David Bagwell, Individually and as Trustee of the David S. Bagwell Trust v. BBVA Compass, Sam Meade, and Marilyn D. Garner, Chapter 7 Trustee of the Estate of the David Bagwelll Company and Trustee of the Estate of Evermore Communities, LTD.

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2014-12-29
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Combined Opinion

                                                                                                                                                       FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS
                                                                                                                                                                 DALLAS, TEXAS
                                                                                                                                                          12/29/2014 12:37:30 PM
Appell.te Docket Number:      os.:rt

                        Vs_   ai3vAco~;~s ;;d S;;;;'-M~~
                              L ._. ______ .. ~. __ _ . __ • _.
      - Case No_: rL ---__
Compamon                                                                                                                                  FILED IN
                                                                                                                                   5th COURT OF APPEALS
                                                                                                                                       DALLAS, TEXAS
                                                                                                                                  12/29/2014 12:37:30 PM
                                                                                                                                         LISA MATZ
Amended/colTected statement:                                             DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil)                                       Clerk
                                                                                        $' '- -.------ _.- --- ---
                                                          Appell.te Court: ~ ~ _~o!~"-- _
                                                    (to be filed in the court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32)

:1. Appellant                                                                                       II. Appellant Attnrney(o)

D Person 181 Organization           (choose one)                                                   181      Lead Attorney
                     "'-'. --- -"--- '" ,-. -----.    ------ -.~.~--.-      0····- - -         I
Organization Name: i~tly:n J:lc(i~, C~2 !~, e>f.1I                                                  First Name:        ~~.----------~~
First Name:                                                                                         Middle Name:       I¥:
Middle Name:                                                                                        Last Name:         POwers

Last Name:                                                                                          Suffix:

Suffix:                                                                                             Law FilTD Name:~~!i.sIaJI~}:Qi~-,-____ _

Pro Se:   0                                                                                         Address 1:
                                                                                                    Address 2:
                                                                                                    State:                           Zip+4:    lZ.i~
                                                                                                    Telephone:                            ext.


                                                                                                    SBN:       §~~3Sj
:L   AppeUant                                                                                       11. AppeUant Attomey(s)
D    Person   181 Organization      (choose one)                                                   181      Lead Attorney
Organization Name: M#ji~p: (]~iiei~: 7~_~:~!.:!iiI                                                  First Name:        ~~~~---------------~
First Name:                                                                                         Middle Name:       IW:
Middle Name:                                                                                        Last Name:
Last Name:                                                                                          Suffix:
Pro Se:   0

                                                                                        Page 1 of9
                                                   City:                RaI!"".~-. ~-
                                                   State:      !f~~                           Zip+4:    fi5~.~.
                                                   Telephone:           ~1~1I~.                      ext.
                                                   Fax:        ~f4.~~,s!iJI       .
                                                   Email:      [~~~ .
                                                   SBN:        ~40133S1-
                                                               L~__ .

fiI. Appellee                                       IV. Appellee Attomey(s)
o   Person    [8JOrganization (choose one)         [8J     Lead Attorney
Organization Name:~V:""~:·                         First Name:          ~·",kha=e",i_-:======-:.:::.:.···.:::··=·-~··=·-::::::::::
First Name:                                        Middle Name:         1

Middle Name:                                       Last Name:

Last Name:                                         Suffix: I···
Suffix:                                            Law Finn Name: ~"':e_R~~~i1.'~:~~.:.
Pro Se:   0                                        Address I:           ~~r~~ee[" .--~=::-___--==~
                                                   AMress 2:            ff'fol)Thad!:s&,v~ tOw"'e"r'__......-:::::::==~
                                                   City:                !?:al~

llL Appellee                                        ,V.    Appellee AttGroey(s)
[8J Person    0 Organization (choose one)          [8J     Lead Attorney
Organization Name:[=~- :.                          First Name:          ~~ .
First Name:                                        Middle Name:
Middle Name:                                       Last Name:           ~l!i.ii:-_~       __________-,
Last Name:      M~ ·-··                            Suffix:     L
Suffix:                                            LawFirmName:~~~~I~~~__ :
ProSe:    0                                        Address I:           ~~II:il!i!~~                                -:::::::~
                                                   Address 2:           [?@~'t~
                                                   City:                J>!il"i'...       ,
                                                   State:  ~                 _ Zip+4: ~S20t
                                                   Telephone: ~J{1tf.~~iiO.~. _. . ext.
                                                   Fax:        ~lnf7~~: :             .
                                                    Email:     ~t;~
                                                   SBN:        ~249f500_:

  • Perfection Of Appeal And Jurisdictlon

Nature of Case (Subject matter or type of case): ~.~ .~~~

Dateorderorjudgmentsigned: ~                                            19jitJ.1:               .,            Type of judgment                1>"ui~n~)~t                                        ____ 3
Date notice of appeal filed in trial court: 1§:~"'if?!...i614 -':
Ifmailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed: :

Interlocutory appeal of appealable order: DYes                                    181 No
!fyes, please specify statutory or other basis 00 which interlocutory order is appealable (See TRAP 28):
I· - .......... •. .•.. . • .... .•• . ..• ..... . .. -- ...•.•..••. ..... •. .• • •.. ••.• - . .. - .-- .. - --.... .

Accelerated appeal (See TRAP 28):                                      DYes       181 No

Parental Tenninatioo or Child Protection? (See TRAP 28.4):                                              DYes I!lNo

Permissive? (See TRAP 28.3):                                           DYes         IZI No
~f l~ p)~~.~p.~!!¥. ~!!rt<>_ry or.O!her_~is.ior."'.'.~~.~~~s~
L _ ___ _ .__   . :.~_ . _ ._   ..... _ . __ __ _. ______. ___.. _ _              . .,..V._ .. _ _ •

Agreed? (See TRAP 28.2):                                               DYes         IZI No
If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status:
r::. ' ..                 .
            ~."'~""' ~'~.".'                  .-"-.. '- -.- -..- .                     ::-.~~.'.'      ... '...
                                                                                                          '~:~.       ~.

Appeal should receive precedence, preference, or priority under statute or rule:                                                       DYes I8l No
If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status:
c '· ...•.•..• . ...•...•.. • .• . . .. .. -.--. . - . . . - ....... - . . . • . .-.•..... .•..
l......... ,.. _.. _ ".', __ "      ". . .... . .. . .. _ . . _.
                                                                                                        ········· ·······0·· · ...:.....:.
                                                                                                                                   .' . .:.....:. ' ....::.:.:..:.:..:.=:::::.:::::::=::::====::=:
                                                                                                                                           ' ' :...:..

Does this case involve an amount under $100,000?                                       DYes I8INo
Judgment or order disposes of all parties and issues:                                 IZI Yes           DNo
Appeal from final judgment:                                                           IZI Yes           DNo
Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity of. statute, rule, or ordinance?                                                           D Yes I8lNo

VI. A.tlon. Estendlng Time To Perfeet Appeal

Motion for New Trial:                                    I8lYes DNo                                    If yes, date filed:       ~~J.I~~Pl~
Motion 10 Modify Judgment:                               DYes           I8l No                         If yes, date filed:
Requesl for Findings of Fact                             DYes          I8l No                          If yes, date filed:
and Conclusions of Law:
Motion to Reinstate:
                                                         DYes          I8l No                          If yes, date filed:

Motion under TRCP 306a:
                                                         DYes          181 No                          If yes, date filed: L..._ _ _ _ _ _.1

Other:                                                   DYes          I8l No
If other, please specify:              i...                                                                                                                                                   . ---,
VII. Indlgen.y Of Party: (AttaCh ruo·stamped COP) of all1davit, and e1ten.ion motion if flied.)

Affidavit filed in trial court:                         DYes           IZI   No                      If yes, date fi led: L~

Contest filed in trial court:                           OYes D Na                                    If yes, dale filed:

Dale ruling on contest due:

Ruling on contest: D Sustained                                D Overruled                            Date of ruling:

                                                                                                       Page 3 of9
!VIU. Bankruplc)

Has any party to the court's judgment filed for protection in bankruptcy which might affect this appeal?                                       DYes ~No
If yes, please attach a copy of the petition,

Date bankruptcy filed:                                                      Bankruptcy Case Number:

IX. Trial Court And Reeord

Court:                                                                             Clerk's Record:

County:   ~~!!~::~ ::~::: o                                                       Trial Court Clerk:       181 District             D CoWJty
Trial Co.rt Docket Number (C.... No.): t>Q,i~.l                                    Was clerk's record requested?                     DYes            ~No
                                                                                                              F-   -_ •• - •

                                                                                   If yes, date requested:    to _ "
                                                                                                                               .-- :-.. ..   _--_.. -.. ..----
 rial Judge (who tried or disposed of case):                                       Ifno, date it   wil   be requested: ~:.~~ 29~~O~4oo                           0

First Name:                                                                        Were payment arrangements made with clerk?
Mjddle Name:                                                                                                                                    DYes I8INo Dindigent
Last Name:
                  ~----------------                                                (Note: No request required under TRAP 34.S(a),(b»

Address 1:         ~~~~t
Address 2 :        Box~~
State:                                                Zip+4: ~~02
Telephone:     ~f~3:@2                                    ext

Reporter's or Recorders Record:

Is there a reporter's record?                             DYes   181   No
Was reporter's record requested?                          DYes ~No

Was there a reporter's record electronically recorded? DYes                 181   No
If yes, date ~equested:   i'   0   ' __   0   '

If no, date it will be requested:                 L.._.
Were payment arrangeroents made with the court reporter/court recorder? Dyes D No Dindigent

D Court Reporter                                              D Court Recorder
D Official                                                    o Substitute
Pinu Nalm::
Middle Nome.:
L il.;Jt Nl1me~


Address I:
Address 2:
          fi; - - - "        , - ,
                                                                     i. ,

State:    dUB
          L ___ __ ______ .. .•. _ .•.... ____ • .. ___ •
             .~                                             Zip+4:
Telephone:                                                   ext.
           ~- .-   •.---..
Email: t_ .~-

X. Sup",..ooeas Bond
Supersedeas bond filed: DYes [g] No                                  !fyes, date filed: ~ _ _ _ _ _ __

Will file: DYes [g] No

XI. Extraordinary ReUer

Will you request extraordinary relief (e.g. temporary or ancillary relief) from this Court?                             DYes [g] No
If yes, briefly state the basis for your request:

XII. Alternaiive Dispute ReoolutionIMediaiitm (Compiete section if llUug In the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th., 13th,
or 14th Court of Appeal)
Should this appeal be referred to mediation?
                                                                            [g] Yes   0   No
                                     r --
:::f no, please specify;L
Has the case been through an ADR procedure?                                 oYes      [g] No
If yes, who was the mediator?
What type of ADR procedure?
At what stage did the case go through ADR?                             Dpre-Trial         0    Post-Trial   0   Other

If other, please speciry: [ ::-_ •

Type of case? ~'- -.---
Give a brief description of the issue to be raised on appeal, the relief sought, and the applicable standard for review, ifknown (without
prejudice to the right to raise additional issues or request additional relief):

~"!~.a.l~t_~~~oiitl~!n,-~,:,,s iiiI:-f"'im8tI"",~~~~.or~~~~~_II1ii!,!~'}~ei!:!!.a.-"!l't.~~:~ ,

How was the case disposed of?                           ~j"~.
Summary of relief granted, including amount of money judgment, and if any, damages awarded. ~a~§i~~_-:::
If money judgment, what was the amount? Actual damages:
PUllitive (or similar) damages: C
                                                                                          Page 5 of9
Attorney's tees (tnal):
Attorney's fees (appellate):

Oilier:_ __ ... _
If oilier, please specify:'
                                 _-===::...      _____________________________. .,                                                     1

Will you challenge iliis Coutl's jurisdiction?        DYes [8J No
Does judgment have laoguage iliat one or more parties "take noiliing'''!            i&1 Yes     D No
Does judgment have a Moilier Hubbard clause? DYes [8J No
Oilier basis for finality? ~~