By the Court.
In 1845, Anthony Cromer filed a bill in chancery against the executors of Peter Marks, deceased, on behalf of himself and such other legatees as might choose to come in and contribute to the expense of the suit. The bill, after setting forth the will, states that the executors, though they had funds sufficient for that purpose, declined paying the legacies to which by the terms of the will the plaintiff and his brothers and sisters were severally entitled, without a decision of some competent tribunal declaring that they were entitled to such legacies. The bill prayed that the executors might be decreed to pay to the plaintiff and to the other legatees their respective legacies. The defendants, in their answer, stated that they had refused to pay the legacies on the ground that the plaintiff and his brothers and sisters were great-nephews and nieces of the testator, and therefore not within the description of persons named in the will, and that there was no other objection against the payment of the legacies. In that suit the court made a decree, declaring that plaintiff and certain other persons therein named, among whom were the three infants, for whose benefit the proceedings in this case are taken, were each entitled to a legacy of five hundred dollars, under the fourth clause of the will of Peter Marks, they being nephews to whom legacies are given by said, clause, and authorizing the payment of such legacies.
A question is now raised as to the effect of that decree. Is it conclusive as to the rights of the legatees, or is the defendant,
It is a general rule that the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, directly upon the point, is conclusive as between the same parties and their privies upon the same matter in the same or another court. 1 Phil. Ev. 321, 324. It is also a general principle that a transaction between two parties in judicial proceedings is not binding upon a third party. Ib. The reason is, that it would be unjust to bind any person who could,not be permitted to make a defense or examine witnesses, or appeal from a judgment he might think erroneous. The converse of this proposition is also true. A judgment cannot be given in evidence against a party' to a former suit by a stranger to that suit. “ Nobody can take benefit by a verdict," says Baron G-ilbebt, “who had not been prejudiced by it had it gone contrary." Gilb. Ev. 28. See, also, Hursts v. McNiel, 1 Wash. C. Ct. 70. From these principles, the inference is very clear, that the defendant cannot be concluded by the decree in the former suit. The infants represented by the plaintiff in these proceedings were strangers to that suit. It does not even appear that they ever knew of its pendency. If the decree had been adverse to the plaintiff, it cannot be pretended that it would have estopped these parties from setting up their claim to legacies. If not, it follows that the defendant is not now estopped from denying their right. The estoppel must be-mutual.
The question, therefore, whether these parties are entitled to legacies under the will, is still open for adjudication. What, then, was the intention of the testator, when in the fourth item of his will he said, “ I will and bequeath unto each of my nephews and nieces five hundred dollars, excepting John Cromer ? " For whom were these legacies designed ? He had
If the clause in question is to be construed according to the ordinary and primary meaning of the terms employed, it is obvious that these persons have no interest in its provisions. They are not in that sense nephews and nieces. But the testator had the right to define his own language, and if it can be seen from the context, taken in connection with the circumstances of his relatives, that by the terms nephews and nieces he intended some other persons than the children „of his brothers and sisters, it is the duty of the court to give effect to that intention. The" testator’s sister, Catharine, had long before the time of making the will removed to Canada. The testator was probably not familiar with the situation of her family. He, therefore, by a separate provision in the will, gave to her children, if any, and as many as she might have, each a legacy of five hundred dollars. Besides these children he had but one nephew and one niece. It might well be supposed that he would, after having -provided specifically for his sister’s children, have made provision equally specific for these other persons standing in the same relation. Instead of this, we find him in general terms bequeathing legacies of five hundred dollars each to all his nephews and nieces, and with a single exception. That exception is John Cromer, who is not a nephew, bub the son of a nephew. No one can suppose that the testator meant to give to the children of his sister, Catherine, double legacies; first, under the description of children of his sister, and then, under the general description of nephews and nieces. Nor, if he had intended to limit the effect of the fourth clause to the remaining nephow and niece, can it be supposed he would have in terms excepted John Cromer from the benefit of that provision. Why not except also the brothers and
It appears from the evidence that Elizabeth, the grandmother of these children, was reputed to have been married to Anthony Cromer, in Germany. They lived together in this country several years and had several children. Cromer then abandoned his wife and went away. After he had been gone eight or nine years, she, not having heard from him, and supposing him dead, was married to Kettleman, by whom she had three children. After the death of Kettleman, Cromer returned, and it appears lived one winter with his wife and then left her again, and has not been heard of since. It is now contended that these facts establish the illegitimacy of the children of Elizabeth by Kettleman, and that these Kettleman children, being the descendants of that unlawful connection, are not entitled to take under the fourth clause of the will as the nephews and niece of Peter Marks.
Elizabeth, then, when she intermarried with Kettleman, was the lawful wife of Cromer, and, of course, the marriage was void. The children of such a marriage, both by the civil and common law, are illegitimate. Has this result been avoided in this case by the operation of statute ? Section 6 of the statute, relating to marriage (2 R. S. 139), declares that if any person, whose husband or wife shall have absented himself or herself ■for the space of five successive years, without being known to such person to be living during that time, shall marry during the lifetime of such absent husband or wife, the marriage shall be void only from the time that its nullity shall he pronounced hy a court of competent authority.
This statute took effect in 1830. Before that, although there was a statute exempting one married party who married again after five years’ continued absence of the other from the penal
A question quite analogous to that under consideration, came before the Virginia court of appeals, in Stones v. Keeling, 3 Hen. & M. 228, n. “-The legislature of that State had, in 1785, passed a law declaring that the issue in marriage deemed null in law, shall, nevertheless, be legitimate.” Rev. Code Virg. vol. 1, c. 93, § 19. This act took effect on January 1, 1787. Previous to the passage of the act, William Keeling had married Athalia Arbuckle, her first husband, William Arbuckle, being still alive. By this marriage he had -two daughters. He had also a son, William Keeling, Jr., whose legitimacy was not disputed. The son died before his father, leaving a widow and children. Upon-the death of the elder Keeling, the question arose, whether the daughters or the son’s widow, to whom the guardianship of the children had been committed, was entitled to administration. Eor the daughters, it was contended that, by virtue of the act of 1785, they had become legitimate children, entitled to a share of the estate, and, as next of kin, were also entitled to administration. Upon the other side, it was insisted that the daughters having been born before the act was passed, they were not within its operation. It was held that the statute did apply to the daughters. Tuckeb, J., said, “ The father did not die till after the commencement of that act —the rights of the daughters to his property did not commence until his death. The question as between these parties did not, nor could it exist until that event, and then the act was in full operation.” A similar question afterwards arose in the same court, upon another clause of the same section of the statute, which declares that, “ where a man, having by a woman one or more children, shall afterwards marry such woman, such child
A construction of the statute in question, which should have the effect to legitimate the issue of marriages of the description mentioned, though such marriage had taken place before the act was passed, would neither take away nor impair vested rights. Keither could it produce any injustice or inconvenience. The statute is remedial in its character. The revisers, in their notes, state, that their object in recommending this provision was to mitigate the severity of the common rule, which declared such marriages absolutely void. The other provisions of the title in which this section is found, are clearly applicable to all marriages prior as well as subsequent. I see no reason for a diversity of construction. I am, therefore, of opinion, that, by the operation of the section referred to, the marriage of the testator’s sister, Elizabeth, to Kettle-man, was rendered valid until it should be declared void by the decree of a.court of competent authority; and that thereby Valentine Kettleman, the issue of that marriage, and the father of these infants, was legitimated.
But for this statute, I should have had great difficulty in giving such a construction to the will as would entitle the Kettleman children to legacies under the fourth clause.
That the testator intended to include them in the class of persons described in that clause, and that he supposed he had< done so, I have not for a moment doubted. *
Valentine Kettleman, the father of these infants, is proved' to have lived with the testator until he was married.. He called the testator uncle, and the testator called both him. and'
Decree affirmed, with costs.