RECEIVED IN mo. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS THOMAS BROCK IN THE COURT OF J'JN 15 2015 Appellant § Abel Acosta, Clerk § Vs. § CRIMINAL § § THE STATE OF TEXAS §' OF TEXAS APPELLEE MOTION REQUESTING FOR A EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING("PDR") TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: Come, Now, THOMAS BROCK, Appellant/ and files this Motion Requesting For A Extension Of Time For Filing ("PDR"), With this Court. The, Appellant is requesting 45 days extension for filing his (PDR) within this Honorable Court. He is doing his (PDR) PRO SE and has just came off a Unit Lock down and has been unable to go to the Unit Law Library to. start his resea rch as to getting help on the requirements for a (PDR) etc. Respectfully, subratttted TnomasTE-dcl? ) PRAYER WHEREFORE, PREMEMISES, CONSIDER, Herein the Appellant, Pray's this Honorable Court will Grant this Motion Requesting for a Extension of Time for Filing (PDR) to 45 days from the date of June 22,2015. Respectfully submitted FILED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Tnomas Brock JUN18 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, THOMAS BROCK, Appellant, hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the United States of American that on June 10,2015 a Origional of the above forgoing Motion was send by U.S. Mail to the below address. CLERK OF THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS P.O.BOX 12308 Austin, Texas 78711 Respectfully submitted •"p-Ck? HOMAS BROCK /TDCJ ID #1907902 Clements, Unit 9601 Spur 591 Amariilo/TX 79107-9606 c/c BROCK ?. Clerk of the COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS P.O.BOX 12308 Austin,Texas 78711 June 10,2015 RE: Filing Motion Dear Clerk Please find inclose a Motion Requesting for a Extension of time for filing (PDR). Please assign a number to it from the Court and return me a copy of this request to You. Thank You, I look forward to Your Reply! Sincerely Thomas Brock TDCJ-ID #1907902 W.P.Clements Jr, Unit 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo,TX 79107-9606 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUN 15 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk Clerk of the COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS P.O.BOX 12308 Austin,Texas 78711 June 10,2015 REs Filing Motion.... Dear Clerk'!*' Please find inclose a Motion Requesting for a Extension of time for filing (PDR). Please assign a number to it from the Court and return me a copy of this request to You. Thank You/ I look forward to Your Reply! Sincerely 7~ Thomas Brock TDCJ-ID #1907902 W.P.Clements Jr, Unit 9601 Spur 591 AmarillcTX 79107-9606
Brock, Thomas v. State
Combined Opinion