The question for decision upon rehearing is whether the prior patents and prior uses which are now for the first time presented to the court anticipate the complainants’ patent. The only question which the court is at liberty to consider is whether the new evidence makes it clearly apparent that, if it had been in the record when the case was before the supreme court, the decision of the lower court dismissing the bill would have been affirmed. The testimony will be considered, keeping in mind that, in granting the motion for rehearing, the court said:
“The opinion of the supreme court will, of course, be recognized as tbe law of tbe case; and unless the defendants, upon the matters suggested in the application for rehearing, can make a case radically different from that presented to the supreme court, the rehearing will not avail. With this understanding and qualification, the petition for rehearing will be allowed.”
Considering, first, the alleged prior uses in the order in which they appear in the brief for the defendants, the Moore disintegrator was used at Elizabethport, N. J., in 1878, and for five years thereafter, to grind clay for brick making. It was provided with two sectional rolls of equal size. Each section had a set of teeth along the entire circumference, equidistant from the sides, and had also
Upon cross-examination, it was brought out that the witness made an affidavit, which was produced by complainants, in which he stated that the Moore machine was so geared that one of its rolls made about 75 and the other about 90 revolutions per minute; that stones passed through it; that it was used to break up the large clods or lumps before putting the clay into the soak pit, where it
The witness also testifies that he used a Watson machine for disintegrating. This machine was built in January, 1881, by Thomas Lingle, as appears from the testimony. It differs from the Moore machine in that the teeth axe round, and set in rows, projecting about an inch beyond the face of the roll; the rows on one roll working between the rows of its companion roll, the cylinder between the rows forming the abutment. This machine was used by the Watson Company for several years, and then for several years by the witness, who bought it from them. Rossi, in the affidavit above referred to, stated that, after the clay was passed through the Watson machine, it was run through a pair of small rolls, then through a pug mill, and then to the brick machine; that it was run through the small rolls, which were smooth, to rid it of stones which passed through the Watson machine, and had to be separated from the clay before the clay was put into the brick machine; that one of the rolls in the Watson machine made about 75 revolutions per minute, and the other about 90; and that that machine was also discarded, and replaced by other machines. That the Moore machine and the machine which the witness Rossi had constructed, and which he used at Elizabethport, accomplished the shredding of clay, is established by the testimony. What bearing that fact should have in this case will be considered later on.
The next alleged prior 'use is the mill devised by George Archenbronn, and constructed at Jackson, Mich., under his supervision, in September, 1881, for grinding apples. It was provided with a cylinder shell of £ inch thickness, 11 inches in length, by 12 inches in diameter. It had 4 concaves arranged to be pressed against the cylinder by levers and weights. There were 8 knives fitted in the cylinder, each 11 inches in length by 8/is of an inch thick. They projected beyond the face of the cylinder s/s2 of an inch, were held in position by two rings on the outside of the cylinder, one at each end, and adjusted by set screws, one underneath each knife. The mill would grind 100 bushels of apples in 10 minutes. The roll was driven at a speed of about 2,000 revolutions per minute. The concaves were hinged on an axle against a weighted arm to hold them up to the cylinder. The weighted arm was swung on a bolt which acted as a pivot, so regulated by the weight as to allow hard substances coming in contact with the cylinder to pass through. It is in testimony that the Archenbronn roll would be appropriate for the reduction of clay if used in a properly constructed machine, and that it suggested to McKinley the idea of using it in a clay
We come now to the patents for the disintegration of clay and other analogous substances, set up in the defendants’ petition for rehearing. The first is the patent to Gregg, 1867. This shows two conical smooth rolls, which revolve at differential speed, breaking and disintegrating the clay subjected to their action.
The next was granted to Thomas Mills arid George M. Mills, June 10, 1873, for an improvement in machines for granulating coeoanuts and other like substances, by the combined action of a toothed cylinder, a grooved plate, and a toothed roller. The disintegrating cylinder, as it is termed in the specification, is secured to a shaft, and situated between vertical plates; the ends of the cylinder revolving in such close contact with the plates that no granulated material can pass between them. In grooves in the circumference of the cylinder', and parallel with the line of the shaft, are secured, at equal distances apart, bars having triangular teeth, which project from the face of the cylinder; and, as the latter revolves, these teeth pass through angular grooves formed in the upper edge of an inclined plate, secured to the lower frame of the machine. The angular grooves in the plate correspond in number and shape with the teeth which pass close to the plate without being in absolute contact therewith. The toothed roller is a feed
The Gregg patent, dated April 17, 1879, for an improvement in disintegrating devices for pulverizing clay for brick making, is next shown. The specification states that the apparatus is designed to provide improved means for thoroughly crushing and disintegrating clay, and convert it to the proper condition for being supplied to the molds. The improvement consisted in the combination, with a pair of crushing rollers, of a rotating brush or shaft, armed with a series of flexible blades, and placed beneath the rollers, so as to act upon the clay passing between them, as set forth. The rollers shown in the drawings are tapered or conical and smooth, but it is stated that cylindrical rollers may be employed, if preferred, without departing from the substance of the invention. The rollers are driven by pulleys, and revolve at differential speed. The clay is fed from a hopper. A rotating brush, consisting of a series of elastic metallic blades or beaters, secured radially, and with their edges in the direction of rotation upon a shaft, is mounted in bearings on the frame of the machine, in line with and immediately beneath the line of contact of the rollers, and is rapidly rotated by means of a gearing apparatus described in the specification. The blades of the brush are made of gradually increasing length from one end of the shaft to the other, proportionately with and in reverse direction to the inclination of the conical rollers; so that the distance between its periphery and the peripheries of the rollers shall be uniform throughout its length. But the specification adds that, where cylindrical rollers are employed, the blades should be of the same length from end to end of the shaft. In operation, the action of the rapidly rotating brush blades upon the clay, which falls upon them from the rollers above, completes and
The Dodson patent, for a disintegrating machine, issued March 27, 1883, shows and describes a rotary part and a fixed abutment, composed of sections, between which the material to be disintegrated is operated upon, the rotary part having Y-shaped circumferential ribs or projections, and the abutment having corresponding Y-shaped grooves. The material to be disintegrated was introduced from a hopper, and disintegrated in pieces between the abutment and the rotary part. Ey adjusting the abutment, the degree of fineness of disintegration could be varied.
The Anderson patent, of September 13, 1881, was for a clay reducer and disintegrator, described to be for the speedy reduction of clay shale, feldspathic and granite rocks, and other like substances into a fine powder. This machine is provided with a shell of cast iron when clay alluvium or clay shales were to be disintegrated, and from steel castings when the harder substances were to be treated. There were two of these cylinders, which in position for use were vertical. They were 30 inches long, by 14 inches inside diameter, and joined side to side, with their contiguous sides cut away, forming in horizontal cross section a figure 8, and resting upon a base plate. A series of armed projections were formed as part of the shell extended inwardly, within the cylinders, to the length of about 3-£ inches. Two inner cylinders, about 7 inches in diameter, each fitted on a rotating shaft, and provided with projections similar to those of the outer cylinders, and meshing therewith, completed the reducing receptacle or chamber. In operating the machine, the materials to be disintegrated were shoveled into an adjustable chute, set at a suitable pitch to allow them to pass into the receptacle slowly and regularly, the inner cylinders being rotated. The gravity of the materials was impeded by the motion of the armed projections, and the high peripheral speed of the armed cylinders moving in opposite directions sufficed to effectuate the process of reduction. These are the only patents which are referred to by counsel for the defendants in their brief, and recognized by them as the most available l'or the defense. Looking at them, and at the prior uses hereinbefore referred i.o as indicating the state of the art, it must he conceded that the complainants are not to be classed as pioneers in the art of disintegrating clay, and that in this important respect the case as now presented is distinguishable from the case presented to the supreme court.
The defendants also put in evidence English patent No. 1,671, May, 1874, to Edwin Cook and others, for clay mills. This patent, however, was in the original record in this case, and was before the supreme court; and, although not specifically mentioned in the opinion, it is included in the general reference therein to “other patents,” and it will not be further considered here.
The defendants also rely upon an extract from an English pub
“Tlie work of disintegrating and agglomerating tlie mixed mass of marl and rock commences immediately it is deposited in tlie capacious hopper .lust mentioned. Immediately beneath this are two heavy iron rollers, fixed horizontally, and each furnished, at certain intervals on its surface, with stout steel bars. These rollers are set so as to revolve with an intervening space of one inch, and, as the material from the hopper above passes between them, it is rapidly reduced to this gauge. It then falls, and passes between a second pair of rollers, set to a narrower gauge, being thus reduced to a. still finer grain.”
The extract does not specify how the steel bars were fixed, and its meaning is open to doubt, and capable of various constructions. This publication is without drawings, and does not disclose the device “in such full, clear, and exact terms” as are required under the authority of Seymour v. Osborne, 11 Wall. 516.
We come now to the question whether the complainants’ machine is anticipated by any of the prior uses or patents relied upon for the defendants, and brought to the attention of the court for the first time on rehearing. I do not think that the Moore disintegrator anticipates the complainants’. There is, considering the two in the 'light of the decision of the supreme court in this case,, a patentable difference. Ii does, however, establish that the inventors of the complainants’ patent were not pioneers in the art of disintegrating clay, as distinguished from crushing and grinding. It is true that the surfaces of the rolls themselves were about two inches apart, but the space between the end of the teeth of each roll and the smooth surface of the other roll was only about three-eighths of an inch. The two rolls were run at a differential speed. It is also true that small stones would pass between the rolls, and that the clay was subjected to other treatment before it went into the molds; but it is shown that whether such further treatment was necessary would depend upon the clay used, and that, if free from rock and of the right kind, it would be completely treated and fitted for the molds by being passed between the rolls. This machine, while it was a disintegrator, was also to a certain extent a grinding and pulverizing machine; and, under the ruling ,of the supreme court in this case, it lacked the patentable elements secured to the complainants by tlie letters issued to tbem.
Next comes the machine constructed by Rossi at thé Elizabeth-port factory, before 1883. The rolls on that machine were in use about six months, and until the failure of the company. The three steel bars of each roll were located spirally across its face, and intended to feed the clay through. These bars extended within three-fourths of an inch of the face of the opposite roll. This also is recognized as establishing that shredding clay was accomplished by its operation.
The Watson machine has already been referred to as accomplishing, the shredding of clay.
It is not necessary to consider separately the other patents. They are all recognized as bearing upon the state of the art, but not as anticipations.
The decree will be for the defendants.