Opinion by
Tbe right to a strip of land, fronting seven feet on Third street, and extending back sixty feet, and being a part of lot 2 in block 13, on the plat of the town of Olympia, was the matter in controversy in the Oourt below. Title in both parties is derived through Edmund Sylvester, who is the patentee of the land, and who laid off and platted that portion of the town of Olympia embracing the land in dispute.
The plaintiffs in the Oourt below instituted suit to recover the possession of this strip of land, and, in support of their' right, presented to the Oourt the following evidences of title, viz:
1. A deed, of date Aug. 4th, 1859, from Edmund Sylvester and wife to ¥m, Cock, conveying a part of lot Ho. 2 in
2. A deed of conveyance, of March 23, 1866, from ¥m. Cock to Alexander and Bebecca Howard, the plaintiffs below, of the same premises, with like words of description.
The defendant in the Court below set out in his answer the following evidence of his title:
1. A deed from E. Sylvester and wife, of date July 20th, 1857, to ¥m. Gr. Dunlap and Enoch H. Wilson, conveying certain lands, in the following words of description: “Horth half of lot Ho. 1, in block Ho. 13, and a part of lot Ho. 2, in block Ho. 13, measuring 60 feet in the direction of Main street and 20 feet in the direction of Third street, making in all a parcel of land 60 feet on Main street and 80 feet on Third street, as laid down on the plat of Olympia.”
2. A deed from William G-. Dunlap, of date May, 1862, to Enoch H. Wilson, conveying the last described lot of land in the following words of description: “Beginning at southeast corner of Main and Third streets, thence east on line of Third street, 80 feet; thence south, parallel with Main street, 60 feet; thence west, parallel with Third street, 80 feet; thence along Main street to the place of beginning, the same being’ the north half of lot Ho. 1, in block Ho. 13, and part of lot Ho. 2, in block Ho. 13, on the plat of Olympia.”
3. A deed from Enoch H. Wilson, of date March, 1865, to Charles H. Burmeister, the defendant below, conveying the last named premises, and with like words of description.
4. As an additional link in the defendant’s chain of title, the defendant set up the acts and doings of the property-holders in said block Ho. 13, and the acts and ordinances of the town of Olympia touching the same. The facts of this matter as they appear in this Court would seem to be these: Block Ho. 13, as originally laid out and platted, had a ten feet alley extend
On the trial of the cause below, the plaintiff therein, by motion- and demurrer, for reasons stated in the same, asked the Court to strike out all these matters touching the acts of the Board of Trustees from defendant’s answer, and the Court having so ordered, the parties were heal’d solely on their several and respective deeds of conveyance, and judgment was rendered thereupon in favor of the plaintiffs below, and the defendant
In the vieAV of the Court, the determination of the powers of the Board in the vacation of the alley in question, and the disposition made of the soil, dispose of this case. The poAvers of incorporated towns in the vacation of lots, streets, alleys, commons, etc., and in the disposition of the soil, to be thereupon made, are defined in the acts of the 5th Session, pages 27 and 28. In this case, it would seem reasonably clear that the Board had the right, upon a presentation of a petition of all the lot-owners in the block, and upon compliance with the requirements of the statute thereto, to consider and move in the matter of the vacation of said alley; and their right of vacation has not been questioned in this Court, and we will proceed to consider their action in the premises, and to state the principles of law thereto applicable.
It may be premised that the defendants in error assume that every conveyance of real estate, or any interest therein, must be by deed, and that the plaintiff in error could show no title otherwise acquired. True, the statutes proAdde for the conveyance of real estate by deed, but do not contemplate that title to the same can be acquired .in no other way, and among the other methods recognized by the statutes are, by will, descent and dedication. The case referred to by plaintiffs in error’s counsel, City of Cincinnati vs. The Lessees of White, (6th Peter’s, page 431,) will be found interesting as discussing the law of dedication, and shedding much light on this case. The doctrine of easements, as applicable to highways, has received from defendants in error’s counsel a thorough and healthy exposition, and the views urged are accepted by the Court as law, they being in substance that when an easement is taken as a public highway, the soil and freehold remain in the owner of the land encumbered only with the right of passage in the public; and upon a discontinuance of the highway, the soil and freehold revert to the owner, and in the case of streets and alleys, the proprietors of adjacent lots oavu the soil to the middle of the street, subject only to this right of passage in the pub-
The third and fourth sections of the statutes of 1857-58, pages 27 and 28, provide for the disposition of the soil, in the case of the vacation of streets and alleys, and declare that if a street or alley be vacated, the same shall be attached to the ground bordering on such street or alley, and all right or title thereto, shall vest in the person or persons owning the property on each side thereof in equal proportions.
If, therefore, the petition to the Board of Trustees had asked only for the vacation of the alley, and had there stopped, and the Board had vacated the same, the disposition of the soil must have been in accordance with the statutes; and the matter for consideration is, does the asking in the petition for a different disposition of the soil open the door for the introduction of some other principle of law? By our statute, Sec. 2, page 26, laws of 1857-58, Edmund Sylvester, in making the plat of the town of Olympia, is considered as making a quitclaim deed to the public to the streets and alleys, and by the laws of Oregon, heretofore in force in this Territory, Sec. 2, page 260, he is considered as making a warrantee deed; and so, for the purposes of this case, it is immaterial under which statute the matter be considered. As the law provides that the soil on the vacation of streets and alleys shall go in equal proportions to adjacent lot owners, the city holds the title in trust for the pub-lie and these lot holders, that is to say, holds it to the end that the public may use the streets and alleys, and upon the discontinuance, to vest the soil in these lot holders. In this case, when the city proceeded to vacate this alley, the lot holders, who had certain rights under the law, came in and surrendered
It will be seen, by reference to the petition and ordinance, that block 13 was replatted, and the street lines, corners and alleys ordered so changed as to conform to the re-plating. How a reference to the powers of the trustees will show that this action was legitimate and the petition and ordinance will show that this re-platting was ordered to he as asked by all the lot owners in block 13. After this re-platting of block 13, and individual rights acquired with reference to it, the owners of lots and their grantees are estopped from questioning these rights, and cannot
But it is said the map of the town does not show any change in the platting of block 13, and an inspection of it shows that to be true, and yet as a matter of fact Main street was widened seven feet, and the alley in question closed many years before the parties litigant acquired any interest in block 13, so that there is nothing in the plat of block 13, as it really exists, to' mislead. But apart from this, municipal ordinances are akin to legislative enactments; a municipal corporation re