Opinion by
On December 31, 1954, the Colonial Products Company, Dallastown, York County, filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission as to the service provided by the Dallastown- Yoe Water Company. It was alleged that the water company had refused to provide adequate pressure and quantities of water needed for the fire protection of the industrial property of Colonial and for the protection of life and property in the community of Dallastown.
Hearings were held on February 3 and March 11, 1955. Witnesses appeared on behalf of Colonial and on behalf of the water company; neither the authorities of the Borough of Dallastown nor any other customer of the water company appeared. After consideration of the evidence the commission concluded that the existing facilities of the water company were providing adequate public fire protection, and that the cost of the additional facilities desired by Colonial to improve its individual fire protection service would have been an unreasonable and unjust burden upon other customers of the utility.1 The commission gave consideration to the fact that Colonial would not agree to participate with the water company in assuming the additional expense burden involved even though it would have been the major beneficiary of the improvements desired. Accordingly, the commission, by its order of February 20, 1956, dismissed the complaint of Colonial. After the dismissal on August 5, 1957, of its request for reargument, rescission, and modification of the order, Colonial appealed to this Court.
Under section 401 of the Public Utility Law, 66 PS §1171, every public utility is required to furnish and maintain “adequate, efficient, safe, and reasonable service and facilities, . .
The Dallastown-Yoe Water Company has furnished water service to the public in the Boroughs of Dallas-town and Yoe since 1918. Dallastown, here involved, has a population of approximately 3,500. The entire water system is operated by gravity from a standpipe having a capacity of 300,000 gallons, located at the highest elevation in the borough. All of the water is purchased from the Bed Lion Water Company, located in. the adjacent Borough of Red Lion, and is distributed through a grid system. In addition to the standpipe storage capacity the water company has available the storag-e capacity afforded by a 1,000,000 gallon storage reservoir of the Red Lion Water Company, located approximately five thousand feet from the connecting master meter.
Colonial manufactures wood products at its principal plant, a two-story industrial type building, located in Dallastown. Wood products are manufactured and stored within the building; rough lumber and inflammable finishing materials are stored outside. A monthly inventory of approximately |500,000 is maintained.
Colonial receives water at two connections which are supplied principally by three routes or systems of mains. The commission found that water is supplied to Colonial through the grid system of water mains extending generally throughout the borough; through approximately 1,680 feet of 4-inch main, extending across private property, which connects two
Supplementary to the .hydrant fire protection facilities, Colonial has installed in its plant a sprinkler system supplied by a 50,000 gallon capacity water tower. There are two hundred sprinkler heads attached to the distribution pipes in the plant of Colonial and these are supplied by gravity flow from the water tower. One of the witnesses for Colonial testified that a fire at the plant would require at one time the use of approximately fifty sprinkler heads, and that the water tank if full would supply the sprinkler heads in any one fire for approximately forty-five minutes without replenishment. Complaint was made to delays experienced by Colonial in filling the storage tank after periodic tests. It appears that the storage tank is replenished automatically through the water system of Colonial which in turn receives water from the water company connections. On occasions Colonial has refilled its water tower by using a fire engine pumper. Colonial itself maintains no pumping facilities for replenishing the water tower supply, although the installation of a pump would be beneficial.
Two witnesses were called by Colonial to substantiate the charge of inadequate pressure and flow. Both witnesses were employed as field engineers or technical personnel by an industrial fire insurance company. One of these witnesses conducted pressure and flow tests on two occasions at points in and around the Colonial plant. He testified that he found a static pressure at five points ranging from 42 to 60 pounds per square inch; a residual pressure ranging from 12 to 29 pounds per square inch; and a rate of flow ranging from 500 gallons per minute to 805 gallons per minute.2
A witness for the water company who made tests of pressure and flow at various points near the Colonial plant found static pressure of 65 pounds per square inch, residual pressure of 50 pounds per square inch, and a rate of flow of 600 gallons per minute. The tests of this witness were conducted on a Saturday when the normal water usages throughout the system would be less than on a weekday. No weekday tests were made. The residual pressure test, however, was conducted simultaneously with the flow tests at a nearby hydrant.
In a proceeding on a complaint as to service the essential issue is whether the service of the utility meets the statutory requirement that it be adequate, efficient, safe, and reasonable. By its very nature, the statutory standard is not capable of definition with
Colonial contends that the commission improperly ignored evidence relating to a water shortage during a fire at the industrial plant of Guy Hobbs, Inc., in Dallastown, approximately a year prior to this pro
It was also permissible for the commission to give consideration to the fact that the improvements recommended by the witness for Colonial would inure mainly to the benefit of Colonial although they might tend incidentally to improve the service to other customers. The improvements would have had the effect of reducing the insurance protection costs of Colonial.
While ordinarily the cost of repairs and improvements in the system of a utility are to be borne by the utility as part of its duty to furnish and render reasonable and adequate service/ where, as here, special circumstances are present and the improvements desired are primarily for the benefit and convenience of one customer, the commission may give consideration
Moreover, the commission found, on the basis of the evidence of record, that the water company has endeavored to furnish reasonably adequate service over the years to its customers, and that for several years immediately prior to this complaint proceeding the water company at its sole cost and expense expanded its distribution system by adding facilities for the extension or reinforcement thereof in keeping with the development and growth of the community.
We do not deem it improper, under the circumstances, for the commission to conclude that it would be an unreasonable and unjust burden upon the other customers of the ivater company if it were required to expend a very substantial sum of money to benefit primarily one customer.
At one point in its order the commission stated: “Were the Commission to order the additional facilities to be installed, such action would of necessity be predicated upon respondent receiving additional operating revenue commensurate with the capital outlay involved.” Colonial asserts that this is not a correct statement of the law because the requirement that a utility make repairs or improvements to remedy an inadequate service does not depend upon the receipt of additional revenues. Generally this is true. The making of repairs and improvements to meet the duty
Colonial also contends that the order of the commission is insufficient in its findings of fact. This is similar to a contention made in Warminster Township
We find no reversible error in the commission’s disposition of the complaint in this proceeding.
The order of the commission is affirmed.
The estimated cost of the additional facilities was approximately $10,000; the gross revenues of the water company for the year 1954 were $24,472; the additional facilities would not have resulted in any increase in revenues to the water company.
Static pressure is the pressure normally present without a flow of water. Residual pressure is the pressure normally present while water is flowing; it is lower than static pressure due to a friction loss caused by the movement of water through the pipes. Residual pressure is the more important for fire protection.
This witness testified that Colonial needed “1,250 gallons per minute at 20 pound residual pressure” which could be raised to 50 pounds.
Section 401 of tlie Public Utility Law, 66 PS §1171, provicies:
“Every public utility . . . shall make all such repairs, changes, alterations, substitutions, extensions, and improvements in or to such service and facilities as shall be necessary or proper for the accommodation, convenience, and safety of its patrons, employes, and the public. . . .”