Court ef Appeals No. 04-15-00219-CV Trial Court No. 2UI4-CV-0393 INTHE ">"'£/;[ I FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS DAVID GOAD Appellant, v. .1 A MIT. Appcllc. REQl ESTTO PROCEED IN FORMA PAVPERIS !() [HI- HONORABI I FOURTH COUR1 OF APPEALS: David Goad (Goad). Appellant in this proceeding, files this Rl QilSI 1O PRCX 111) !\ FORMA PAUPER/S Tor ihe following reason: 1. (load inoiinncd iIk- trial coitri in proceed /// Forma Paupvris in late 2014. On December I 7. 2014. Judge Jones [bund (load indigent and issued Exhibit "A", incorporated herein h> reference ;i> ;ill nther (ifam i exhibit's. Wilhoui success, Goad later motioned the coun l-l limes) to sign Lin order allowing < load in proceed /// Forma Paupcrh. 2. At n heuriuL; on I ehruan IS. 2(11 5. Goad again requested Judge Robin D\v\er (took n\ er llie ease after Judge I inda Jones left ihe bench) sign an order allow ing (load to proceed In Formu I'auperis. ll was clear to I load before the February hearing that this issue was going to a higher court. Judge Dwyer stated thai the order Judge Jones had signed had the same meaning and he was not going to sign any other order since he was not a part of the firs! hearing. REQUEST 3. David Goad, asks the Honorable Court Lo allow him to continue //; Forma Pauperis. Respectfully submitted. David Goad. Appellant Pro Se 1154 Rivertree Drive New Braunfels. Texas 78130 830-515-2052 Certificate ol'Service [ certify thai a true copy of this REQUEST TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERJS was served in accordance with rule 9.5 of the Texas Rules ol'Appellate Procedure on each part)' on March 23. 2015 as follows: Jeremy R. Sloan. Esq. 16500 San Pedro.. Suite 410 San Antonio. Texas 78232 U.S. Mail David Goad JUDGE LINDA Z.JONES W)l!NTY COURT AT LAW Karen K. Nelson COURT COORDINATOR Gimdalupe County Justice Center 2! 1 \V Court Street, Suite S330 Suguin, lc\as 1$ 155 830-303-8869 ' Fax 830-303-5325 Cause No. (No Cause U) 30/^- C\/~O3?3 DAVID GOAD (Plaimifl") § IN THE COUNTY COURT VS. § AT LAW JAMIE OSBORN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS (Defendant) ORDER On December 17, 2014 ihe Court had a hearing on Applicants Statement of Inability to Post an Appeal Bond. All panics were present. After hearing arguments of the panics, ihe Conn hereby grants Applicant David Goad's inability to Fust an Appeal Bond imd ORDERS ihe appeal to be tiled in the County Court at Law without payment of Appeal Bond or any fees as related to such appeal and the Court directs the Justice Court to transmit to the Clerk of the Count;1 Court at Law all the transcripts, records and papers of the case as provided by these rtiies. SIGNED AND ENTERED this (he 17th day of .ITJDGE PRESIDING Cc: Mr. David Goad Mr. Jeremy Sloan
David Goad v. Jamie Osborne
Combined Opinion