ACCEPTED 05-15-01372-CV FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS Burford & Ryburn, L.L.P. 11/20/2015 11:48:47 AM LISA MATZ Attorneys and Counselors at Law CLERK Dallas • Fort worth Christina Gratke Nason FILED IN WRITER-S DIRECT DIAL (214) 7JO-3I58 5th COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS WRITER'S FACSIMILE: (214) 74U-2R60 11/20/2015 11:48:47 AM LISA MATZ WRITER'S EMAIL ADDRESS: cnason'i3.brla».com Clerk WEB SITE Mii-w.brlaw com November 20, 2015 Via E-File Ms. Lisa Matz, Clerk of Court Fifth Court of Appeals 600 Commerce Street, Suite 200 Dallas. Texas 75202 Re: Case No. 05-15-01372-CV; Fifth District Court of Appeals at Dallas, Texas; Christopher Patterson and Stevens Transport, Inc. v. Glendy W. Tolbert, Jr. Dear Ms. Matz: Please be advised that the parties to this appeal have reached an agreement, which will resolve the appeal as to all parties to the appeal. Because the parties are in the process of finalizing a written agreement. Appellants respectfully request that this Court of Appeals take no further action on this appeal. After the written agreement has been finalized, Appellants Christopher Patterson and Stevens Transport, Inc. and Appellee Glendy W. Tolbert, Jr. will move for voluntary agreed dismissal of this appeal pursuant to Rules 42.1(a)(2) and 43.2(e) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, BURfDRD &RYBliilN, ^.L.P. Christina Gratke Nason CGN/ss cc: Mr. Lucas S. Lafitte Via E-File Ms. Jennifer Rehfeld Lafitte, Abbott, Wingo, Rehfeld & Halloway, PLLC 500 N. AKARD STREET • SUITE 3100 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-6697 • (214) 740-3100 Est. 1907 1277555.1 876-0000
Christopher Patterson and Stevens Transport, Inc. v. Glendy W. Tolbert, Jr.
Combined Opinion