It is clear, upon every equitable consideration, that the judg» ment restraining the plaintiff from the use of his own name, or the initials of his own name, in the transaction of the business incident to the manufacture and sale of spool silks, cannot be sustained. If can never be the policy of the law to deprive the citizen of the'' ¡lower to make use of his good name and reputation in the conduct of any legitimate business, and courts-of equity will not presume anything in favor of the person demanding such relief. . The plain» tiff in this action has spent the best years of his life in building up a reputation for himself as a manufacturer of spool silks. He originally had factories at Newark and Paterson in the State of New" Jersey. He afterward constructed a manufacturing plant at Bethle» hem, Penn., and organized a corporation for the purpose of carry»'' ing on . the business. This corporation was known as the Lehigh, Silk Company, but was subsequently reorganized as the Cutter Silk Manufacturing Company, the object of the change, conforming to the requirements of the Pennsylvania statute, being “ to inform the public that the silk manufactured by said company or corporation ” was “ of a certain kind and quality known as Cutter’s silk, or silk-goods produced by John D. Cutter.” John'D. Cutter, the plaintiff in this action, was the president of the corporation and was the principal stockholder, while John D. Cutter & Co., who had offices in the city of New York, were constituted the selling and buying-agents of the corporation. This corporation, with John D.' Cutter at its head,- continued the manufacture of spool and other silks, using the names John D. Cutter, John D. Cutter & Co., J. D. C. & Co., upon the ends of the spools, thus carrying out the purpose of the corpora» tion, as stated above, to inform the public that these silk goods were produced by John D. Cutter. In the transfer of property from J ohn
In 1896 the corporation became embarrassed, and a general .assignment was made to John Field for the benefit of creditors. The corporation assigned “ all its estate and property of whatsoevér hind, goods, chattels and effects, except,, however, as much thereof as may be exempt from execution.” Subsequently the defendant In this action purchased of the assignee a portion of the manufactured spool silks, “ together with the right, title and interest of the Gutter Silk Manufacturing Company and of the party of the first part as Its assignee for the benefit of creditors, in the trade names or trade marks of 6 J. D. Cutter & Co.’ and ‘ J. D. Cutter ’ and ‘ J. D. C. & ■Co.’ heretofore used in the manufacture and sale of séwing silks, Tosses, twist and art silks.” Is there any ground for assuming that .John D. Cutter & Co., in making the transfer to the Cutter Silk .'Manufacturing Company, conveyed any exclusive right to the use ..of those names ? The company still owned the machinery in the Paterson factory, and had other property, and, in the absence of any special mention of the trade names or trade marks, we are unable to see how there could have been such a transfer as to entitle -the corporation to the use of these' names to the exclusion of the plaintiff, although there can be no doubt of the right of the corporation, with the consent of Mr. Cutter, its president, to use them, as it conveyed no false impression to the public; the goods were, in ■fact, produced under the direction of John D. Cutter, If, then, there was a doubt as to the corporation owning these- names, •could the assignee, under a general .asssignment which excepted in terms “ as much thereof as may be exempt from execution,” get a title by which he could transfer to the defendant the rights which it .■asserts in its affirmative defense? We think not. “While it is
The reasoning in'this case applies equally , to the one at bar. It cannot be contended that the plaintiff transferred to the company his formula or his method of making spool silks to the exclusion of that right in himself; and there can, therefore, be no question of his tight to use his own name in describing’ the product- of his own skill and genius in the manufacture of spool silks, for it cannot be contended that there is any justification for holding that the word i( silk ” can be. appropriated by one manufacturer to the exclusion of others. On the other hand, to permit the injunction against the plaintiff to stand is to permit the defendant to place upon the market, as the product of the plaintiff, goods which he has had no part in producing, and for the quality of which he is in nowise responsible.- This is a fraud upon the public, and the case is not altered by the alleged fact that the goods are better than those which the plaintiff has formerly offered; they aré placed before the public as the product of the plaiútiff, when, in fact, they are manufactured by the defendant. “The defendant’s name being Holloway,” say the- court in the case of Holloway v. Holloway (13 Beav. 209), has a right to constitute himself a vendor.of Holloway’s pills and ointment, and I dp not intend to say anything tending to abridge
“ The injunction awarded by the decision of the referee,” say the court in the case of Meneely v. Meneely (62 N. Y. 427, 430), “ restrained the defendants from in 'any way using the name and designation 6 Meneely ’ in the business of bell founding in the city of Troy. The name of one of the defendants is Meneely, and he was engaged in the business mentioned. The necessary consequence of the injunction was to compel the defendant Meneely either to discontinue his business of bell founding at Troy or procure it to be conducted in the name of some other person. He was absolutely prohibited from the use of his own name in his own business in any way. The hare statement of the scope of the injunction would seem to be sufficient to show that it ought not to have been granted, and that the judgment awarding it" was "erroneous. * * * If the defendants were using the name of Meneely with the intention of holding themselves out as the successors of Andrew Meneely and as the proprietors and managers, of the old-established foundry which was being conducted by the plaintiffs, and thus enticing away the plaintiffs’ customers, and if, with that intention, they used the name in such a way as to make it appear to be that of the plaintiffs’ firm, or resorted to any artifice to induce the belief that the establishment of the defendants was the same as- that of the plaintiffs,
“ It would be a far-reaqhing extension of the powers of. a court-of equity,” say the court, in Meneely v. Meneely (1 Hun, 367, 375), “ to grant an injunction which would protect the plaintiffs in the-use of all the different names by which they have been in the habit-of being addressed by their customers. There is no adjudged - case-which has protected trade marks to such an extent, or ever struck out the name of a single member of a firm, because it was similar to another engaged in the same business.”
In the case of Samuel v. Berger (24 Barb. 163) the, court say: “ The rule governing the interference of courts in this and like; cases is well laid down by Dube, Justice, in Amoskeag Manufacturing Company v. Spear (2 Sand. 607). He says: ‘At present it-is sufficient to say that in all-cases where a trade mark is imitated, the essence of the wrong consists in' the sale of the goods of the-manufacturer or vendor as those of another, and it is only when this false representation is directly or indirectly made, and only to-the extent in which it is made, that the party who appeals to the.justice of the court can have a title to relief.’ Applying these principles to the facts in this case, we shall see, I think, that the -plaintiffs invoke a rule of law which the defendants might claim to be; applied to them, but- which will not avail! the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs say that Brindle, as a watchmaker,.had acquired a reputation as-
It seems clear, under the authorities in this State, that the defendant is not the affirmative relief demanded; it has no right to deny to the plaintiff the right to the use of his own name in continuing his business as a manufacturer or dealer in spool silks, thus making valueless the years of experience and the good name which he has established as a manufacturer- of this class of goods. We have likewise reached the conclusion that the defendant, having-acquired no just title to the use of .the name of the plaintiff, should not be permitted to continue the use of that name in its various-combinations to the damage of the plaintiff, because so to do is to-deceive and defraud the public, by leading them to believe that they are getting the goods manufactured by or under the supervision of' John D. Cutter. “ A man,” says the assistant vice-chancellor in'the-case of Coats v. Holbrook (2 Sandf. Ch. 645, 653), “ is not to sell
In Clark v. Clark (25 Barb. 76) the court say: “The law of-trade marks is of recent origin, and may be comprehended in the proposition that a dealer £ has a property in his trade mark.’ The ownership is allowed to him that he may have the exclusive benefit of the reputation which his skill has given to articles made by him, and that no other person may be able to sell to the public, as his, that which is not his.” (See Stokes v. Landgraff, 17 Barb. 608.)
In the case of Koehler v. Sanders (122 N. Y. 65, 74) the court, after discussing the rule in reference to the exclusive use of words which are truly descriptive of the article, such as the words “ silk,” ££ brandy,” etc., and of names embracing geographical locations, say: “ The application of this principle is not necessarily dependent upon a proprietary right in a name or the -exclusive right to its use. -But when another resorts to the use of it fraudulently as an artifice or contrivance to represent his goods or his business as that of the person so previously using it, and to induce the public to so believe, the court may, as against him, afford relief to the party injured.”
“ The protection afforded to trade marks rests upon the principle of preventing a fraudulent appropriation of a name by which only ■ the product or manufacture of another is designated, and of shielding the public against deception by such means.” (Wolfe v. Burke, 7 Lans. 151, 155.)
££ If one affix to goods of his' own manufacture signs or marks which indicate that they are the manufacture of others,” say the court in the case of Manhattan Medicine Co. v. Wood . (108 U. S. 218, 223), “ he is deceiving the public and attempting to pass upon them goods as possessing a quality and merit which another’s skill has
This was a case where the complainants came into the possession of ■the trade mark by assignments from the original user, and the court refused an injunction upon the ground that the complainants were making false statements, and this is practically the position of the defendant in the case at bar. By the use of the name Gutter it is seeking to convey to the public the idea that the spool silks which they are putting upon the market are those manufactured by J. D. Gutter, which have gained an enviable reputation by reason of their uniformity and excellence.
In Matter of Adams (24 Misc. Rep. 293), Robert Adams, who had been doing business as R. & H. Adams, was forced to make an assignment, and an ex parte order was granted directing the assignee ■to sell the trade name. On a motion to set aside this order, which was granted, the court say : “ The supposed trade mark is substantially the name of the assignor, Robert Adams, who did business under the name of R. & H. Adams. If his name is of value as a trade mark, it was made so by the skill and energy with which he' associated that name in' his conduct of the business prior to the assignment. If it shall now forever be' transferred to a stranger t < be used, by an involuntary transfer so far as Robert Adams is concerned, and alone by force of an assignment of the name by the general assignee whose duty ends with the conversion of the prop .erty of the assignor into money for the payment of debts, then we have the case of a stranger using a name not associated with his ■own business solely by force of the assignment, while the assignor himself' is debarred forever from using his own name in his'future efforts to retrieve his fortunes by intelligence and energy in any way that would lead the public to believe that the same person was manufacturing and vending goods, who formerly manufactured the same line under the name CR. & H. Adams.’ Ho aiithority has yet been cited by counsel to justify such a result.”
If, then, tiie plaintiff has a right to the use of his own name in the manufacture and vending of spool silks, and the use of the name in its various combinations by the defendant is calculated to deceive the public into the belief that they are getting the goods manufactured under the direction of the plaintiff, there is no good reason why the plaintiff should not have the relief prayed for. Two manufacturers using the same trade names on the same line of goods are likely to produce confusion, and “it is a reasonable presumption,” say the court in the case of Higgins Co. v. Higgins Soap Co. (supra), “ that if the defendant is permitted to continue to carry on the business of soap making "under its present name the public will, be misled and the plaintiff’s trade diverted, the extent of such diversion increasing with the increase of the defendant’s business.”
The injunction against the plaintiff should have been denied, and the prayer of the plain.tiff to dissolve the injunction should have been granted. Of course, the injunction order, should not restrain the defendant from selling, with the name of Cutter upon the spools, the stock of the late corporation which it acquired by purchase; not only did it buy the silk thread with this name upon it, but the statement on the spool that the silk thread was manufactured by Gutter is true.
The judgment should be reversed and a new trial granted, costs to abide the event.
All concurred.
Judgment reversed and new trial granted, costs to abide the final award of costs.