Opinion of the Court.
James Miller filed his bill in chancery, in the court below, against James Wilson, alleging that he had made a contract with said Wilson for 500 acres of land, two hundred in one tract, tobe conveyed on demand, and three hundred adjoining, out of another survey, to be conveyed in one year, at twenty shillings per acre; which contract was reduced to writing and exhibited; that the 200 acres were conveyed, and the 300 acre tract not yet conveyed; that he had paid for the 200 acres and received a conveyance, but had received none for the 300 acres, for which the purchase money was still due, and Wilson had obtained his judgment therefor. He suggests, as grounds of equity, some difficulty in the title of the 200 acres, occasioned by incumbrances, or previous conveyances made thereof by Wilson, which be prays may be removed, and that W ilson had no title to the 300 acres; that Wilson had purchased it from Thomas Carneal, who had no title thereto, the land being patented in the names of others, from whom no regular chain of title could be deduced. He obtained an injunction, prayed that the incumbrances might be removed from the 200 acres, and that if a title could be made for the 300, the contract might be effectuated; but if this could not be done, that relief should be given as to all that part of the contract which Wilson could not carry into effect.
Wilson answered this bill, showing that the iijcuin bronces on the 200 acres coo Id be easily removed, hr having received a clear title to that much from the said Thomas Carneal; also, setting forth a conveyance from the said Carneal for the §00 acres, and alleging that he was ready and willing to make a complete title thereto.
After the cause had progressed for some time, supposing that he was unable to show a clear title to the. 340 acres, by virtue of his deed from Carneal, because the locator’s claim in the whole tract was unsatisfied and undivided, and because Carneal could not deduce title from the patentees, he amended bis answer, showing these doubts and defects, and praying that Carneal might be made a defendant to his answer in the nature of a cross bill, and that relief might be afforded him against Carneal, in case no title could be had to the 300 acres:
Carneal answered this answer, admitting his conveyance of both the 200 and 300 acre tracts; admits the locator’s claim to the G00 acres, of which the 300 acres •were part; that he had retained the residue to satisfy the locator, and if it was not found as valuable as that conveyed to, Wilson, he'was willing to pay the difference, if Wilson would do the same, if the part allotted to him should prove more valuable.
After this, an amended answer of Wilson was filed, which, among other things, suggested the death of Car-neal, and making his three heirs, to wit, Thomas D. Carneal, Alice Carneal and Sally Coleman, then wife of James Coleman, with her husband, defendants; the latter, also, as administrator of the estate, was made party. Subpcenas were issued on the bill, or answer of revivor, and returned with an acknowledgment of service, purporting to be signed by the defendants named' in the process. After the return of this process,' the cause was continued several times, without any answer from the heirs of Carneal, before its termination.
Here, for the present, we will leave this cause, until we commence and bring up the history of another to the same point, as they were both terminated in the same way, and are both involved in this suit.
Wilson, during the progress of this cause, filed' his original bill in another suit against the heirs of Carneal, stating that on the 29th of April 1796, he and Thomas
Service of the process was acknowledged in this.case, and the defendants appeared and filed a demurrer, which was argued and overruled, and directions given that an answer should he filed, which was never done. As the cause progressed, a bill was filed, suggesting the death of Sally Coleman, and making her infant son a party, and also suggesting the marriage of Alice Car-neal with James D. Breckinridge, and process was awarded and executed accordingly. B.efore the termination of the cause, another amended bill was filed, the leave.to grant which, was excepted to by the defendants. A still further amendment set out the death of Thomas Coleman, and also, that the letters of administration granted to James Coleman on the estate of Thomas Carneal the elder, were revoked, and granted to his son, Thomas D. Carneal; so that he and Breck-inridge and wife had become the only proper defendants.
At the next succeeding term, an entry was made, disposing of this suit, as well.as the cross bill of Wilson, filed in the aforesaid suit.of Miller.against Wilson, reciting, that Worden Pope, Esq. produced, in court and.
The record then recites, that the letter of attorney was proved to be the hand-writing of, and wholly written, signed, sealed and delivered by the said Thomas P. Carneal; and then, upon the adjustment and settlement of said agent, and in the first case of Miller against Wilson and Carneal’s heirs, it was decreed, that the contract between Miller and Wilson, and Wilson and Carneal, be rescinded by consent, as to the 300 acres of land; that Wilson recover against Thomas D. Car-neal, and Breckinridge and wife, six hundred dollars, by the adjustment and settlement of sajd Pope, with its current interest, and the whole costs of defending against, and recovered of him by Miller, as well as that expended in prosecuting his cross bill against Carneal’s heirs, to be satisfied out of the lands which belonged to the said Thomas Carneal, deceased, at his death, which remained unsold at the date of the decree, at the valuation of said Pope; and upon the lands being so valued, they should he conveyed to the said Wilson, his heirs and assigns, by the said Thomas D. Carneal and Breck-inridge and wife, as heirs of the said decedent, with a covenant to warrant and defend the title, as far as- the assets extended, or as far as they had received assets by descent or devise, or distribution. In the case of Wilson against said heirs, upon the adjustment and settlement of said Pope, it was decreed and ordered, that Wilson recover the sum of §1,320, with its current interest until paid, at six per centum per annum, and costs, to be paid and satisfied out of the lands of the decedent, in the same manner and upon precisely thg
These decrees were rendered in 1816, and in 1813 Wilson filed the bill, which is the subject of the present suit, to carry these deprees into effect, stating, that all the land which he was ever able to obtain in satisfaction of these decrees, was about 330 acres, at $1 75 per acre. He makes Thomas D. Carneai and Breckinridge and wife, defendants; prays a disclosure of title for lands descended or devised to them, and that land may be decreed, enough to satisfy the decrees; if not, that the amount be paid him in money, as he charges that they haVe received assets more than sufficient to satisfy said sums.
On this bill, process was issued and executed. Thomas D. Carneai filed his answer, and also a bill, which he styled a bill of review, praying, a revision of the aforesaid decrees, which both contain substantially the same grounds of defence, and the answer discloses no titles to lands, and neither admits nor denies the existence of assets.
In the bill called a bill of review, Breckinridge and wife are united, and it contains, in substance, the following grounds to impeach the aforesaid decrees: 1st, That they were entirely ignorant and unapprised of the extent of the claim set up by Wilson, the entire management of the estate being confided to James Coleman, to whom administration was granted; but that his letters were revoked, and administration granted to Thomas D. Carneai, who resided 150 miles from the court wherein this suit was pending, and that Wilson came to him and obtained by fraud, the letter of attorney to Pope, without correctly informing him of the extent of the claim, but representing that the claim was fair- — evidenced by obligation — that no part was satisfied1. Hence he was induced to give the letter of attorney, trusting to Pope’s agency, and that Wilson imposed upon Pope, who was then attorney at law for Wilson, and induced him to have the two decrees entered up for a much larger amount than was really due. 2dly, That Pope, induced by Wilson, greatly exceeded his authority, and agreed to said decrees without re-conveying the title acquired by the deed for 300 acres, or restoring the possession of either tract. 3dly, That there were divers credit? written on the same paper
They claim credit for the 300 acres and 200 acres, which is the subject of controversy in the first of said suits, as part of the land which Carneal was bound to convey by the contract set up in the last suit for §1,320, which 200 and 300 acres amounted to §1,000. They claim, in addition, a credit for a horse and some articles of provision furnished by their ancestor to Wilson, on his arrival in this country.
Next, they claim as a credit a sum of money for iron shipped by Mason to Carneal, the decedent, and con-, signed to the said Wilson, as agent or receiver of Car-neal, and which Wilson received, secreted and disposed of, and denied that he had ever received it; but that Mason brought suit against the decedent, (to the record of which they refer,) and in that suit proved that Wilson had received it.
Lastly, they charge that Wilson, to complete the fraud, procured his son, in those suits, to swear, that he, Wilson, held a separate bond on Carneal the elder, for ¿he 500 acres, the subject of the first decree, when in truth the son was interested and received part of the land given by Pope in discharge of the decree, immediately, and in truth and in fact no other bond or contract was given by their ancestor, except the one for ‡ 1,320; and they allege, if there was such bond given, it was for particular tracts, in discharge of so much of the bond for §1,320; and they require Wilson to show and prove any other contract for land, but this one, and the consideration of such other contract.
To this bill of review Wilson answered, denying, in general terms, all the allegations of fraud charged against him, and demurred to the residue. To the answer of Thomas D. Carneal filed in his own suit, he excepted, because it failed to set forth the lands descended and assets in their hands.
In this situation the cause remained for a year, when the exceptions to the answer to the bill of Wilson and the demurrer to the bill of Carneal’s heirs were first set for argument. The court below sustained the demurrer and dismissed the bill of review with costs, and sus-
2. By the rules of practice in chancery, anterior to any legislation on this subject, day was always given, sufficiently , reasonable to allow another answer to be filed. • In the English chancery, the bill, answer and exceptions were referred to a master, who reported his decision thereon. If the answer was deemed insufficient, day was given to put in a further, or sufficient answer, which was always done by answering to those parts of the bill not answered by the first answer ex-cepled to, and attaching it to the first answer. Still the
Wc will further observe, that the points here, on Which the further answer was required, were important matters. The defendant below might wish to deny the' existence of the assets, with ’,vhich he was charged, or to show that there was enough to satisfy these decrees, according to their terms, in-land at valuation, instead of commuting them into money. The decision of the '
It may be contended, that the answer, so far as it was not excepted to, contained all the defence to the merits, and that, that defence was invalid, and therefore the party suffered nothing by its loss, and of course ought not to be redressed. If the answer was wholly nugatory, it would not follow, that the same, or at least a sufficient time to prepare another, ought not to have been given, when this was set aside. But, instead of investigating that matter further, we will proceed to consider the merits of this answer, or rather of the bill of review, as it is called, which is essentially the same with the answer, and with the answer it must stand or fall.
We cannot give to this bill the merit of a hill of review, for the following reasons: It is not founded on errors or wrongs apparent on the face of the decree itself, or in the record; for no such wrongs are pointed out or complained of; hut all its complaints are bottomed on matter dehors the record. It does not contain or set forth a discovery of evidence, of that permanent or unerring nature, which, according to repeated decisions of this court, is necessary to be shown in bills of review, on points before in issue. Besides, a bill of review is nota bill of course, but must be allowed by the chancellor, on proper application; which was never done in this case.
3. But notwithstanding this bill is named a bill of review, and we deem it not to be one, it does not thence follow, that it ought not to be sustained, as a good bill of some other denomination, its mistaken name notwithstanding. We deem this to be properly, from its substance and contents, an original bill to impeach the former decrees, for fraud in the manner of obtaining them. Such bills are well known to courts of equity, and are allowed to reach and overhale decrees, on the principle, that fraud vitiates every transaction, and ought to be redressed. The q uestion then is, does it contain sufficient matter to support a bill of that character?
We attach but little importance to the charge, that Wilson obtained the power of attorney to Pope, by misrepresenting his claim, when his claim was asserted in suits, io which the plaintiff in error was a party, and by using reasonable diligence, the record would faithfully liaye informed him of the nature and extent of that
4. But there is one charge in this bill, when coupled with the others and taken as true, cannot be successfully resisted, and that is the charge that there were divers credits on the bond, at least on the same paper, and that they were torn off and thus concealed from the court and all the parties. If this be true, the decrees, either in whole or in part, were obtained by fraud, and ought to be enquired into. Let it be recol-Iected, that the plain tiff in error stands in a representative character. He cannot be presumed tobe conusant of the transactions of his testator; and he deposes that he did not know these matters, but since has discovered them, and names the witnesses by whom they can be proved. The defendant in error ought to be compelled to answer them specially; and. if he is found guilty of the charge, the chancellor ought to place the parties in statu quo, which is said to be the- redress afforded on bilis of this nature. Mitford 84.
The answer of the defendant, on this, as well as other points, is too general, in denying the fraud without responding to each charge. Therefore, the demurrer ought to have been overruled, and a full answer directed to the bill impeaching the decrees. It also follows, that the answer of the plaintiff in error, which contains the same facts, was sufficient to impeach the- decree, and.might, with an additional answer on the points excepted to, he allowed to stand, as to the residue of the charges contained'in the hill; for we perceive no good reason why. a party may not resist, by way of answer, a bill brought to- carry a decree into effect, by showing the fraud in obtaining it, as well-as by an original bill brought for that purpose.
This result renders.it unnecessary to respond to the-other errors assigned, which relate to the details of the decree, except one, which affects the bill itself. It is contended, that as the original decrees were against
But the decree on the other points must be reversed with costs, and directions given to the court below to overrule the demurrer to the bill of the plaintiff in error, and to direct an answer in proper time, and'that reasonable time be then given to the plaintiff in error to put in a proper answer to the bill of the defendant.