction of the English. Chancery over charitable uses to its respective sources; and he came to the conclusion that the peculiar features of that system of law were derived from the statute of 43 Elizabeth, and, consequently, that those peculiarities are no part of the law of this State. The bequest was adjudged to be void; a majority of the judges assenting to that conclusion, not only upon the basis laid down in that opinion, but also on the ground that the indefiniteness of the charitable purpose indicated by the testator would vitiate the gift, even according to the English law. There is certainly a want of coincidence between the opinion of Judge Selden and that of Judge Denio, in the previous case, upon a question of juridical history, which I am inclined to think is not one of fundamental imoortance. We are justified in so thinking,
. It is an obvious conclusion from these premises, that the law of charities cannot be invoked in aid of the bequest now under consideration. It has been shown that, in one view of the
The sum intended for .the dispensary was to be taken from the residuum of the testator’s estate, after satisfying certain enumerated legacies. That object being provided for, the testator then bequeathed his remaining estate to his executors in trust, to apply the same, in their discretion, as “ they should think fit and proper,” to the treasurer or other officer having the pecuniary management of any one or more societies for the support of indigent and respectable persons, especially females and orphans, and for the use of said societies; and he declared it to be his intention to give to his executors discretionary power as to the disposition of the fund,- so that it be applied to objects of charity. This provision will require but a brie consideration. The first inquiry is, whether the sum designed for a dispensary, in consequence of the failure of that purpose, goes to the next of kin as undisposed of, or falls into the ultimate remainder under this clause. If the latter, then the whole residue of the estate, after satisfying the specific bequests, is given to the executors for the charitable purposes mentioned in the final clause. But such is not the construction or effect of this provision. The general rule undoubtedly is, that, in a will of personal estate, a general residuary clause carries to the residuary legatees whatever is not otherwise legally and effectually disposed of. Such is the presumed intention of the testator in most cases. But the authorities do not apply this doctrine where the bequest is of the residue of a residue and the first disposition fails. The opposite rule, I think, universally prevails in such cases. In tire case of Skrymsher v. Northcote (1 Swanst., 570), the Master of the Bolls said: “ It seems clear on the authorities that a part of the residue of which the disposition fails will not accrue in augmentation of the remaining parts as a residue of a residue; but, instead of resuming the
Now, we have seen that the sum which the testator intended to give for a dispensary was wholly uncertain in amount, and that the bequest was void on that and other grounds. As that portion of the residuum must go to the next of kin as undisposed of the final gift of the remainder involves precisely the same uncertainty, and is void for the same reason. In order to ascertain the amount of this gift, the sum intended to be previously appropriated out of the whole residue must first be known. But, as that cannot be known, the ultimate bequest falls to the ground also. This is clear in reason and logic, and it is well settled by authority. In Chapman v. Brown (6 Ves., 404), a testatrix gave a residue of her estate to her executors in trust, 1st, to build a chapel, but devoting no particular sum to that object; 2d, if there should be any overplus, for the Vupport of a preacher, not exceeding £20 a year; and, 3d, if ary further overplus, the sum was to be expended in such charities as the executors should think proper. Here was a residuum divided into three parts. The first gift was adjudged void, '.as against the laws of mortmain. The second, being ■ dependent upon the first, failed also. As the chapel could not be built, no preacher was wanted. The third and last, standing by itself was conceded to be good, according to the law of charitable uses in England. But the objection to it was, that the amount of that bequest could not be ascertained without first determining what sum would have been required to build the chapel, which, together with the £20 per annum for the preacher, did not fall into the ultimate residuum, but went to the heirs and next of kin. But that sum was held to be incapable of ascertainment, because the cn- ;>el was not to be built, and the final remainder to general & tarity was therefore equally uncertain. That bequest was also aujiidged to be void on this ground alone, and the whole residuary estate was consequently declared to be undisposed of by the will. This decision, which has always been recognized as a sound one, not only establishes
The final bequest, therefore, in the case now before us, was void for the reason that the remainder of the residuary estate intended to pass to the executors under that bequest, is incapable of being ascertained. It is also void by reason of the indefiniteness of the object of the gift. If this defect could be aided by an exercise of the unlimited discretion reposed in the executors, to whom the fund was given in trust, they have renounced, not only as executors but as residuary legatees k trust also. On this branch of the question, enough has be/an said in examining the provision in regard to the dispensar^.
The remaining question arises upon the provision Which directed the executors to purchase a farm in trust for the Benefit of the testator’s nephews and nieces. I am of opinion that this clause was intended to create an express trust to receive the rents and profits of land, and apply them to the usfe of the beneficiaries designated; and, consequently, that the trust, in its nature- and kind, is permitted by our statute of uses and trusts. (1 R. S., 728, § 55.) ISTo technical or precise words are necessary in order to constitute such a trust. If the direction is such as to vest the title'in the trustee; if his duties are active instead of passive; and if the possession is subjected to his control, so that he may, in his pleasure or discretion, exclude the beneficiary therefrom; and if, with these directions, there is no other declared purpose of the testator, a trust to receive the rents and profits is the necessary result of the arrangement. Bents and profits are the incidents of the possessory right; and, certainly, it is the duty of the trustee to pay them over,
In this case, the direction of the testator to the executors was to invest $6,000 in the purchase of a farm in trust, &c. The meaning of this plainly is, that they were to take the legal title to themselves as trustees. . The beneficiaries of this trust were the nephews and nieces of the testator, and a “wish” is expressed that they should “ come and occupy” the farm; but this wish is qualified by an explicit declaration that such occupancy shall be subject to the absolute control of the executors, whose directions are to be followed without “cavil or dispute.” They were to be, therefore, not merely passive trustees. Their duties were active, and they consisted in controlling the possession at their discretion for the benefit of the cestuis que trust. The latter were entitled only to the results, in other words to the rents and profits. These they might receive directly as occupants, if the trustees permitted, or they might take them from the hands of the trustees themselves. Undoubtedly, a must to receive and apply the rents and profits of land may be executed in either of these modes; and the expression of a wisl’i by a testator in favor of one mode rather than the other does'-not deprive the trust of its real character, so long as the wish is so qualified as not to interfere with the discretion and power of the trustee.
But this trust, although, as to its nature and kind, falling within the permitted class, is invalid, because it proposed an illegal suspension of the power of alienation. If the farm had been purchased according to the direction, both the legal estate of the trustees and the beneficial interest of the cestuis que trust would have been inalienable for a term of fifteen years. The beneficial interest in a trust to receive rents and profits is unassignable; and, inasmuch as the trust declared by the testator in this case ought to appear on the face of the conveyance to the executors, any sale of the legal estate by them within the fifteen years would be in contravention of such trust, and would be void. (1 R. S., 730, §§ 63, 64, 65; Hawley v. James, 16 Wend., 61.) But, with one exception,
If I am mistaken in supposing that the trust in question is of the character mentioned, and void as an attempt to suspen" the power of alienation, the only alternative construction is, that the nephews and nieces of the testator (but for the < culty arising from their alienage) would have been entitled, if the farm had been purchased, to the possession and to the/rents and profits in exclusion of the executors. In that view, the trust attempted to be created would have been passiye, and the nephews and nieces would take the legal estate. In this aspect the trust would not be illegal or void, but the use would be executed by the statute of uses and trusts, and the legal title would vest in the beneficiaries. (1 R. S., 727, §§47, 49.) The objection that they were aliens, however, stands in the way, not of this construction, but of the consequences which flow from it, because the statute of wills declares that a devise to an alien of any interest in land shall be void. (2 R. S., 57, § 4.) A direction in a will that money be laid out in land to be conveyed to or for the benefit of an alien, so as to invest him with the possession and the rents and profits, would undoubtedly fall within that provision. It is impossible, therefore, in any view,.to uphold this direction of the will.
The intention of the testator was, that a sum of money should .be laid out in land, and the rents and profits enjoyed by his nephews and nieces for fifteen years; that the land should then be reconverted, and the money divided among them. The design to give the money to them was strictly lawful; and my first impression was, that the final bequest inight take effect in their favor as a vested legacy, payable at the end of fifteen years from the testator’s decease. To reach suck a result, it is not required to execute the unlawful direction \o purchase and hold the land and then to sell and reconvert it. Ho conversion being in judgment of law possible, no reconversion is either necessary or possible. Disregarding those directions, .the original gift was of money, and it was to be finally paid over in money at a certain future period. So much of ‘the testator’s intention might, therefore, be effectuated consistently with the rules of law, and without disturbing any other portion of bis will. • In this view of the subject, I think the legacy was vested in the beneficiaries in equal shares, subject to be divested as to the equality of division by an exercise of the discretionary power of apportionment given to the trustees. (1 Boper on Legacies, 400, 402,1st Am. ed.; Hill on Trustees, 79, and cases cited; Dominick v. Sayre, 3 Sandf. S. C., 555.) I had proposed, therefore, to give effect, in the manner here suggested, to the testator’s undoubted intention that his nephews and nieces should have the "principal sum bequeathed, at the end of fifteen years. But my brethren find
All the judges agreed that the trust for. the benefit of the nephews and nieces was void for the reason last assigned; all except Denio and Mason, Js., who adhered to the views expressed by the former in Williams v. Williams (4 Seld., 527), concurred in the opinion of Comstock, Ch. J.; Selden, J.. however, took exception to some of its language in respect tío the cy pros doctrine, holding that the Court of Chancery/in supplying defects of detail in the directions for the execution of the trust by means of a scheme, exercised a power which, was purely judicial, and to which our courts have succeeded/
Judgment affirmed.