The respondent, as receiver in supplementary proceedings of Cornelius J. Sullivan, has recovered a judgment against the defendant for $383,079.67, entered on the verdict of a jury. The claim is based upon an instrument in writing, dated May 3, 1906, between Sullivan and the defendant, reciting and providing:
“ That the said Cornelius J. Sullivan has heretofore rendered service to the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company, and by the covenants and agreements of this contract, promises to render services in the future, and in consideration of such service rendered and to be rendered the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company covenants and agrees as follows:
“ That if and in the event the contract for the construction of the Manhattan Bridge over the East River between the Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn shall be awarded to the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company, for which contract the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company has submitted its bid, estimate, bonds, contract and specifications, the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company- covenants and agrees to give and secure to the said Cornelius J. Sullivan one-half of the net profits which the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company shall receive under and by virtue of the execution and full performance of the said contract for the construction of said bridge between the City of New York and the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company. * * * That for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinbefore expressed, the said Cornelius J. Sullivan hereby agrees and covenants to render to the said Ryan-Parker Construction Company such service or services as
“ In witness whereof, the party of the first part has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and the party of the second part has subscribed and sealed this agreement. “ RYAN & PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO.,
“ By P. Ryan, President.
“ [seal]
Cornelius J. Sullivan, who will be referred to as the plaintiff, was engaged in the life insurance business as his regular employment. From time to time he had other activities. He was connected with the Sullivan Advertising Company, had been interested in the promotion of a patented preparation called “ Bromonia,” and had had a contract with the Monorail Company “ for the purpose of furthering the interests of the corporation in regard to their affairs” and “if there was any public letting of work to be done, to see if we couldn’t get their system adopted, especially for the — the particular subject was that they were trying to get a franchise to run a spur track on 42nd Street.” Plaintiff was not an engineer and had never had anything to do with bridge construction. He was not a lawyer and had never studied law. He was a second cousin of Timothy D. Sullivan, who had been a State Senator and was at the time involved, according to the testimony, a member of Congress and regarded as a man of influence and prominence in politics in the city of New York. The plaintiff and Timothy D. Sullivan had certain interests in common and for several years preceding 1906 it had been their custom to meet at the rooms of the Timothy D. Sullivan Association practically every day when they were in the city.
The defendant corporation represented and practically handled and carried on the contracting business of the firm of Ryan & Parker, and previous to the Manhattan bridge project had carried out contracts for important public improvements, such as the Riverside Drive viaduct and foundations for the Blackwell’s Island bridge.
At the outset, attention is arrested by the extraordinary character of this contract, whereby for services not specified
Plaintiff’s claim is substantially this: That in 1905 the city of New York received bids for the construction of the Manhattan bridge, and the lowest bid was for $7,284,739; that this amount was apparently the result of an agreement among the bidders and the courts enjoined the letting of the contract at that price, and the matter was thrown open for new bids; that plaintiff, believing that the other bidders were still in an agreement to keep the price high, conceived the idea of putting in a bid which would result in a substantial profit and yet be sufficiently low to make probable the obtaining of the contract; that he revealed this plan to Patrick F. Ryan, defendant’s president, and worked with him in elaborating the project and determining the figures. He testified that, by studying the schedules employed on the previous bidding and considering the estimates made by Ryan and by LaChicotte, defendant’s engineer, he was enabled to advise the defendant to put in a bid of $6,493,000, and that substantially this bid was put in by the defendant on April 30, 1906, and the contract awarded to defendant. Plaintiff does not explain how he was able to make up a bid that would cover cost and profit without any knowledge or experience whatever in bridge or other construction. It may also be noted here in passing that LaChicotte recovered and collected -a judgment for some $40,000 for bringing this matter to the attention of the defendant and preparing the bid. Plaintiff further claims that thereafter he conducted negotiations for materials, dealt with a surety company and the comptroller regarding a bond, interviewed various concerns at the request of Ryan and reported to him, the results of the interviews, negotiated with the Phoenix Bridge Company, to which the contract for structural steel was finally given, and had to do with the contract with the Carbon Steel Company for cables and with Terry & Tench for construction work; and that for several months he devoted practically all of his time in endeavoring to forward the project and carried out every instruction given to him.
That the president of the defendant would have to be expressly authorized to bind the defendant to a contract of this extraordinary character is obvious. Plaintiff relies in the first instance upon the presumption arising from the fact that the corporate seal of the defendant was affixed to the instrument. (Quackenboss v. Globe & R. F. Ins. Co., 177 N. Y. 71.) The defendant meets the presumption by showing that the contract never was authorized by the board of directors. Plaintiff rejoins by claiming that the defendant was virtually a “ one-man corporation and that Ryan was the corporation,” and relies upon cases holding that when a corporation consists of a small number of persons they may effectually transact their business in a very informal manner. (Barkin Construction Co. v. Goodman, 221 N. Y. 156.) But the evidence shows that at the time this contract was made, an Ohio syndicate, consisting of three persons, had a substantial interest in the company and virtually controlled it. These parties owned more than one-fourth of the stock and held all of the balance of the stock as security for the repayment of loans of between $200,000 and $300,000 which they had advanced as working capital for the firm of Ryan & Parker. They were represented in the directorate of the defendant, and the evidence shows that up to the time of this contract the board of directors was in frequent session and passed upon important matters. So that it cannot be successfully claimed that when this agreement was made the defendant was in any sense a “ one-man corporation.” There remains, however, before the contract can be disposed of as unauthorized, the question whether it was not ratified by the defendant. This question was submitted to the jury, and properly so. While there was no evidence that it was ratified by the defendant or its directors at any time when the Ohio syndicate were
The claim of indefiniteness urged against the contract would be valid if the contract were an executory one. It is quite conceivable that, under some circumstances, a contract calling for the employment of one to render services “in a managing or advisory capacity ” would be upheld as sufficiently definite, as in the case of an ordinary employment contract. Not so, however, in the case qf such an extraordinary contract as this, where a corporation agrees, instead of paying dividends to its stockholders, to divide its profits, running into hundreds of thousands of dollars, with one who agrees to render no specified services whatever. But the difficulty with defendant’s position is that the contract has been executed, assuming that the plaintiff did, as the jury found, render some services and all that he was called upon to render, and assuming further that the contract contemplated such services and not the sale of political influence. If one performs services under a contract, no matter how general and vague the description of the services to be rendered may be in the contract, it is certainly no defense on the part of another who has accepted the services to say that the agreed compensation shall not be paid because the services were not sufficiently pointed out or described in the contract. Furthermore, the contract was before this court on an application to inspect the defendant’s books and also on an application to examine the defendant before trial (Sullivan v. Ryan-Parker Const. Co., No. 1, 148 App. Div. 243) and plaintiff’s right to both was upheld, While the parties did not raise the question.
Finally, it is claimed that the contract is void as against . public policy, and that, in any event, the court should have submitted to the jury the question whether its intent and purpose was the sale and purchase of political influence to be exerted in securing the contract and in connection therewith. Manifestly the contract is not a corrupt or illegal one upon its face, in spite of the fact that the compensation is contingent upon the event of defendant being awarded the contract to construct the bridge. This contract was drawn by a skilled lawyer. Moreover, contracts for the sale of political influence are not apt so to provide in terms or to express any intent or obligation to employ corruption or improper recourse to public officials. But the court is not concluded by the mere phraseology employed. In such a case as this, where the contract contemplates official action as a condition precedent for the payment of compensation, and where such a huge sum is to be paid for “ services ” unspecified and so vaguely and generally referred to, the court will look into the surrounding circumstances, consider the situation of the parties, their negotiations and the subject-matter of the ' agreement, and ascertain what was in fact the purpose and intention of the agreement, without being concluded by its phraseology or by proof of what was actually done under it. In a matter so vitally affecting public policy, the court could do no less.
In the Federal courts it is well settled that the law will not lend its aid to enforce a contract which tends to corrupt or contaminate, by improper influence, the integrity of our social or political institutions; also that the decision does not turn upon the question whether improper influences were contemplated or used, but upon the corrupting tendency- of the agreements. (Marshall v. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., 57 U. S. [16 How.] 334; Tool Co. v. Norris, 69 id. [2 Walk] 45, 54, 55.) This rule, making the corrupting tendency of the agreement the test of invalidity, was followed in Mills v. Mills
In Chesebrough v. Conover (140 N. Y. 382) the question submitted was whether or not it was part of the contract there involved that the plaintiff should have private and personal interviews with members of the Legislature. The contract was an oral one, so that the question was not what the contract implied, but what it was. The court held that there was evidence upon which the jury might find for the plaintiff, saying: “ Here the jury could find that the plaintiff was not employed to render, and that he did not render, lobby services. He was not a lobbyist, and he had no acquaintance or influence with any member of the Legislature, and it does not appear that he had any peculiar facilities for procuring legislation. The jury could find from the evidence that he was employed by the defendant to draw legislative bills and to explain them to members of the Legislature, and to procure their introduction into the Legislature, and nothing more. It does not appear that he asked or solicited any member of the Legislature to vote for the bills, or that he did anything except to explain them, and request their introduction,1' and so much he could do without violating any public policy. It must be the right of every citizen who is interested in any proposed legislation to employ an agent for compensation payable to him, to draft his bill and explain it to any committee or to any member of a committee, or of the Legislature, fairly and openly, and ask to have it introduced; and contracts which do not provide for more, and services which do not go farther, in our judgment, violate no principle of law or rule
Veazey v. Allen (173 N. Y. 359) was an action upon a contract for the proceeds of a speculation in the stock of the Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company and the American Sugar Refining Company. The fall in the price of the shares which was the immediate cause of the profits was the result of a congressional investigation into the affairs of both companies, which investigation was instigated by the plaintiff. It was not a contract which contemplated a single illegal act. This fact was recognized by the court. It could only be held invalid, and it was in fact so held, merely because of its corrupting tendency. The court said: “In its final effect we have here a case in which it is alleged and proved that the consideration of the contract sought to be enforced is the fruit of a legislative investigation, instituted, prosecuted and encouraged by the plaintiff; That such a contract is one which, in its object, operation and tendency, is calculated to be prejudicial to the public welfare, ought not to be doubted for a moment. Why? Not because the plaintiff was in fact necessarily dishonest or corrupt in instituting and prosecuting the investigation; nor yet because the charges preferred against the offending corporation were not true, but because the plaintiff voluntarily acquired a pecuniary interest in the result of the investigation, which might subject not only him, but through him others, to the temptations and allurements which human experience has proven to be potent in sacrificing sound morality and honesty to that greed and cupidity which not infrequently beget perjury, bribery and other moral delinquency, incompatible with the public weal.” Dunham v. Hastings Pavement Co. was four times before this éourt (56 App. Div. 244 ; 57 id. 426; 95 id. 360; 118 id. 127). It was founded upon a contract which bound the plaintiff to “ use and make all reasonable, honest and lawful efforts to secure the right from the city of New York to make bids for laying such pavement or paving blocks upon the streets of the city of New York.” The last appeal was upon demurrer to the amended complaint, and the defendant appellant based its case upon the then recently decided case of Veazey v. Allen (supra). The court said; “ The views expressed, in
Mr. Justice' Scott in his dissenting opinion said: “ Since the first appeal the Court of Appeals in Veazey v. Allen (173 N. Y. 359) have expressly reaffirmed the rule of Mills v. Mills in all its stringency, and have again held that the test to be applied to what is claimed to be a lobbying contract, is not that the parties actually stipulated for corrupt action, or intended that secret and improper resorts should be. made, but that it is enough to condemn such a contract that it tends directly to these results, and furnishes a temptation to plaintiff to resort to corrupt means or improper devices to influence legislative action.” The decision of this court was affirmed (189 N. Y. 500).
It appears from this review of the cases that the law as ■now interpreted and applied may be stated as follows: In the case of an executory contract, the law will not aid in its enforcement where the contract tends directly to corrupt action or secret and improper resort to public officials. In an action to recover compensation for legitimate services actually rendered under a contract which tends to corrupt action or to secret and improper resort to public officials, in the absence of any proof that such was the intention and purpose of the contract, a recovery may be sustained. Where, however, there is evidence warranting a finding that the purpose and intention of the contract, entirely innocent upon its face, was to influence official action by means of political considerations, or other improper means independent of the merits, the law will not aid a recovery even though the services actually rendered were legitimate.
Concerning the purpose and intent of this contract, the evidence presents a sharp conflict, The claim of the plain
It should be stated here that plaintiff flatly contradicts Ryan’s testimony, and that Ryan did not give this testimony upon a former trial of this action when Timothy D. Sullivan, who has since died, was alive and able to defend himself. While this goes strongly to the worth of Ryan’s testimony, it does not alter its legal effect.
There are several items of evidence which a jury might find to be corroborative of Ryan’s claim that he was purchasing political influence. Plaintiff himself testified that he brought Ryan to Timothy D. Sullivan after the bid was put in and the contract in suit drawn, but before the contract in suit was executed, and that the following conversation took place: "I said to Senator Sullivan: 'Senator, this is Mr. Ryan,’ or ' Shake hands with Mr. Ryan; he is a gentleman that I am interested with in this bid on this contract, and he wanted me to ask him some questions, how far you will go for me, or something to that effect. Now, I have brought him here so that he can ask you anything that he pleases, so that you can meet, and if he has anything to say, to say it.’ And that is all there was to it. So Ryan said to him, ' Senator, how far will you go for Con? ’ And the Senator looked him in the eye, and said, ‘ Mr. Ryan, I will go as far as I can. Is that satisfactory? ’ He said, ' That is satisfactory to me.’ And that was absolutely the only thing that was said.”
Given the surrounding circumstances, the situation and the relation of the parties, it requires no extended discussion to show that the jury might have inferred that this was a plain promise on the part of Timothy D. Sullivan to put all of his political influence and backing behind the project in which the plaintiff was, according to his claim, interested. Further, the lawyer who drew the contract in suit for the plaintiff was called as a witness by the defendant in respect to the circumstances attending the drawing of the contract and testified: " My recollection of the matter, the substance
Another item is the situation of the defendant at the time the contract was made. Ryan knew that he had put up a straw bond, and that a thorough investigation of the matter by the board of estimate and apportionment would lose the defendant the contract, even if its bid were the lowest. He anticipated an attack upon .his bid from the other bidders, one of whom, according to his testimony, had an influential politican “ on their staff.” While no court would assume that the public officials, in deciding on the award, would be influenced by any consideration except the merits, and there is nothing to show that they were actuated by. any other consideration, it does not follow that these contractors and bidders did not believe, and act upon the belief, that their position would be strengthened with the public officials, or with some of them, if they had political influence and backing. Taking into consideration all of these matters, and adding the vagueness of the services as stated in the contract, the fact that plaintiff’s compensation depended in the first instance upon the contract being awarded, the fact that plaintiff was not in any respect connected with the bridge building business, but was in the business of life insurance and advertising, and the very large sum claimed for such services as were rendered, a question of fact for the jury was presented by the conflicting testimony and the conflicting inferences to be drawn as to the real purpose and intention of this very extraordinary contract.
It is insisted by the respondent that the issue of the illegality of the contract was not presented for determination owing to the failure of the defendant to plead illegality. The defendant did plead in the fifth defense that the plaintiff represented that he “ had powerful affiliations which were influential with the government of the City of New York and certain persons hold-
This extract from the Dunham case has been cited with approval in the two recent cases of Barry v. Mulhall (162 App. Div. 749) and Sprague v. Webb (168 id. 292). An attempt is made to distinguish these cases by asserting that the evidence of illegality in those cases appeared from the evidence offered in support of the plaintiff’s case, or that the contracts were invalid on their face. It is to be noted, however, that in the Drake Case {supra) the dissenting opinion raised the .point that it did not appear upon the face of the complaint or necessarily from the evidence given on behalf of the plaintiff that the contract was illegal, but nevertheless the judgment was affirmed. Furthermore, in the case at bar, the inference that the purpose of this contract was illegal might be drawn from the evidence introduced in support of the plaintiff’s case.
The judgment and order must, therefore, be reversed and a new trial ordered, with costs to appellant to abide the event.
Clarke, P. J., Laughlin and Page, JJ., concurred; Dowling, J., dissented.
Judgment and order reversed, new trial ordered, costs to appellant to abide event.