The contracts were entered into September 21, 1898, one between Theodore Creveling and wife and M. T. Banta, who also signed the Equitable Land Company as agent, and the other between Alexander Creveling and the same parties. In that of Theodore Creveling, Banta and the company agreed to convey one thousand seven hundred and’ sixty acres of land in Bawlins county, Kan., to Creveling, and pay $2,000 difference for four hundred and eighty-nine and three-fourths acres in Decatur county, Iowa. At that time neither the company nor Banta owned or had any interest in any of the Kansas land described in the contract. Indeed the record has convinced us that no such company was in existence, and that Banta was making use of the name as an aid in effectuating his fraudulent enterprise. Knowing these conditions, Banta induced Creveling and wife, who were not advised of them, to convey to different parties to whom Banta had bargained the same two hundred and ninety-nine and one-half acres of the Decatur county land, and received therefor $6,500 net. Creveling still retained (1) the W. N. E. i section 1, township 67, range 27, and the S. W. \ S. E. ]- section 36, township 68, range 27; (2) the S. ■£ N. E. -J section 2, township 67, range 27; and (3) 10 acres in the N. W. ] S. E. ] of the same section. To induce them to sign the deeds to these 'tracts and move to Kansas, Banta represented to Creveling and wife that the deeds to one thousand four hundred and forty acres
2. Same. Of course, if there had been a delivery of these deeds to a grantee named therein, or even to a person authorized to insert the name of the grantee, there might be ground for the contention that title immediately passed (McGee v. Allison, 94 Iowa, 533),-as also would there he had there been a delivery to Banta to hold in escrow; for the authorities are agreed that, where the instrument is given to the grantee to hold in escrow and to take effect upon the happening of an event, oral evidence of this condition is not admissible (Miller v. Fletcher, 27 Grat. (Va.) 403 (21 Am. Rep. 356) ; Baker v. Baker, 159 Ill. 394 (42 N. E. 867) ; 1 Warvelle on Vendors, section 506). But -this rule is said to apply to cases only where it is intended that the conveyance shall ultimately take effect from the force of such delivery without further act upon the part of the grantor. Brackett v. Barney, 28 N. Y. 344; Hicks v. Good, 12 Leigh (Va.) 479 (37 Am. Dec. 677); Wendlinger v. Smith, 75 Va. 309 (40 Am. Rep. 727).
3. Deeds: delivery: intent of grantor. But before these questions can arise there must have been a delivery. The issue as to whether an instrument has been delivered is one of fact, and primarily dependent on the intention of the grantor. The delivery is complete only when the grantor has put the instrument beyond his power to revoke or re
í- plroTproof of dehveiy. It is not a question as to whether conditions were attached to a delivery, but as to whether there was a delivery at all; and surely the objection that oral evidence is not admissible on this issue because tending to contradict an instrument in writing is not pertinen^ for inquiry is not as to the terms of the contract, but whether it has become obligatory. In Sutton v. Weber, 127 Iowa, 361, after reviewing the authorities, this court observed that “ there is a clear distinction between oral testimony to vary terms of a written contract and parol testimony to show that the writing never had legal inception as a contract.” In Pyn v. Campbell, 6 El. & Bl. 370, the parties signed an agreement with the understanding that it should not take effect until approved by another, and, as the latter had not approved, oral evidence to so indicate was held admissible to show the condition on the theory that it did not tend to vary the terms of a written agreement, but to prove that there was no agreement at all. The distinction is clearly drawn in Gilbert v. Insurance Co., 23 Wend. (N. Y.) 43 (35 Am. Rep. 543) :
If he (grantor) deliver it as his deed to the grantee, it will operate immediately, and without any reference to the performance of the condition, although such a result may be contrary to the express stipulation of the parties at the time of the delivery. This is one of the cases in which the law fails to give effect to the honest intention of the parties, for the reason that they have not adopted the proper legal meansPage 53of accomplishing their object. But this case does not come within the rule. There was no delivery of the deed, either upon condition or otherwise, to the grantee. The agreement of the parties was, in substance, that the deed should be placed in the hands of Mr. Babcock until the controversy with White should be settled, and then, and not before, the conveyances should be delivered. ... If Babcock had been present, and the conveyances had been handed to him at that time, there would have been no question about it. And although absent, if the deed had been sent to him with the proper instructions by the hand of a third person, it could not be maintained that this would amount to a delivery to the grantee. Now, what was done in this case ? The deed as well as the mortgage was left in the hands of Nottingham to be forwarded to Babcock, the depositary. It was not put into the hands of the grantee to keep, but merely as a mode of transmission to Babcock, as was well said by the judge on the trial. There was neither any formal delivery nor any intent that the grantee should take it as the deed of the grantor. Nottingham received it, not as grantee, but as the agent of the grantor for a special purpose; and I see no good reason why he could not execute that trust as well as a stranger.
As between Creveling and Banta this case is exactly in point, and the reasoning unanswerable. Jackson v. Sheldon, 22 Me. 569; Murry v. Stair, 2 B. & C. 82; Cherry v. Herring, 83 Ala. 458 (3 South. 667). As said in Fairbanks v. Metcalf, 8 Mass. 230, the deed while in the hands of the grantee, under these circumstances, “ should be considered as in transitu ” and the grantee “ as merely the instrument or agent” of the grantor to deliver it to the third person. The distinction is noted in Tiedeman on Beal Property section 815 : “ If the delivery be to the grantee for the purpose of having it delivered immediately to a third party to hold as an escrow, the delivery to the grantee will not vest a title in him; the intent with which it was done controlling its effect.” As well preclude proof that possession of the conveyance has been acquired by the grantee through the practice of fraud or by duress or accident as to exclude evidence
It must be borne in mind that a deed or conveyance of land is no longer an instrument under seal, and this being so, save for the protection of titles, there is no reason for applying a different rule with respect to these than t-o other instruments in writing. There must be a delivery to become effective as between the parties to the instrument, and this does not happen when such is not the intention of either party. Plainly enough when Banta received these deeds with the agreement to deposit them with the bank in escrow, and they were left with him for that purpose, there was no intention that this should constitute a delivery to hiín. The rather must he be held to have taken them as agent, and his breach of trust in their retention cannot alone be held to confer on him the rights of grantee. As between Banta and the Crevelings we have no trouble in determining that there was neither a delivery of the deeds in blank nor express authority to fill in the blanks. But the authority to do so upon the delivery of the conveyances in Kansas is clearly to be implied. They were to remain in escrow until the happening of that event, and then, though not so said in as many words, to be turned over to Banta, as is manifest from the circumstances of the transaction. In other words, the grantors placed these instruments in Banta’s possession, and thereby armed him with the means of deceiving those with whom he might deal in reliance on his apparent ownership of the land. As against innocent purchasers for value Creveling cannot be heard to complain of the conditions under which he acquired the deed, for as between two parties, both of whom have been wronged, the one least at fault will be protected. On this ground, and to guard titles, parol evidence is not admissible against third persons dealing with the land, for value and without notice, to prove conditions on which
5. Delivery of DEEDS WITH CONSIDERATION and grantee LEFT BLANK. True the deed was in blank, but the rule seems to be settled in this State that the delivery of such instruments carries the implied authority to insert or cause to be inserted the name of grantee and the consideration. See Devin v. Himer, 29 Iowa, 297; Owen v. Perry, 25 Iowa, 412; Clark v. Allen, 34 Iowa, 190; Swartz v. Ballou, 47 Iowa, 188; McClain v. McClain, 52 Iowa, 272. What was evidently feared by Dillon, J., in Simms v. Hervey, 19 Iowa, 273, 297, if this rule were adopted has transpired, and deeds or mortgages to land are now “ floated ” almost as readily as commercial paper, and the name of the grantee inserted when it finds an owner who concluding to retain the land elects to insert his name as grantee. The practice, while not conserving a single laudable purpose, has proven an efficient help in the perpetration of fraud and the concealment of property from the pursuit of creditors. In view of the previous decisions of this court, however, we are constrained to hold that as to innocent purchasers the deeds passed the legal title to the grantees, whose names were inserted in the blank deeds.
6. Same: bona fide purchaser: notice of fraud: evidence. II. Banta, instead of doing as he agreed, went to D. F. Nicholson, cashier of the Commercial Bank, and negotiated a loan on these deeds. Undoubtedly he represented that he had authority to fill in the blanks, and directed Nicholson to do so. This was April 11, 18.99. While Nicholson must have understood something of Banta’s character, the not sufficient to charge him with notice of the fraud practiced by Banta prior to August 2, 1899,. even though
Banta introduced H. A. Tapseott to Nicholson on April 8th, and advised him that he proposed to obtain a loan of $3,000 on the S. W. % S. E. % of section 36, township 68, range 27, and the W. % N. E. % of section 1, township 67, range 27. Tapscott’s name was inserted in the deed. He executed the mortgage, and then made a deed with grantee’s name blank, and handed it back to Nicholson. The proceeds were used to cancel the existing mortgage on the land of $1,-553.73 and other incidental expenses, including a $60 commission to Nicholson and in satisfaction of the $1,200 note, and $136.78 was indorsed on the $2,830 note. One thousand two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifteen cents procured from an independent loan was applied to this note. Banta paid Tapseott $15 for this kindness. Another loan of
These second or commission mortgages as well as other charges throughout the record bear evidence of Nicholson’s thrift, though, in the absence of sufficient evidence of notice, it must be said that he cannot be held to have done anything beyond his right prior to August 2, 1899. On that day he met A. M. Creveling and wife, who had been out to Bawlins county, Kan., at St. Joe, Mo. Nicholson admitted that they advised him where they had been, and testified: “ On the train the conversation led to how they liked the country out there, and I inquired how Theodore and Alex, liked it, and if they were satisfied to stay there. I did not ask her if Banta had fixed up anything. I supposed that had been fixed. She turned loose on Banta, and said that he was a thief and a liar.” And, after saying that he did not know of any claim, on the part of the Crevelings, added: “ I think
III. Alexander Creveling was owner of four hundred
fraud: ' rescission. IY. From the statement of facts it is apparent that restoration of Banta to statu quo would put him back in the condition of impecuniosity in which he first approached the Crevelings. He then had nothing, unless it was & tract of land in the Ozark Mountains, , . too high up to be levied on, and was no better off at the time of the trial. But out of the moneys obtained for Theodore Creveling’s land he did procure three hundred and twenty acres in Kansas to be conveyed to Mrs. Creveling, and threw in school certificates for eighty acres, because he had deceived them as to the value of this land. For these he claims to have paid $3,180. He also procured deed to four hundred and eighty acres constituting the Gilmore ranch at an expense of $1,950, which was to be in lieu of part of the cash difference he was to pay. He negotiated for another quarter section, but did not get it, and in various items paid Creveling $596.59 in money. For the two hundred and eighty-nine and three-fourths acres of Creveling’s land sold Banta had received $6,500, so that he has received more than he has paid out, and there was no occasion for the tender of any money to put him in statu quo. He pretended to have procured this land, however, for the purpose in part, at least, of executing his agreement, and Creveling had so received it. Ordinarily one may not retain what he has received in performance of an agreement, and yet effect a rescission. But the ease is peculiar. Banta, though he represented that he or the company owned the land, never did, and never acquired any. The deeds were executed by owners directly to the Crevelings, and manifestly a tender of these conveyances to Banta would not restore him to the situation in which he was at the inception of this transaction. The return of the money would come nearer this, but a tender of this was unnecessary, as, in event of recission, after allowing all credits, there will be a balance due from Banta.
This case comes clearly within these rules. Banta owned no land in Kansas, and, in so far as the record discloses, was the agent for the sale of none. And yet he showed the Crevelings the lands in Bawlins county, Kan., described
As to the case of Alexander Creveling, there was no performance on Banta’s part, but he did advance money as hereinbefore explained. But the value of the land voluntarily conveyed, together with the incumbrances placed on that-not disposed of, as will hereafter appear, exceed the amount advanced by Banta, so no tender was necessary by Alexander Creveling. While Theodore Creveling tendered the conveyance of the two tracts of Kansas land in his petition, this should not be exacted in the decree, save upon the payment by Banta of the amount found due from him to Creveling. As the Kansas land was paid from the proceeds
Y. It is apparent that the accounting between the Crevelings and Banta will not be controlling in the matter of adjusting the equities between them and Nicholson. The latter is not entitled to protection after August 2, 1899, and all conveyances thereafter, together with the mortgage of $4,000 executed after the actions were begun, should be canceled. Prior thereto he had loaned Banta money at different times in reliance on the land as security — $425 March 27, 1899; $500 April 4, 1899; $2,830 May 5, 1899. On this last note $40.23 was indorsed May’ 12, 1899, $1,289.15 May 10, 1899, $136.78 in April, and $96.55 May 24, 1899, and possibly more. These loans were made on the faith of both the deeds of Theodore and Alexander Creveling, and should be allowed Nicholson in the accounting. As between the Crevelings the amount should be apportioned between them according to the values of their respective tracts of land at the time the deeds were deposited as security by Banta. This is equitable, as it is based as nearly as may be on the extent of security afforded; for the amount of the then existing incumbrance against these particular tracts of land cannot be ascertained from this record. While the evidence is somewhat conflicting, it fairly appears that the one hundred and twenty acre tract belonging to Theodore Creveling was then worth $40 per acre, and the ninety acre tract $65 per acre; that the eighty acre tract of Alexander Creveling was worth $37.50 per acre, and the forty acres $65 per acre. The determination of the amount owing Nicholson and the
YI. As between Banta and Theodore Creveling, the former should be charged with $6,500 he received for the two hundred and ninety-nine and one-half acres title to which passed. On the one hundred and twenty acre tract he placed a first mortgage of $3,000 and a second one of $150, and out of the proceeds paid to satisfy an existing mortgage of $1,553.73, and he should be charged the difference or $1,-596.27. In addition to the above he should be debited with the portion of the loans made to him by Nicholson charged to the land of Theodore. He should be credited with the sum of $596.59 heretofore mentioned. On all items interest at the rate of 6' per cent, per annum should be computed from the several times of payment by either party and judgment entered for the balance found to be owing by Banta. If he shall pay Theodore Creveling the amount so found within ninety days from the time of entering decree, said Creveling and wife will convey to him the two tracts of land in Kansas; if he shall fail so to do, then the title thereto shall remain in the Crevelings, and on the above judgment will
VII. Reverting now to the controversy between Alexander Creveling and Banta, it will be recalled that the latter had disposed of three hundred and thirty-nine acres of land to Walcott. The evidence shows this to have been then worth $22 per acre, or $7,458. It also appears that Banta placed an incumbrance of $2,000 on the eighty acre tract awarded to Creveling. These sums, amounting to $9,458, should be charged to Banta, and he should be credited with the $1,623.34 heretofore mentioned and the $8,000 mortgage on the land, making $9,623.34. .The remaining installments of the $910 were paid, but solely for the convenience of Banta, and Banta should be credited with the present worth of the last eleven of these and five-sixths of the other, computing interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum as of the date when paid. Otherwise Creveling would be charged with the expense of Banta’s exploitations in making new loans. Aside from the above Banta should be charged with the $1,137.75 advanced by Nicholson, and also the portion of the several loans made by him to Banta set off against Alexander Creveling’s land. Interest should be computed from the time of the respective payments at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and judgment entered against Banta for the balance against him. The record is not as clear as it might have been, and there may be found discrepancies in the computations, or items may have been omitted. If so, correction may be made in the entry of decrees in the district court, for which purpose, and also for an accounting of rents and profits, the cause is remanded. — Reversed.