The libel in this case was filed against the schooner Edwin I. Morrison to recover for the damage done to a cargo of guano by sea-water taken aboard on the tenth day of January, 1884, on her voyage from Boston to Savannah. The schooner sailed on the fifth of January, and, according to her log, on the afternoon of the ninth of .January met a very strong gale and heavy sea, and shipped great quantities of water. The 10th opened with a strong westerly gale, sea running very high. “At 8 A. m.,” as the log continues, “set two reef foresail and storm trysail, and hove vessel to, heading about south. Found that the vessel is making water faster than we can pump her out with both pumps, the men not being able to work at pumping steadily because of heavy seas sweeping her decks. Sounded pumps, and found that sho has seven feet of water in the hold. Cut tho boat lashings, and got all ready to leave vessel, when found that the cap liad washed off the bilge pump hole on the port side. Nailed a piece of sheet load over it, and started both pumps agoing. Pumped two hours, and sounded again, and found that we are freeing her very rapidly.” The words above quoted in italics have been added to the log at some time since the original entry. The figure “7” is written over an erasure. The damage sued for was occasioned by the flooding of tho hold.
The evidence leaves no doubt that most of the water was taken in through the bilge pump hole referred to in the above extract from the log. This was a hole on the port side, in the water-ways, a short distance only in front of the poop, and ran down through the waterway between the ceiling and the skin of the ship. There was a similar hole on the starboard side. They were placed there in the construction of the ship for the purpose of running a hose down in the bilges so as to pump out the water more thoroughly in case of alight cargo and much rolling. The hole was from three to four inches in diameter, and was covered by a brass plate about four inches square, countersunk into the timber, through which was a hole covered by a brass cap which screwed into tho plate. The plate was fastened into the water-ways by screws. Such bilge pump holes are not unusual in vessels constructed in some localities, and seldom have any accidents arisen from them. The mode of covering them above described was deemed perfectly secure. Such caps usually project a little above the surface of the water-way, the upper edge of the cap being beveled off so as to leave usually not more than an eighth of an inch of perpendicular surface. -The only question in this case is whether, considering all the circumstances, any negligence is shown either in the handling of the ship, or in the sufficiency of her equipment as a seaworthy vessel, as respects the proper security of this port cap and plate.
The theory of the defense is that the plate and cap were perfectly tight; but that, through the many seas taken aboard and the washing about of many articles upon the deck, particularly of the heavy covers of the chain lockers that had got adrift, the bilge plate and cover, though perfectly sound and tight in their setting, were knocked off by violence or some accidental blow of the floating articles. Uor the libelants it is urged that this explanation is purely hypothetical, and not entitled to be accepted as a discharge of the ship’s presumptive liability.
1. I do not find any reason to charge the ship with any defect in her original construction by reason of having the bilge pump holes. The fact that they were quite commonly used in the construction of such vessels, and deemed safe; that this schooner had been in constant use during all weathers for some 11 years without any previous accident from them; that the existence of these holes was obvious upon any careful inspection or survey of the schooner; and that no objection has ever been made to them,—are a sufficient answer to any charge of unseaworthiness from the mere faet of having such holes. It is, doubtless, possible that if one of the heavy chain locker
The question is entirely ono of probability as to the cause of the plates’ coming off. If there was evidence that the plate had been knocked off by some violent blow from objects washed by the seas across the dock, it would still be incumbent upon the claimants to satisfy the court that the cap and plate were so made and so fastened as not to be liable to be knocked off by any ordinary collisions of that kind. The claimant did not introduce any proof by exact measurements to show what was the height of the cap above the water-ways, or the height of the perpendicular edge up to the beveling, nor was the duplicate cap on the starboard side produced. Only some models and samples of what is usual were exhibited. From the evidence, it must be inferred that for several years past, at least, if not ever since the schooner was finished, the cap had not been unscrewed, nor the fastenings of the plate tested.
The schooner on this voyage was also loaded deep, as the evidence clearly shows. The second mate so states explicitly. She may not have been loaded so deep as to be unseaworfhy in this respect, but she was loaded deeper than is usual or prudent for the winter season. She was a stanch vessel, and her behavior and recovery, notwithstanding she was on the verge of sinking, are good evidence as to her
<The testimony on behalf of the vessel, at the trial, I must deem somewhat exaggerated, both as to the severity of the gales she met, •and as to the amount of water on deck prior to the time when the leak became serious. After the lpak increased rapidly she necessarily settled gradually lower in the water, and consequently was much inore swept by the seas. It is noticeable that although the log says that the vessel on the 9th was laboring heavily, and shipped great quantities of water, this is not stated to have been the case on the' -10th until after 8 a. ii., several hours after this heavy leak began, although it is said the sea was running very high. The captain’s statement, moreover, that the vessel was on the port tack through the night would not make very probable a list to port before the cap was knocked off, and before the water got into the hold. His testimony in the various places where this subject is spoken of leaves it doubtful whether she had any list to port before she was headed off to run free, after 18 inches of water had been discovered at 5 o’clock; and the cap must have got off before that time. The second mate testifies that all the places where the bulwarks were carried away were “on the starboard side; that is, the weather side.” He says that about 5 o’clock he picked up one of the chain locker covers close to the poop, where it had been washed, within about two feet of the port •cap; but as this was, as he said, a little after daylight, it must have been nearer 6 o’clock than 5. This cover he says was of wood, and water-logged. If so, its edges would scarcely be sufficiently hard to knock off a plate properly secured, having only from one to two eighths of an inch of perpendicular surface.
. There can scarcely be any doubt that the cap and plate were carried off through the action of the sea and the things washed about the deck; but the evidence indicates pretty clearly that this was done before the vessel was subjected to any extraordinary conditions, aside from her deep loading; and it is certain that there was no indication of any special violence about the wood-work in that quarter, such as would be necessary to knock away such a cap if properly secured. I think that the only reasonable conclusion is that, after 11 years’ service, the fastenings had become weak, and that the plate was carried away from that cause, and not from anys extraordinary contingencies. The fact that the starboard plate was still secure does not prove that the port plate might not have become loose or weak. There had been .Ho careful inspection for a long time to make sure of its safety and
In the case of The Titania, 19 Fed. Rep. 101, there was no long lapse of time during which the original fastenings might naturally have become weak. The fastening arid the careful inspection wore recent. Here the contrary is the fact.
To be ascribed to a peril of the seas, the burden of proof is upon the vessel to show that the plate and cap were probably carried away by extraordinary contingencies not reasonably to be anticipated. The evidence does not, in my judgment, disclose any such extraordinary condition of things at the early hour of 4:30 to 5 a. m. of the 10th, considering the time of the year and the depth of loading under which the vessel set sail. It does not appear that she lost a spar or a bit of canvass, although there was doubtless a long continuation of heavy weather. The improbability that any of the supposed causes should have carried a,way the plate, if it had been properly secured at the time of sailing, without doing any other damage to the bulwarks or stanchions adjacent, I deem so great that I feel constrained to ascribe the cause, in tho absence of proof of any thorough trial or inspection of the plate before the schooner sailed, to the gradual weakening of the fastenings during the 11 years since the vessel was built.
Fully appreciating tho uncertainty and embarrassment that attend the case, I must allow judgment for the libelant, and direct an order for reference to compute the damages.