The opinion of the court was made known March 25th 1844.
An indictment was found, in the municipal court, against the defendant, alleged to be an inhabitant of New Bedford, for a violation of the pilot laws regulating the pilotage of foreign vessels into the port of Boston. The general statement, to be gathered from the averments in the indictment, is, that the defendant, not being commissioned as a pilot for the port of Boston, did, in April 1842, pilot a foreign vessel, called the barque Empress, into Boston harbor, although certain regular Boston pilots offered their'services before the vessel arrived at “a line drawn from Harding’s Rocks to the Outer Graves, and from thence to Nahant Head,” being the line fixed by law, (Rev. Sts. c. 32, § 24,) on the easterly or outside of which the commissioned branch pilots must offer their services to inward bound vessels, in order to entitle themselves to their fees.
The first and by far the most important inquiry in the present case is, what is the true construction of the several provisions in the revised statutes ? Is there any apparent conflict in the different provisions ; and if so, how and upon what reasonable construction can they be reconciled ? These are questions not only deeply affecting the rights of a hardy and highly meritorious class of persons engaged in the public service, but also those of shipmasters and merchants, and through them the great interests of commerce and navigation.
Some general considerations may have their weight in enaoling us to put a construction upon this law, before coming to
There certainly appears to be some discrepancy between different provisions of the revised statutes ; but, as these constitute but one act, enacted and going into operation at the same time, it is the duty of the court so to construe them as to give effect to each clause, as far as practicable, and to pronounce no part void, unless they are so contradictory that the one or the other must yield.
The provisions of law, as they now stand in the revised statutes, consist of general provisions, apparently intended to apply to all ports and places within the jurisdiction of the State; and special regulations, adapted to pilotage into the ports of Boston, Salem, Newburyport, New Bedford and Fairhaven, and through the Vineyard Sound and over Nantucket Shoals. In the general provisions, Rev. Sts. c. 32, § 12, it is declared, that any master of a vessel, (other than fishing vessels, &c., excepted in § 7,) “ who may choose to pilot his own vessel into or out of any port, shall be permitted to do so ; but he shall, notwithstanding, be liable to pay to such pilot of the port as shall first come on board of his vessel, the full pilotage according to the fees specified in his warrant.”
In the special provisions regulating pilotage for Boston harbor, (§ 23,) it is declared, that “if any person, not having a branch, commission or warrant, as a pilot or pilot’s apprentice, for the harbor of Boston, shall undertake to pilot into or out of said harbor any vessels, excepting such as are excepted in § 7, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $ 50 for each offence.” This is the section upon which the present prosecution is founded.
The next section, § 24, declares, that “ in case no Boston branch pilot shall offer his services to the master of a vessel bound into the harbor of Boston, before the vessel shall have passed a line drawn from Harding’s Rocks to the Outer Graves, and from thence to Nahant Head, such master shall be at lib
If these two last sections stood alone, it would seem very manifest, that the 23d section, imposing the penalty upon any person, without exception, who should undertake to pilot a vessel in, would include the master, as well as any other person. And this construction would seem to be strengthened by the 24th section, declaring that if no Boston pilot seasonably offer, the master shall be at liberty to pilot his own vessel, or to employ any other person, without incurring the penalty; implying that he would incur the penalty by piloting his own vessel, or employing another, if a Boston pilot had seasonably offered. But this is irreconcilable with the 12th section above cited, which provides, that if a master chooses to pilot his own vessel, he may do so, paying the regular fees, as if a regular pilot were in fact employed. If he is permitted to pilot his own vessel, then it is not unlawful; he commits no offence, and incurs no penalty. The liability to pay the fees, in such case, is a compensation for services tendered, and not a penalty. Apparently contradictory as these provisions are, they are to be reconciled, if possible, by a reasonable construction.
One obvious remark, common to this and other parts of the revised statutes, is this; that although, as positive law, they all took effect at the same time, yet they were, in most .instances, revisions of former acts made at different times ; that is, the reenactment of former acts, with some modifications. When statutes are passed at different times, with conflicting provisions, the later repeals the prior, without any repealing words ; because the last formal and constitutional expression of the legislative will is the governing law. This rule cannot apply to earlier and later sections in the revised statutes, for the reason already alluded to, viz. that although earlier or later in the order in which they are placed m the statute, they were all enacted simultaneously, and no one repeals another. But as they were taken from statutes passed at different times, it may in some manner account for the use of terms apparently contradictory
This statute, it is believed, with some slight modifications, constituted the basis of the law on the subject of pilotage, until 1829, when an act was passed specially regulating the subject of pilotage for the harbor of Boston. St. 1829, c. 2. The 1st section of this act prohibited any person from undertaking to pilot any vessels (except fishing vessels, &c.) into the harbor of Boston, without having first obtained a commission, under a penalty of $ 50 ; with a proviso in § 4, that if no Boston pilot should offer his services, &c., such master should be at liberty to pilot his own vessel, or employ any other person to pilot it into Bostón harbor, without incurring the penalties of the act. This act made further provisions as to the appointment of pilots, and repealed all, laws inconsistent with its provisions.
But the remark upon this statute most material to the pres • ent case is this; that as it imposed a penalty of $ 50 upon any person, not a commissioned pilot; as there was no clause — as in the St. of 1783 — authorizing a master to pilot his own vessel;. and as this act repealed all prior inconsistent acts ; we are strongly inclined to the opinion, that as the law then stood, the master would have incurred the penalty by undertaking to pilot his own vessel.
An additional act was passed in 1835, providing for the mode of appointing pilots, the securities to be taken of them, regulating their fees, and providing also for the appointment of pilot commissioners having a' superintending jurisdiction on the subject, but not changing the law as to the right of the master to pilot his own vessel, nor as to his liability, or that of any other person, to the penalty provided in the act of 1829. St. 1835, c. 149.
Thus stood the law, when the revised statutes were passed ; and we are again brought back to the question, how § 12 of c. 32, making it lawful, in all cases, for a master to pilot his own vessel, can be reconciled with §§ 23 and 24, imposing a penalty upon “ any person,” and with an implication which seems so to extend this prohibition as to include the master.
We have no doubt that it was the intention of the legislature, in the revised statutes, to reenact that provision of St. 1783, which made it lawful for a master to pilot his own vessel — with this alteration, that instead of paying half the fees of pilot-age in that case, he should pay the full fees ; thereby taking
The only question upon this point of the case was, whether this particular provision included the harbor of Boston, or only the other ports of the State, not extending the same liberty to masters coming into the port of Boston, to pilot their own ves seis, even on paying full pilotage.
As there seemed to be a distinct series of regulations for Bos ton, and as there were several other ports to which the other general regulations applied, and as these were manifestly the revision of acts passed at different times, the former for the State at large, and the latter for Boston, we were at first inclined to take this view of it. But upon further consideration, we are of opinion, that this construction is not the true one. The 12th section is general in its terms ; there is nothing in the words to show that it was not intended to apply to Boston ; and we think it would be too narrow and forced a construction to hold, "Without such terms of restriction, that it does not include the port of Boston.
Considering both provisions, then, as reenacted and in force, both having been passed at the same time, we are of opinion, that the true construction is this : By § 12, a master may always pilot in his own vessel, being liable always to pay the full pilotage. But this liability for pilotage is not regarded as a penalty, but rather as a compensation to which the regular pilot is entitled, for services tendered, and of which the master might have availed himself, if he wished. It follows, therefore, that a master can never incur the penalty of $ 50. But this privilege is a personal one to the master himself, and he cannot, under color of such personal right, authorize a person, not commissioned as a pilot, to pilot in a vessel, without incurring a penalty. Indeed, to hold that he could, would he in effect a repeal of the law. For as no person, seaman, passenger, branch pilot of another station, or other person, can pilot a vessel in, without being authorized or permitted so to do by the master, the penalty could never be incurred by any person.
There is some difficulty in reconciling the phraseology of the 24th section writli this construction. It is, that if “no Boston branch pilot shall offer his services to the master of a vessel bound into the harbor of Boston, such master shall be at liberty to pilot his own vessel, or to employ any other person to pilot his vessel into said harbor, without incurring the penalty mentioned in the preceding section ; ” that is, the penalty of $ 50.
It was urged at the argument, that this latter clause implies, that the penalty of the preceding section is incurred by the master, and not by the party undertaking to pilot. But this is not only contrary to what we understand to be the policy of the act, but contrary to the express words, which impose the penalty upon the person undertaking, not upon the master employing him. Then the intent of the 24th section is, that if a Boston branch pilot does not seasonably offer his services, the master may pilot in the vessel himself; but as this had been provided for before, it adds no new power ; and the phrase was probably retained thiough inadvertence, by being copied from another statute, where,» as we have before seen, it had a meaning. But
This view of the law disposes of the principal exception taken to the decision of the judge of the municipal court, and his instruction to the jury. This exception was as follows: “ The defendant contended, that the master of the vessel only was liable to the penalty mentioned in the Rev. Sts. c. 32, § 23. But the judge instructed the jury,” &c. [Here the chief justice recited the
Several other exceptions were taken, which we will consider m their order.
1. It is objected that the warrant of the defendant, as a pilot m the Vineyard Sound and over Nantucket Shoals, which was offered in evidence, was improperly rejected. It is, we think, very clear, that such warrant gave him no authority to pilot a vessel into Boston harbor.
There is a provision in Rev. Sts. c. 32, § 42, which, if it stood alone, and hastily read, might seem to imply such an authority. The provision is, that “ any person who shall faithfully and skilfully pilot any vessel through the Vineyard Sound over Nantucket Shoals, to her port of destination in Boston Bay, or eastward thereof, shall be entitled ” to certain fees specified ; with a proviso, that it shall not extend to any case where a different agreement is made. Taken in connexion with the other provisions of this chapter, it is obvious that this section, which was revised from a special act passed in 1820, (St. 1819, c. 155,) was intended to regulate pilotage over the shoals into Boston Bay or eastward thereof, and not to pilot vessels into Boston harbor, or any other harbor in the bay. Any other construction would be repugnant to the general terms of the act, which pro vides, § 8, for the assignment of districts to the several pilots ; § 7, which authorizes each pilot to take charge of any vessel, bound into the port assigned to him ; and § 23, which prohibits any person “ not having a branch commission or warrant, as a blot or pilot’s apprentice for the harbor of Boston.”
If then the defendant had any warrant as a Vineyard pilot, it had no tendency to excuse him, and any argument to that effect, founded on it, could only tend to mislead the jury. Indeed, it was not avowedly offered for that purpose, but to prove that the
2. The next objection is, that the regular pilot, who offered his services, should have proved affirmatively, that he had his warrant with him. The provision of Rev. Sts. c. 32, § 7, which authorizes the regular pilot to take charge of every inward bound vessel, of a certain description, adds, “ the said pilot first showing his warrant to the master, if required.’1'1 The first act, imposing on him the duty of exhibiting his warrant, was to be done by the master in requiring it; and until that was done, he was in no default in not showing it ; and the master had no right, on that pretence, to reject his services and employ an unauthorized person. Proof that he had it with him, therefore, was not necessary, to prove the act of the defendant unlawful, and charge him with the penalty.
3. The next exception was to the admission of statements and declarations made by captain Scott, in the absence of the defendant ; which evidence was objected to at the trial. This exception appears to us to be well taken, and must be sustained. We can perceive no ground, on which this can be taken out of the rule, which excludes hearsay testimony. One ground of exception from the general rule, urged by the Attorney General, was, that this was evidence of what took place before the pilot commissioners, or one of them, and that they had by law a summary jurisdiction on the subject of pilots and pilotage.
4, 5, 7. These exceptions have been already answered ; viz. that the master only incurred the penalty ; that payment of the pilotage by the master was a satisfaction of the penalty due from the defendant; and that the Commonwealth was estopped from claiming the penalty. We think they are all wholly untenable. The commissioner did not act or profess to act for the Commonwealth, nor do any thing in relation to the liability of the defendant for the penalty.
6. The sixth exception was, that the depositions of captain Scott and Stephen Larkin, taken in perpetuara, before the indictment was found, ought to have been received in evidence.
Before the passing of the revised statutes, it was a well established rule of evidence in criminal cases, that all testimony, on
8. The next exception is to the ruling .and instruction of the judge as to the ground taken by the defendant, that the offer of services must be an actual offer to the master, and that he must have actual knowledge thereof; and that hailing the vessel was not sufficient. [The ruling and instruction were recited by the chief justice, as they are stated, ante, 415.] We are of opinion that this instruction was correct in all particulars. When the statute speaks of an offer of services by a pilot at sea, it refers to the subject matter for its construction. A nautical communication must be made in nautical language, a language probably as well understood by nautical persons of all languages, engaged in navigation, as any technical language of the law in this court. The exception implies that if the master of a vessel on the coast, under sail at midnight, chooses to keep his cabin, and direct no person to answer a hail, it will be the duty of a pilot to run along side the vessel, under full sail, to go on board and present himself to the master, and offer his services — a thing we suppose manifestly impossible. As to the other part of this instruction, to which objection was taken in the argument, in reference to the duty of the master, we think it was also correct.
A vessel on the coast, inward bound, and under sail, must be presumed to have, and if properly managed must have men on deck, who, in the absence of the master below, must stand in his place and be under his orders ; and therefore the judge was right in saying that it is the duty of the master to be on deck, or to have some officer or person in charge of the watch, to do duty in his absence, and either to answer a hail rightfully made, or immediately inform him of the fact. We think therefore the
9. An objection was taken to the course of the judge at the trial, in admitting testimony after the jury had been out. We think it was a matter depending wholly on the discretion of the court. The order of receiving evidence is adopted for convenience, and may be varied, according to particular circumstances. As to the objection to the recapitulation of the evidence of the declarations of captain Scott, the same objection lies to it, as to the admission of that testimony, and no other.
We are of opinion that all the exceptions, except that, must be overruled ; but on account of the admission of that evidence, the verdict must be set aside and a new trial granted. And the case will be remanded to the municipal court, for that purpose.