This is a bill to restrain infringement of the third and fourth claims of patent No. 452,894, of May 2(i, 1891,' to W. L. Bundy, for a workman’s time recorder; and'also the fourth claim of patent No. 305,882, of September 30, 1884, to W. Bauer, for a watchman’s time detector. The defendant is a corporation known as the Detroit Time-Register Company, and is engaged in making and selling a workman’s time recorder, under a patent to N. M. Watson, No. 515,805, of March 6, 1894. Bundy’s invention relates to time-recording mechanism actuated directly by a clock, and connections with a clock, by which the time of the arrival or departure of workmen, clerks, or other employes may be recorded by the employes themselves. His specifications state that his object is “to provide a mechanism by which each workman or employé in a shop or factory, or the like, will, by his own act, accurately record the time of his arrival or departure, thereby preventing all disputes, each workman having his own key, and being known by an arbitrary number, which is embossed upon the bit of the key, and, upon its being inserted and turned, will present the embossed number in alignment with the numbers upon the hour and minute recording wheels, and through the agency of a hammer and pad thereon, actuated by the key, and a ribbon and strip of paper in proper juxtaposition the hour, minute, and the number of the key will be printed upon the paper, and a feed mechanism will shift the paper and ribbon a fixed space, ready for the operad ion of the printing mechanism by the next workman and the recording of his time and the number of his key, as before. Then the Rime’ of each workman is made up from the paper strip, crediting each one with the time between his arrival and departure, whether it be full lime or only a part thereof.” The claims which are here involved are as follows:
“(3) A clock movement and hour and minute recording wheels, synchronous mechanism actuating said wheels, a key provided with a hit carrying numbers, brought into alignment with the hour and minute wheels by the turning of the key, a recording strip, and an impression hammer, in combination as set forth. (4) A clock movement, hour and minute recording wheels, synchronous mechanism actuating said wheels, a key provided with a bit carrying numbers brought into alignment with the hour and minute wheels by turning of the key,Page 526a ward upon the key, a recording strip, and an impression hammer operated by mechanism actuated by the ward of said key as it is turned, in combination ' as Set forth.”
The patentee does not claim any novelty in any of the parts or elements of his combination. The claims involved are distinctly for the union or combination of all the elements arranged and combined together so as to accomplish a given result, in the manner described. Neither does the complainant insist that the structure of the defendant includes the precise mechanism described in the specifications of his patent, nor that the elements combined to produce the results attained are identically the elements described in the patent to Bundy. What is claimed is this: That both the elements and actuating mechanism found in the structure of the defendant are mechanical equivalents for those found in the Bundy machine, and that they are combined in substantially the same way, so that the mechanical equivalent for each element performs substantially the same function of the corresponding element in the complainant's machine; and that the differences between the elements combined in the two machines, and in the mode of arrangement, are merely colorable according to the rule forbidding the use of known equivalents.
The learned judge who decided this case in the circuit court, after an elaborate consideration of the claims of the Bundy patent in the light of the history of the art and of the occurrences in the patent office, reached the conclusion that the Bundy patent was not entitled to a liberal construction, nor to the benefit of the doctrine of equivalents, but was limited to the specific device described and claimed by him, and that, thus construed, the defendant’s structure did not infringe. In this interpretation of Bundy’s invention we are unable to agree. Our inability to agree with the conclusions of the circuit court results from the view we take of the meritoriousness of Bundy’s combination in producing a simple and accurate time recorder, capable of being used by a very large number of workmen in rapid succession, and without danger of confusion or error. The results attained by him were such as to distinctly mark the line between success and failure, and the rapid occupation of the field by his invention serves as evidence that the public for the first time realized that in his time recorder had been found a practical structure, which accomplished accurately and simply what no previous invention would do. It is manifest from the conditions under which such a mechanism .must be operated, as well as from the results sought by its use, that to be efficient it must be capable of correctly recording in rapid succession, not only the time of arrival or departure, but some number or mark by which each of an indefinite number of employés may be distinguished from all of his associates in connection with the record of his time. But this record must be one which can be automatically made by the machine when set in motion by the workman. This condition makes it of the highest importance to the usefulness of the recorder that the act to be done by the workman shall be single and simple, so simple that employés of every grade of intelligence shall be capable of operating the machine without liability of mistake.
“In all these watchman clocks, however, the recording strip was moved by the clock, and was synchronized therewith, so that they were not adapted to be used by a large number of watchmen in quick succession, because, if so used, they would print in the same place; hut were rather intended for use hy one or a few watchmen at different intervals of time. In other words, there was no paper feed after each operation.”
It is (rue that in a patent to B. Bocklin, No. 199,181, for a telltale clock, there is found a feeding device 'by which the recording strip is fed forward with each operation. But Boeldin’s invention, though embodying hour and minute recording wheels, synchronized with a clock, and a recording strip carried forward with each operation of the machine, was in fact intended only for use by watchmen who might record thereon the time of call at the station. There was no way by which the machine could be used by more than a very few watchmen, because no means for identifying a large number of employés was included in the invention. The problem was a distinct one. A watchman’s clock, to be used by one or two or three watchmen, or possibly as high as seven, was well known. But such machines were not adapted for use as time recorders for an indefinite number of records made in quick succession. The evolution of a practical workman’s time recorder out of the improved watchman’s clock of either Bauer or Bocklin required the discovery and application of mechanism by means of which each of an indefinite number of employes of varying degrees of intelligence and care might, by a single and simple act, identify himself in association with a record of the exact time of doing that act. This involved invention. This is just what Bundy was the first to do, in a way which met all the conditions requisite to a time recorder which should rapidly, accurately, and without danger of mistake keep the time for a great number of men, who might arrive or depart in quick succession. A number of others sought to accomplish this end before Bundy made the invention now involved. Those which are regarded as the closest anticipations are the patents of Lane & Hill, No. 210,788, dated December,
It contains, like all patents for time recorders, a clock movement, lj.our and minute recording wheels, h and m, synchronous mechanism for actuating these wheels, a movable recording strip, i, and impression mechanism for pressing type, on the recording wheels, h and m, and upon the end of the so-called “key,” q, against the recording strip which runs between the type upon the registering time wheels, and the type recording the workman’s number carried
on the end oí the key, q. Iso inking ribbon is used, the record being embossed. The so-called “key,'5 q, is not a key in any true sense, inasmuch as it does not set in motion or actuate any mechanism whatever. It is properly an elongated type, the type being carried on its inner head, 8. The type carried in this way represents the number distinguishing the workman carrying and using the particular key. This key is inserted in a slot in the plunger, r, in a sleeve, s, as shown in Fig. 2. The fin, 10, shown on the key in Fig. 2, performs no function in operating the mechanism, and serves only to keep the key in an upright position. This machine is operated by inserting the key, 9, in the plunger, r, and then grasping and turning the handle, v, shown in Fig. 1. The fin, 10, is notched, as shown by 11 in Fig. 2, “as is also the shank of the plunger, r, to permit the cam, t, or an arm or toe on the shaft, u,
The Haskell patent is wholly unlike the Bundy in material respects. Haskell attempted to solve the problem of identifying the workmen by requiring them to write their names or numbers upon the paper •strip and then to print the time by revolving a handle. The Bundy patent of 1888 undertook to accomplish the desired result by placing numbers representing the different employés upon wheels called “operators’ wheels” within the casing of the clock. The workman’s number is brought into alignment with the type upon the time-re'cording wheels by lugs upon the key of different shapes and lengths, operating through a complicated and delicate mechanism to move the
The Bundy time recorder is a structure which automatically records upon a movable recording strip the time of the arrival and departure of employés, and, opposite the time, records the individual mark or number distinguishing the different workmen, so that the-precise time of the arrival of each workman is distinctly recorded. Each workman is furnished with a key, upon a bit or ward of which is a number in type, by which the particular workman is distinguished. The record is made by the simple operation of inserting and turning the key. The recording strip of the claims is a movable strip fed forward with each turning of the key, and with this strip the inking ribbon is also carried. The single and simple operation of turning the key noi. only brings the type printing the workman’s number into alignment with the type on the time recording wheels, hut by the same operation the ward of the key sets in motion mechanism witldn the machine by which the recording strip and inking ribbon are fed forward, and also actuates suitable impression mechanism by which the type carried on another ward of the key for printing the workman’s number and the type upon the time-recording wheels for printing the time indicated by the clock, are brought into contact with the inking ribbon and recording strip and a printed record made. The very essence of this invention lies in Bundy’s key and its functions, for by the simple and easy operation of that key the work of aligning, printing, and feeding is done. This structure is sufficiently illustrated by Pigs. 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, and 12 of the drawings of the patent, which are set out on following pages.
Pig. 1 is a front elevation of a clock, having its. front broken away to show the recording mechanism. Fig. 3 is a side elevation of the-recording mechanism, showing the impression hammer and helve in partly dotted lines. Fig. 4 is a top plan of the hour and minute recording wheels, 10 aud 11, the mechanism for actuating them, inserted and turned into position in alignment with these wheels, ready for the making of the impression, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 7
Defendant’s mechanism, like that of complainant’s, consists of two parts, — a large clock case, containing clock works, and a smaller machine within the clock case. Three drawings found below represent correctly the mechanism involved in the time recording apparatus carried within the clock frame, and show all the material parts of the machine, except the clock movement. These drawings are as follows:
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It is trué that defendant does not use a turning key. It has sub
The ingenuity of Bundy in his patent of 1891 lies in his key and its functions as covered by his claims. Whether his key actuated the feeding and printing mechanisms by being turned or pushed is not of the essence of the invention. Pushing keys setting in motion bolts and other mechanism were old, and but the equivalent of keys which did the same thing by turning. The only function of the bit upon which the workman’s number was embossed was to carry that number into alignment with the time-recording type. That bit actuated no mechanism. The same result was accomplish
In Winans v. Denmead, 15 How. 330-342, the court, in upholding a claim which covered a railroad car made of sheet iron “in the form of a frustum of a cone” against an infringer who had used a different geometrical form without introducing any new mechanical principle or mode of operation, or attaining any new result, among other things, said:
“Undoubtedly there may be cases in -which the letters patent do include only the particular i'orm described and claimed. Davis v. Palmer, 2 Brock. 309, Fed. Cas. No. 3,(515. seems io have boon one oí tljose cases. But they are in entire accordance with what is above stated. The reason why such a patent covers only one geometrical form is not that the patentee has described and claimed that form only; it is because that form only is capable of embodying his invention; and, consequently, if the form is not copied, the invention is not used. Where form and substance are inseparable, it is enough to look at the form only. Where they are separable, where the whole substance of the invention may be copied in a different form, it is the duty of courts and Juries to look through tlie form for the substance of the invention, — for that which entitled tiie inventor to his patent, and which the patent was designed to secure. Where that is found, there is an infringement; and it is not a defense that if, is embodied in a form not described, and in terms claimed by the patentee. Pat-entees sometimes add to their claims an express declaration to the effect that the claim extends to the thing patented, however its form or proportions may be varied. But, this is unnecessary. The law so interprets the claim without the addition of these words. The exclusive right to the thing patented is not secured if the public are at liberty to make substantial copies of it. varying its form or proportions; and Ihorefore the patentee, having described his invention, and shown its principles, and claimed it in 1haf: form which most perfectly embodies it, is, in contemplation of law, deemed to claim every form in which his iuvcnlion may be copied, unless he manifests an intention to disclaim some of those forms.”
So, in Machine Co. v. Murphy, 97 U. S. 120-125, the court said:
“Except where form is of the essence of the invention, it lias but little weight ’in the decision of such an issue; the correct rule being that, in determining- the question of infringement, the court or jury, as the case may be, are not to judge of similarities or differences by the -names of things, but are to look at the machines, or fheir several devices or elements, in the light of what, they do, or what office or function they perform, and how they perform it, and to find that one thing is substantially the same as another if it performs substantially the same function in substantially the same manner, to obtain a like result, always bearing in mind that devices in a patented machine are different, in the sense of the patent law, when they perform different functions, or in a, different way, or produce a substantially different result. Nor is it safe to give much heed to ilie fact that the corresponding device in two machines, organized to accomplish the same result, are different in shape or form, one from the oilier, as it is necessary in every special investigation to look at the mode of operation, or 1ho way the device works, and at the result, as well as at the means by which the result is obtained.”
“Whether he specifically claims in his patent the benefit of equivalents or not, the law allows them to him according to the nature of his patent. If it is a mere improvement on a successful machine, a mere tributary invention, or a device the novelty of which is confined by the past art to the particular form shown, the range of the equivalents is narrowly restricted. It is a pioneer patent with a new result. The range is very wide, and is not restricted by the failure of the patentee to describe and claim combinations of equivalents. Nothing will' restrict the pioneer patentee’s rights in this regard save the use of language in his specifications and claims which permits no other reasonable construction than one attributing to the patentee a positive intention to limit the scope of his invention in some particular to the exact form of the device he shows, and a consequent willingness to abandon to the public any other form, should it be adopted and prove useful. Instances of such a limitation may be found in Keystone Bridge Co. v. Phoenix Iron Co., 95 U. S. 274, and in Brown v. Manufacturing Co., 6 U. S. App. 427, 16 U. S. App. 234, 6 C. C. A. 528, and 57 Fed. 731.”
In the view we bave of tbe step taken by Bundy, we think he is entitled to protect his real invention by a reasonable application of the rule of equivalents. We find in the structure of defendant all the elements of Bundy’s combination, or their mechanical equivalents, combined in substantially the same way, and performing
Neither do we find anything in the proceedings in the patent office which, properly understood, should limit him to either a turning key or one carrying the operator’s number on its bit. The circuit court fell into error in assuming that claim 8 of Bundy’s patent was substituted for chum 2 of his original claims, the latter being canceled upon a reference to the patent of Lane & Hill. Bundy’s claims 1 and 2, as originally filed, were as follows:
“(1) In a time-recording apparatus, hour and minute wheels, a rotating key provided with a. number or character upon, a bit thereof, to register the operators upon a. strip, and an impression hammer. (2;) In a time-recording apparatus, -the eombinalion with the impression hammer of hour and minute registering wheels, a key inserted and turned to bring the number or character upon the bit thereof into alignment with said wheels and a registering strip.”
Claims 10 and 11 of Ms original application were as follows:
“(10) A clock movement, hour and minute registering wheels, synchronous mechanism actuating said wheels independently of-each other and actuated by the clock movement, and a key provided with a bit carrying numbers brought into alignment with the hour and minute wheels by the turning of the key, a registering strip ami an impression hammer, in combination as set forth. (It) A clock movement, hour and minute registering wheels, snyelironous mechanism actuating said wheels independently of each other and actuated by the clock movement, a key provided with a bit carrying numbers brought into alignment with the hour and minute; wheels by turning of the key, a ward upon the key, a registering strip, an impression hammer operated by mechanism actuated by the ward of said key as it is turned, in combination as set forth.”
The other claims of his original application relate entirely to different subjects, and have no effect in the construction of those allowed and involved in this case. Claim 1 was rejected upon a reference to the Bauer watchman clock patent, No. 305,882, and because the elements were not claimed in combination. Claim 2 was rejected upon the statement that it was met in the Lane & Hill patent, No. 210,788. Claims 10 and 11 were rejected because It was “not seen that the wheels'’ are independent of each other, as stated. Claim 1 was amended so as to read as follows:
“(1) In a time-recording’ apparatus, the combination with the hour and minute wheels rotaied synchronously with a. clock movement of a key provided with a number or character upon a bit 1 here-of. to be rotated to record the number or character upon a strip, and an impression hammer.”
In respect to the reference to Bauer, Bundy replied to the ruling of the examiner that “the Bauer patent does not show the synchronous hour and minute wheels, and consequently this imparts novelty to the claim as amended.” This claim, as amended, was again rejected, the examiner ruling that “the claim now presented is held to cover nothing patentable over wbat is shown in Bauer, before cited.” Claim 2 was amended by changing “registering” to “recording,” and again filed with the insistence that “this claim is not anticipated by the Lane & Hill patent, 210,788, for the reason that in that patent the key, when inserted, is in alignment for the printing. My device requires the turning of the key to
It will thus be seen that neither of the claims here involved were ever rejected upon a reference to either Bauer or Lane & Hill, and were originally disallowed upon a ground in no wise affecting the question of infringement here involved, and, as allowed, include everything included as originally filed, except the clause as to the independent character of the two recording wheels. Both of these claims as originally presented concluded with the words, “in combination'as set forth.” Claims 1 and 2, as rejected, were manifestly unwarrantably broad claims. ^Neither contained the limiting words, “in combination as set forth.” Both were subject to a construction which would include a key as an element which had no other function than to carry the workman’s number into alignment with the recording wheels. This was the construction placed upon the claims by the examiner. Thus construed, it was manifestly a matter of no importance, in a patentable sense, whether such alignment was effected by a pushing or turning key, and hence the aptness of the reference to Bauer and Lane & Hill. Both claims were subject to a construction which would include recording strip and impression mechanism actuated by mechanism not set in motion by the operation of the key, but by a crank or handle as in Lane & Hill. The effect to be attached to the rejection of a claim by the patent office was thoroughly considered by this court in Thomas v. Spring Co., 47 U. S. App. 125-145, 23 C. C. A. 211, 221, and 77 Fed. 420, 430, and the general rule stated to be that, “when the patent office rejects a claim covering a certain device on its merits, and such rejection is acquiesced in, and the patent issues, the applicant cannot afterwards be allowed a construction of the claims allowed wide enough to embrace the claim which was rejected.” Bundy was not required to limit himself to a “turning key” in Order to secure the allowance of his claims. When he called attention to the fact that his device required the turning of his key when inserted “in order to bring the number thereon into alignment,” and then sought to sustain claims which would have included a device in which the feeding and printing mechanism might be set in motion by some means independent of the key, as in Lane & Hill, the examiner disposed of that distinction by saying that “it made no difference, in a patentable sense, whether the key is turned as in Bauer, or not turned, as in Lane & Hill.” The essential difference between Lane & Hill and Bundy was in the fact that Bundy’s key actuated his printing and.feed
The third and fourth claims should, as a consequence of the cancellation of claims 1 and 2, be so construed as not to include the broad claims of the rejected application. But this we have done independently of any effect resulting from the cancellation of claims by the patent office, and we have construed both claims 3 and 4 as including a recording strip and impression hammer actuated by mechanism set in motion by the operation of the key in the hands of the operator. True, we have not limited Bundy to impression mechanism in the shape or form of a hammer, nor to a key operated only by turning or carrying the workman’s number only on a projection upon its side. To have done so would be to destroy his patent, and open his invention to the assaults of those who, with only colorable changes, could avail themselves of the very heart of his inven ¡ion.
Complainant also owns the patent to Bauer of September 30, 1884, for a watchman’s time detector, and it is claimed that defendant’s key infringes the fourth claim of that patent. Bauer’s patent expired July 26, 1896, the date of the expiration of his English patent. This bill was filed April 2, 1896, and therefore before the expiration of the patent. The fourth claim of Bauer is only for a key and a key “for a time detector.” It is expressly limited to a key “having a bit or bits provided with projecting type to
The decree must be reversed as to the third and fourth claims of the Bundy patent, and remanded, with directions to enter a decree finding defendant guilty of infringement of those claims, and for an injunction and an account. Appellee will pay the costs of this appeal.