ACCEPTED 01-15-00617-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS DNRBH,.,z HOUSTON, TEXAS 7/24/2015 2:11:18 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK Denton Nava1To Rochel 8e1T1al Hyde & Zech. PC. attorneys & counselors at law • rampage/ San Antonio I Austin IFILED IN Rio Grande Valley 1st COURT OF APPEALS 2500W. William Cannon, Suite 6091Austin.Texas78745-5320 HOUSTON, TEXAS V 512-279-6431 I F 512-279-6438 7/24/2015 2:11:18 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk July 24, 2015 Mr. Duane C. Gilmore Via Electronic Notification Harris County District Clerk Civil-Family Post Trial Department 201 Caroline, Suite 250 P.O. Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210 Re: Bob Deuell v. Texas Right to Life Committee, Inc. (Cause No. 2014-32179 in the 152°d Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas) Dear Mr. Gilmore: Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, our office is requesting that you prepare, certify and file with the First Court of Appeals the Clerk's Record with the following pleadings and any and all exhibits attached thereto: 1. Plaintiffs Original Petition, filed on June 5, 2014; 2. Defendant's Original Answer, filed on August 11, 2014; 3. Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, filed on September 5, 2014; 4. [Plaintiffs] Motion for Limited Discovery, filed on September 11, 2014; 5. Notice of Hearing on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, filed on September 11, 2014; 6. [Defendant's] Certificate of Conference on Plaintiffs Motion for Limited Discovery, filed on September 11, 2014; 7. Notice of Hearing [on Plaintiffs Motion for Limited Discovery], filed on September 11, 2014; 8. [Plaintiffs] Motion for Continuance, filed on September 11, 2014; 9. Plaintiffs First Amended Petition, filed on September 24, 2014; 10. Plaintiffs Response to Defendant's Chapter 27 Motion to Dismiss; filed on September 24, 2014; 11. Affidavit of James J. Graham, filed on September 24, 2014 12. Defendant's Notice of Removal, filed on September 25, 2014; 13. Defendant's Notice of Federal Pleadings, filed on January 7, 2015; 14. Defendant's Notice of Interlocutory Appeal, filed on January 7, 2015; 15. Advisory to the Court, filed on January 23, 2015; 16. Notice of Resetting of Hearing on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, filed on February 26,2015 17. Notice of Resetting of Hearing on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, filed on May 18, 2015; 18. Order (denying Defendant's Motion to Dismiss), filed on July 1, 2015; and Serving all of Texas from our San Antonio, Austin and Rio Grande Valley offices Duane C. Gilmore July 24, 2015 21 Page 19. Defendant's Notice of Interlocutory Appeal, filed on July 13, 2015. Please contact our office as to the cost for the aforementioned pleadings and our office will submit payment to you immediately. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at (512) 279- 6431. Very truly yours, Denton Navar-ro Rocha Bernal Hyde & Zech, P.C. attorneys & counselors at law • rampagelaw . com GEORGE E. HYDE SCOTT M. TSCHIRHART GEH/SMT/ha cc: Christopher A. Prine Electronic Notification Clerk of the Court First Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002-2066 James E. "Trey" Trainor, Ill Electronic Notification BEIRNE, MAYNARD & PARSON, L.L.P. 401 W. 15th Street, Suite 845 Austin, TX 78701 Joseph M. Nixon Electronic Notification N. Terry Adams BEIRNE, MAYNARD & PARSON, L.L.P. 1300 Post Oak Blvd., 25th Floor Houston, TX 77056-3000
Bob Deuell v. Texas Right to Life Committee, Inc.
Combined Opinion