Prior to the adoption of the code of procedure, the defendant’s equitable claim would not have constituted a defense to the action. That it would is not pretended. But it is supposed by the defendant’s counsel, that now, an equitable right in the defendant, to a conveyance, is sufficient to defeat an action for the possession, founded on a legal title in the plaintiff. It is contended that the object and effect of the 69th section of the code, was not only to introduce a form of proceeding adapted to the enforcement of both legal and equitable rights, but to abolish all distinction between legal and equitable remedies. Whether such is the operation of the section referred to is in effect the question presented upon this appeal.
The question whether the constitution should contain a recognition of distinct legal and equitable jurisdictions, was elaborately discussed, and warmly contested in the constitutional convention. The third section of the sixth article of the constitution was originally reported by the committee having that subject in charge, as follows: “ There shall be a supreme court, having the same jurisdiction in law and equity, which the supreme court and court of chancery now have, subject to regulation by law.” (Debates in Conv. Argus ed. 439.) While this section was under consideration, strenuous efforts were made, by motions to strike out, by amendment and by substitutes, to get rid of that part of the section which refers to distinct jurisdictions in law and equity. These attempts, however, all failed, and the section, after amendment in other respects, was adopted in the following form: “ There shall be a supreme court having general jurisdiction in law and equity.”
Those who were in favor of blending into one, our separate systems of legal and equitable jurisprudence, took the ground (which was conceded expressly and tacitly by all) that the use of the words “ law and equity,” in the connection in which they are found here, gave a constitutional sanction to the separate continuance of these systems.
A distinguished member of the convention said, in closing a very pungent speech upon this subject, that the object of his remarks was, to show “ that it was expedient to avoid the use -of the terms law and equity in the section, and that in its place they should use some term descriptive of the judicial power generally.” (Deb. in Conv. Arg. ed. 443.)
The warm contest on this point, which took place in the convention, adds significance to these terms in the constitution, where we now find them, and their retention would seem to settle the question that the old distinction referred to was understandingly and designedly continued.
It has been said that the constitution abolished the court of
But it is claimed that the defense offered in this case was made admissible and effectual by the 69th section of the code of procedure. It is as follows: “ The distinction between actions at law and suits in equity, and the forms of all such actions and suits heretofore existing, are abolished ; and there shall be in this state, hereafter, but one form of action for the enforcement or protection of private rights and the redress of private wrongs, which shall be denominated a civil action.” It is the first member of the sentence, which has been understood by some to have done away with the distinction between legal and equitable rights, and between legal and equitable remedies—as though it had declared that equitable interests in property were hereafter to carry with them all the rights and incidents which have heretofore appertained to the legal title.
It is difficult to perceive how such a conclusion can be drawn from a careful and unprejudiced examination of this section. If any such impression arises from a perusal of the first part of
I am aware that the commissioners, in their speculations, have used language which at first blush, appears to convey a different meaning from this ; but I shall not attempt to reconcile or explain it. What I have quoted was said by them to explain the design, meaning and effect of the law of pleading and practice which they introduced. I can perceive nothing in this language indicating any design to dispense with equitable actions in cases in which they had been previously required, to defend or enforce a party’s rights. On the contrary, the continuance of controversies, distinguished as legal and equitable, is contemplated in terms, and the object avowed is to provide a mode of proceeding which may be used in both.
It may be proper also to add that section sixty-nine was professedly reported in obedience to the injunction of the legislature, (Sess. Laws of 1847, p. 67, § 8,) requiring the commis" sioners to provide for “ a uniform course of proceeding in all cases, whether of legal or equitable cognizance,” thus recognizing the continuance of both classes to be administered in one form, but repelling the idea that the legislation relating to pleadings and practice, was to extend to substantial rights and remedies.
It follows that an equitable right in a defendant, to have land conveyed to him, is not a defense to, an action for the possession, any more than it was before the code was adopted. The right to the possession is incidental to the legal title; or rather it is one essential ingredient of it. Where is the reason for saying that the sixty-ninth section of the code has detached the essential interest from the legal estate and appended it to an equitable interest merely 1 The argument comes to this, and to maintain the defense, it must be held that the code has transfered the right to the possession of land from the legal owner to him who has an equitable claim to the title. Such an interpretation would produce the consequences which the commissioners said it was their duty to guard against. It would, by construction, “ en
There are other parts of the code which recognize the distinction between legal and equitable actions, although the language is not used, in which the distinction is usually expressed. The two hundred and fifty-third section enumerates those actions which have been known as actions at law, heretofore, and provides that issues of fact joined in them shall be tried by a jury, unless a trial by jury is waived, or a reference be ordered according to law. Every other issue is made triable by the court, unless a special order is made for a trial by jury. (§ 254.) This provision embraces all “ issues of fact joined in actions instituted to enforce or protect equitable rights, and applies to them the practice, in relation to trials, which was pursued in the court of chancery. That court exercised the discretionary power of ordering issues of fact to be tried, in proper cases, by jury, and this same discretion, under this section, is still to be exercised by our present courts. The code itself, thus makes an important distinction between legal and equitable actions, although it abstains from using these terms. The trial of the issues in this cause, according to the spirit and intent of those two sections, is assigned to different tribunals. The issue joined upon the allegations in the complaint touching the plaintiff’s title, was triable by a jury. That joined upon the special matter set up in the answer, touching the equitable interest of the defendant, was triable by the court. It is true, that these were
There were some other questions presented on the argument, but the decisions at the circuit were right, and the judgment must be affirmed.