The order for a new trial, granted by the supreme court at general term in the fourth district, proceeds substantially upon two grounds: 1. That the contract entered into by the defendants with the plaintiff, out of which the cause of action arises, is void, either as being ultra vires, or as contravening public policy: 2. That, if valid, a breach was not shown, inasmuch as it was not proved that a diversion of trade from the plaintiff, against which it was intended to furnish an indemnity, was caused by the positive acts of the company. I think the court erred in both these conclusions.
If we concede that the business of buying and selling merchandise was not one of the purpsses for which this company was organized, yet it will be rather difficult to predicate illegality of a transaction of this character, which, for aught that appears, was a single and isolated one. Their primary, and it may be added, their legitimate, business was the manufacture of linen goods, and by the act under which they were organized, they could purchase and hold and convey any real or pe'rsonal estate necessary to enable them to carry on their transactions. The manufacturing of goods necessarily implied the power of disposing of them, when manufactured, and if so, of receiving in payment money, or property readily convertible into money, *or provisions or stores for the payment of their employees. How the goods which they sold to the plaintiff came into the hands of the company, does not appear in the Case. They might, for aught that is affirmatively proved, have been in part, if not altogether, their own manufactured goods; or they might have been received in payment upon sales of such
But again, if it be conceded, that the defendants had no power to enter the contract of sale in this case and bind the company to perform the obligations assumed, viewed as a mere question of corporate power, yet, having undertaken to do so, and having received the full consideration agreed to be paid by the plaintiff, and he having fulfilled his entire contract, they cannot now, be permitted to set up that excess of authority, to excuse them from that,part of the contract which imposes an obligation upon them. It is very clear, that if the plaintiff in this suit had been prosecuted upon one of the notes given by him upon the purchase, he could not, having accepted and retaining the goods, have set up as a defence want of power in the defendants to enter into the contract. The same rule of right and the same measure of justice will be exacted in this suit. The principle has been repeatedly held as applicable to an individual attempting to screen himself from liability *whon contracting with a corporatian, and in the case of a corporation when seeking
to escape responsibility, on the plea of ultra vires, for acts deliberately done with all usual and needful formalities;
The agreement in this case is, in its true scope and object, purely a contract for the sale of goods. It is very clear, that in contemplation of the benefits the plaintiff expected to derive from the trade of the employees of the defendants, he had engaged to pay a large price for the stock, and in case this expectation should be disappointed, by the contingency expressed in the contract, the defendants engaged, in substance, to deduct the $300 from the purchase price. The agreement to pay back was only to provide for the event that the whole purchase-money should be paid, or no part of the securities given should remain in the hands of the defendants, when the time should arrive for the deduction to be made. Precisely this state of things did occur; a majority of the
Upon the other proposition, to. wit, that the plaintiff could only recover, by showing that the trade was diverted by the acts of the trustees of the corporation, I think the court also erred. Such is not the reading of the contract, nor is there anything in or out of it that would authorize us to say that such was the intent of the parties. It provided, that if the then trustees should, within a year from the first of March following its date, cease to have the management of the affairs of the company, and in consequence thereof, the general trade of the hands of the company should be diverted from the plaintiff’s store, and he should sustain damage thereby, then the $300 was to be paid to the plaintiff, or deducted from the amount he might be owing to the company. Now, all the plaintiff had to show to entitle himself to
This also is an answer to the suggestion in the defendants’ points (although no such ground is taken in the opinion of the court), that the contract is against public policy, inasmuch as it bound the company, under a penalty, to continue the then trustees in office. This seems to me a strained and violent construction to put upon a contract, the whole purport and scope of which was simply to provide that the plaintiff should have a reasonable indemnity, upon the occurrence of a state of facts which might easily happen, and which occurring, might be- calculated to, as it really did, have a prejudicial effect upon his interests, and diminish the value of his purchase. At all events, this clause in the agreement produced no such apprehended result, since the very trustees who executed it went out of office, by their voluntary resignation, within three months after its execution.
Judgment reversed, and judgment for the plaintiff.
Denio, J., dissented.
The chief justice concurred on this point, but the other judges, who were for reversal, declined to commit themselves upon the question. The opinion of Judge Bacon is, however, now the settled law of the state. Whitney Arms Co. v. Barlow, 63 N. Y. 62, 70. And this, on the ground of estoppel. Madison Avenue Baptist Church v. Oliver Street Baptist Church, 73 Ibid. 90. And see Bissell v. Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Companies, 22 Ibid. 258.