*°6 5 ORIGINAL !To6wufl Co 66s ^ -rg^s The 6TflT^ Of TtX-flS 3 RECEIVED IN §, COURT OF CRMNAUPPEALS S MAY 14 2015 p . Abel Acosta, Clerk court of HPrefiLS fot THf Sev/r/v/TH 5yp^mC TuoicmL 0«ST*,CT Of TtKaS fir fl.^^ fl f^ TH, ,37TH Oilier coaa- Of lu66ocK CourfTY, TflM* Hon. Tow* Mccuaoon, xuow p^o^e FILED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS HAY 14 2015 Abel Acosta, Cierk HO Pa£fie6 flrjo counsel Cl£M£i\IT6 UUlT • flPPeLL/noT 0V>l6T/)tfT UjiaiiIAL DltftlCf RTT0M€i P,0,6o* /0^36p Lu&feocX.-firx/iS l^^og &~!f) Tflfcli" of cottftirrs n „ H/trigs and cou-hseL —^~ Tflfoir of totfreuTs '3 tNQex, o-f flurno£tfrf5 4_ BUrti $rgum£/\jt ifTATeMBirr 5~ IrfftreMtNtf of rue ca^ i fl£G(!M6>iT5 8-f Quae a 10 ^ewice it 6- u) itioet of fluTHofcmzs — 73/ %i3Ad G33 CTe*.Appm nyc 7-g JttjuTEb ~ COOE6 TfX , COQE tHiM Pp*r , fig-, /t/f)- * &//J) otah fimimttrr "jr^-remetrr Th£ APPELANT £±Qu£t>T6 ORnL fl£6arv)£AfT Due: To TwiT fLi-nonmtrtr*L \4m& of Tut I2WE5 rM\/oL\/£D ^MO Twe fflcr tmat r«er k>6« ftpMUirCE toner Uwttio rue rnai Coutr TuoeMt'A/T w Cause uo, Zoio-HABtlBS, Mt*l no, oi-n-oaol-u fim Cause no Zom-m^V ^"'0 1)TftTmmT Of CASE I(J Cause No. 2010- '-/2B ,706 fippeLLariT UfiS tmnGEQ Wny RGGIfaVflTEO R&AuiT PunuflrtT To Pe-mL Code X 2Zoz(b)0) , PiPpelLn^f PUflOfl) Guitry To nil Thuzz tefete/* ceo cases %oio~HA1 ,3V) Roto To Tm LoatT C^.VoL.3), ori WtofcCH 2fr£H >2.01/ , TUt CoucT UllO flM £\}\to£trf\(\M PutiiSUmrJrT tftmUG ill \JoLuN\E5 h-s ) Tm coM teHttNuo MW**rfo a»ii **>/*> /*/ ^ ^ . ^£,^,7-^A RPP£U««r Puerto ***** Wr» 0Wof^,te(t[D) ^Mo ^ ^ ^ Oiutf ^0/0-^8,785 fcn/O e^fc ^/0-W/3^;W _ °<^^7/jDUl Htti/LMEQ Cause %*0-Hn. TH|5 ^ . 6.-//;
Cobbs, Joshua
Combined Opinion