This indictment is for keeping a liquor nuisance. Gen. Sts. c. 87, §§ 6, 7. It was claimed by the defendant that the liquors found were intended by him for the manufacture of “ Sweet’s Bitters.” And this ground of defence was so far regarded as material by the government that evidence for the prosecution was produced that “ Sweet’s Bitters ” was in fact intoxicating, with the purpose no doubt of showing that its manufacture was a mere evasion, and that the article itself must be regarded as intoxicating liquor within the meaning of the law.
Upon this state of the case, a majority of the court are of opinion that on a cross-examination of the-witness for the prosecution, the defendant had a right to inquire what proportion of intoxicating liquor the article in question did contain. The interrogatory was made relevant and material by the course of the trial. After an attempt had been made to show that it was.intoxicating, the defendant should have been permitted to sh dw the contrary.