Crockett v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

                                                            United States Court of Appeals
                                                                     Fifth Circuit
                                                                    F I L E D
                              In the                                January 13, 2006
          United States Court of Appeals                      Charles R. Fulbruge III
                     for the Fifth Circuit                            Clerk

                           m 04-41584

                   JOHNNY CROCKETT, ET AL.,


                       JOHNNY CROCKETT,
                        ANDRA KITCHEN,
                        ROBERT KITCHEN,





              H.E.B. BUTT GROCERY COMPANY,


                            Appeal from the United States District Court
                                for the Southern District of Texas

Before GARWOOD, SMITH, and DEMOSS,                     the non-diverse health care defendants had
  Circuit Judges.                                      been fraudulently joined to defeat removal
                                                       jurisdiction. The district court determined that
JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:                         there had been no fraudulent joinder and re-
                                                       manded to state court.
   Johnny Crockett and other heirs of the es-
tate of Veronica Faye Crockett (collectively               On remand, the tobacco defendants, over
“Crockett”) challenge the removal to federal           Crockett’s objection, successfully moved to
court of their wrongful death and survival suit        sever Crockett’s claims against the health care
against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and              defendants. Upon issuance of the severance
other tobacco companies (collectively the “to-         order, the tobacco defendants again removed,
bacco defendants”). Concluding that there is           arguing that the severance of the non-diverse
jurisdiction, we affirm the judgment on the            parties cured the lack of complete diversity.
merits.                                                Immediately after filing their notice of remov-
                                                       al, the tobacco defendants also filed a motion
                        I.                             for judgment on the pleadings.
    Crockett filed a wrongful death and survival
suit against the tobacco defendants and Dr.                Once back in federal court, Crockett moved
William Peterek and the Gulf Coast Medical             to remand, arguing that the tobacco defen-
Group (collectively the “health care defen-            dants’ second attempt to remove was improper
dants”) in state court seeking damages for the         because diversity had not been created through
cancer-related death of Veronica Faye Crock-           a voluntary act of the plaintiffs. Instead of
ett, a long-time smoker. Crockett alleges that         first ruling on Crockett’s motion, the district
the tobacco defendants’ defective cigarettes           court held against him on the merits by grant-
and the health care defendants’ negligence in          ing the tobacco defendant’s motion for judg-
failing to diagnose the decedent’s cancer com-         ment on the pleadings, then denied as moot the
bined to cause her death.                              motion to remand.1 Crockett appeals, claiming

   Because Crockett and the health care de-               1
fendants are citizens of Texas, there is not                 Although it reached the correct result, the dis-
complete diversity of citizenship. Federal jur-        trict court should not have decided to bypass the
                                                       jurisdictional question presented in the motion to
isdiction also is barred by the fact that the
                                                       remand and proceed directly to the merits. See
health care defendants are citizens of the state
                                                       Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t, 523 U.S.
in which the action is brought. The tobacco            83, 94-95 (1998) (rejecting the notion that a court
defendants nevertheless removed, claiming that                                                (continued...)

the district court lacked subject matter juris-                  which is or has become removable, except
diction.                                                         that a case may not be removed on the ba-
                                                                 sis of [diversity of citizenship] more than
                       II.                                       one year after commencement of the action.
   “We review questions of subject matter jur-
isdiction de novo.” Bissonnet Invs., LLC v.                Id.
Quinlan, 320 F.3d 520, 522 (5th Cir. 2003).
Because Crockett does not contest the district                This suit was initially nonremovable be-
court’s decision on the merits, so the only is-            cause the health care defendants were non-di-
sue on appeal is whether the district court had            verse and were citizens of Texas, in which the
removal jurisdiction, leading us to apply the de           action was brought. The tobacco defendants
novo standard.                                             argue, however, that the state court’s order
                                                           severing Crockett’s claims against the health
   As a general matter,                                    care defendants produced complete diversity
                                                           and obviated the “in-state defendant” barrier
   any civil action brought in a State court of            posed by § 1446(b). The tobacco defendants
   which the district courts of the United                 assert that a severance order qualifies as an
   States have original jurisdiction, may be re-           “order or other paper from which it may first
   moved by the defendant or the defendants,               be ascertained that the case is one which . . .
   to the district court of the United States for          has become removable.” § 1446(b).
   the district and division embracing the place
   where such action is pending.                              Crockett contends, to the contrary, that
                                                           § 1446(b) was enacted against the backdrop
28 U.S.C. § 1441(a). If jurisdiction is based              of, and without the intent to abrogate, the ju-
on diversity of citizenship, however, the action           dicially-created “voluntary-involuntary” rule
is removable only if there is complete diversity           whereby “an action nonremovable when com-
and “none of the parties in interest properly              menced may become removable thereafter only
joined and served as defendants is a citizen of            by the voluntary act of the plaintiff.” Weems
the State in which such action is brought.” Id.            v. Louis Dreyfus Corp., 380 F.2d 545, 547
§ 1441(b). If an action is not initially remov-            (5th Cir. 1967). Because this suit became
able, but later becomes removable,                         arguably removable only after the issuance of
                                                           a severance order that was entered over
   a notice of removal may be filed within                 Crockett’s objection, Crockett claims removal
   thirty days after receipt by the defendant              was improper under the voluntary-involuntary
   . . . of a copy of an amended pleading, mo-             rule.
   tion, order or other paper from which it
   may first be ascertained that the case is one              The tobacco defendants counter that the
                                                           voluntary-involuntary rule is inapplicable be-
                                                           cause the health care defendants were not
     (...continued)                                        properly-joined parties. We agree.
can “assume” jurisdiction for the purpose of de-
ciding the merits, because such an approach “car-
                                                               Courts have long recognized an exception
ries the courts beyond the bounds of authorized
judicial action and thus offends fundamental princi-
                                                           to the voluntary-involuntary rule where a claim
ples of separation of powers”).                            against a nondiverse or in-state defendant is

dismissed on account of fraudulent joinder.2               eral law, defendants are properly joined if
Fraudulent joinder can be established by dem-              (1) “there is asserted against them jointly, sev-
onstrating either “(1) actual fraud in the plead-          erally, or in the alternative, any right to relief
ing of jurisdictional facts, or (2) inability of the       in respect of or arising out of the same trans-
plaintiff to establish a cause of action against           action, occurrence, or series of transactions or
the non-diverse party in state court.” Travis v.           occurrences” and (2) “any question of law or
Irby, 326 F.3d 644, 646-47 (5th Cir. 2003).3               fact common to all defendants will arise in the
                                                           action.” FED. R. CIV. P. 20(a). Texas has
    On the tobacco defendants’ first attempt to            adopted the same requirements for proper
remove, the district court, after deciding that            joinder. See TEX. R. CIV. P. 40(a). If these
the health care defendants had not been fraud-             requirements are not met, joinder is improper
ulently joined, remanded on that basis. Crock-             even if there is no fraud in the pleadings and
ett notes correctly that that decision is made             the plaintiff does have the ability to recover
unreviewable by 28 U.S.C. § 1447(d).4 In                   against each of the defendants.5
addition, the severance order issued by the
state court cannot be considered equivalent to                  The state court severed Crockett’s claims
a finding of actual fraud in the pleadings or an           against the health care defendants from his
inability of the plaintiffs to establish a cause of        claims against the tobacco defendants because
action against the health care defendants.                 “the medical negligence and malpractice claim
Rather, that order merely established that                 and the burden of proof to sustain [that] claim
Crockett’s claims against the health care de-              is totally different [from] the burden of proof
fendants should be tried in separate suits.                . . . necessary to secure judgment for product
Crockett elected not to appeal that ruling.                liability.”6 To the extent the severance deci-
Fraudulent joinder is therefore no longer an               sion was tantamount to a finding of improper
issue in this case.                                        joinder, we agree with that finding.

   A party, however, can be improperly joined                 The fraudulent joinder exception to the vol-
without being fraudulently joined. Under fed-              untary-involuntary rule is designed to prevent
                                                           plaintiffs from blocking removal by joining
                                                           nondiverse and/or in-state defendants who
   2                                                       should not be parties. That salutary purpose is
     See, e.g., Insigna v. LaBella, 845 F.2d 249,
254 (11th Cir. 1988) (“Fraudulent joinder is a             also served by recognizing an exception to the
well-established exception to the voluntary-invol-         voluntary-involuntary rule where defendants
untary rule.”).                                            are improperly, though not fraudulently,
                                                           joined. We therefore conclude that removal
      Accord Smallwood v. Ill. Cent. R.R., 385 F.3d        on the basis of an unappealed severance, by a
568, 573 (5th Cir. 2004) (en banc) (describing “the
test for fraudulent joinder” and quoting Travis, 326
F.3d at 646-47), cert. denied, 125 S. Ct. 1825                  Cf. Tapscott v. MS Dealer Serv. Corp., 77
(2005).                                                    F.3d 1353, 1360 (11th Cir. 1996).
   4                                                          6
     Section 1447(d) states that “[a]n order re-               Crockett v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., No.
manding a case to the State court from which it            03CV1391 (10th Dist. Ct., Galveston County,
was removed is not reviewable on appeal or other-          Tex., Aug. 18, 2004) (transcript of hearing on de-
wise” (adding an exception not relevant here).             fendants’ motion to sever).

state court, of claims against improperly joined
defendants is not subject to the voluntary-
involuntary rule.7 Accordingly, removal
jurisdiction existed in this case upon the sev-
erance of Crockett’s claims against the nondi-
verse in-state health care defendants.

   Crockett has not challenged the district
court’s disposition on the merits. Accordingly,
because we conclude that the district court had
subject matter jurisdiction, its judgment grant-
ing the motion for judgment on the pleadings,
denying (as moot) the motion to remand, and
dismissing all claims with prejudice, is AF-

      This conclusion finds support the text of
§ 1441(b), which does not refer to “nonfraudulent-
ly joined” parties. Rather, it blocks removal only
where “properly joined” defendants are citizens of
the state in which the action is brought.
