This case was very well argued. Every thing that ingenuity and industry could produce was brought before the court. If the case had been entirely new, it would have been extremely difficult to decide. But although no authority directly in point has been produced, yet some principles have been established by adjudged cases, which bear strongly on the question before us. It seems to have been formerly taken for daw in Scotland, that the goods found there of a person who died "intestate in England, should be distributed according to the Scotch law. But since the cases of Bruce v. Bruce, Ommaney v. Bingham, and Somerville v. Lord Somerville, it must be considered as settled that “ the succession to the “ personal estate of an intestate is to be regulated according to “ the law of the country of which he was a domiciliated inhabi- “ tant at the time of his death.” If this is the rule in case of intestacy, why should not the same rule prevail with respect to last willsP It is only with the view to promote the general convenience and happiness of mankind, that any country allows the laws of a foreign nation to operate in any instance on property within its territory. It is supposed that every man is best acquainted with the law of his own country, and that when he dies intestate, it is his desire and expectation that his personal property wherever situated, should be distributed according to that law; and to gratify this reasonable desire, it is the practice of civilized nations to extend their courtesy towards each other so far as to permit the law of the domicil of the intestate to prevail. This the counsel for the plaintiff candidly admit. But they contend that the establishment of the will of Jean Theil will answer the purpose which should always be kept in view, that is to say, it will carry the wishes of the foreigner into effect. It is very true that in this instance it will; but we must take care how we establish a principle, which at the same time that it carries the will of one man into effect, may tend to destroy the will of one hundred others. If we say that the will shall stand good because it is agreeable to our law, although contrary to the law of the testator’s domicil, then we establish the principle that with regard to last wills, the law of Pennsylvania, and not the law of the domicil, shall prevail. It will follow that
It has been remarked by Lord Chancellor Lough-borough (a) that if the question whether the domicil of the party deceased should decide upon the succession to his personal property, was quite new and open, the point appeared to him susceptible of a great deal of argument. Numerous decisions in the Court of Session in Scotland, with one single exception, asserted the negative of that proposition. The different authorities on this head are collected in a note subjoined to Bruce v. Bruce reported in 2 Bos. and Pul. 129. But the point is now settled by cases (¿) determined in the British House of Peers.
The master of the rolls, Sir Richard Pepper Arden (c) in 1801 has deduced the three following rules, as the result of the different authorities on the subject. 1st, That the succession to the personal estate of an intestate is to be regulated by the law of the country in which he was a domiciled inhabitant at the time of his death, without any regard whatever to the place either of the birth or the death, or the situation of the property at that time. 2dlv, That though a man may have two domicils for some purposes, he can have only one for the purpose of succession; and 3dly, that the forum originis is to prevail until the party has not only acquired another, but has manifested and carried into execution an intention of abandoning his former domicil, and taking another as his sole domicil.
The domicil by the civil law is there described “ ubi quis la- “ rem rerumque ac fortunarían suarum sianmam constituitP But Sir Richard censured this definition as too vague and difficult of application; and thought Bynkershoek was very wise in not hazarding a definition of the term.
The counsel for the plaintiff in this case in the course of their arguments have not denied the authority of these rules; but they have contended that they apply only to cases of persons dying intestate, where according to 2 Erskine 697 the law of the domicil is considered as the presumed will of the party, and declaratory of his intention; and that the same ought not and cannot possibly control the solemn intention of the party
On the whole matter I find myself constrained to deliver my opinion, that judgment should be entered for the defendant.
Subsequent to the argument in this case
I examined the authorities cited, and the civilians generally on the subject. An abstract of the investigation with my conclusion has been mislaid, and cannot now be recurred to. But it will suffice to say, at this time, that my conclusion was decisively against the will, and in favour of the successor ab intestato. (a)
Judgment for defendant.
3 Vez. jr. 200.
3 Vez. jr. 200. 2 Bos. and Pul. 220. 1 H. Bl. 690. 5 Vez. jr. 786. 4 T. R 184. where all the authorities in the civil law are cited.
5 Vez. jr. 786.
Vattel, 154. s. 85.
Huberus, Vol. 2. lib. 1. tit. 3.
2 Wolfe, 201.
Denizart, 4 Tit. Testament. 515.
Collect, Furid. 242. (324.)
J) Princ. Equ. 356. lib. 3. c. 8. sec. 3.
Co. Pitt. 80. b. Hargrave's note.
2 Bos. & Pul. 229. in notis.
2 Bos. & Pul. 230, 231.
4 T. R. 192.
3 Vez. jr. 200.
5 Vez. jr. 788.
1 H. Bl. 690.
The case of Desesbats v. Berquier, which decides the effect of domicil upon a will of moveables, and the following case of Guier and O’Daniel, which contains a very full exposition of the principles by which domicil is ascertained, are the only cases in Pennsylvania in which these questions have been solemnly discussed and settled. The reporter is therefore induced to connect them in this manner.
The case arose in the Orphan’s Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, between
Stephen Guier, claiming as the father of Thomas Guier deceased intestate, and Francis O’Daniel and William Young, claiming on behalf of the brothers and, sisters of the intestate.
THE sum of 1400 dollars was in dispute under the following circumstances. Thomas Guier, the intestate, was the captain of a vessel, and was murdered in the West Indies in 1801. The money in controversy was part of the proceeds of certain coffee which came to Philadelphia, and was sold on his account after his death. O’Daniel and Toung claimed it for his brother and sisters by the law of Delaware; the father claimed it for himself by the law of Pennsylvania; and the question for the Court was, by which law the distribution should be directed.
The facts were these: Stephen Guier the father, and his family, including the intestate at that time a minor, removed from the state of Connecticut to Delaware in March 1795; where they settled on a farm belonging to his son Gideon, who was already resident there. In the same year Thomas sailed from Wilmington in Delaware, as a sailor in a vessel commanded by Gideon;
C. J. Ingersoll for the father, argued it upon three points. 1. That Thomas Guier had no domicil any where. 2. That where there is no domicil of preference, custom and the law of Pennsylvania establish the lex loci rei sites as the rule of succession to personal as well as to real property. 3. That the locus rei sitie being Pennsylvania, and no domicil of preference being shewn elsewhere, by the law of Pennsylvania the father was entitled to the succession.
PCophinson and Rodney for the Delaware claimants.
Hush President. The case is embarrassed with little or no difficulty, whether considered on legal principles or matters of fact. The question is, where was he domiciled at the time of his death? and by what law shall the personal estate be distrbuted?
It is necessary to state both the law and the facts briefly. The position .is too clear to be controverted, that personal estate must go according to the laws of the country in which a man is domiciled at the time of his death. There can be but one domicil for the purpose of distributing personal estate; and when that is ascertained, all such property wherever dispersed, will go in succession according to the laws of the country in which the intestate was last domiciled. Debts, having no situs, follow the person of the creditor; and the lex loci rei sites is with great propriety totally disregarded.
A man is prima facie domiciled at the place where he is resident at the time of his death; and it is incumbent on those who deny it, to repel this presumption of law, which may he done in several ways. Itmay be shewn that the intestate was there as a traveller, or on some particular business, or on a visit, or for the sake of health; any of which circumstances will remove the presumption that he was domiciled at the place of his death. 1. Bos. and Pul. 280.
On a question of domicil the mode of living is not material, whether on rent, at lodgings, or in the house of a friend. The apparent or avowed intention of constant residence, not the manner of it, constitutes the domicil.
Minute circumstances in inquiries of this sort are taken into consideration, the immediate employment of the intestate, his general pursuits and habits in life, his friends and connexions, are circumstances which, thrown into the scale, may give it a decisive preponderance.
There is no fixed period of time necessary to create a domicil. It may be acquired after the shortest residence under certain circumstances; and under others, the longest residence may be .insufficient for the purpose,
The domicil of origin arises from birth and connexions. A minor during pupillage cannot acquire a domicil of his own. Sis domicil therefore follows that of his father, and remains until he acquires another, which he cannot do until he becomes a person sui juris.
With respect to the facts in the case before us, Thomas Guier left Connecticut in the year 1795, under age, in company with his father Stephen, who, quitting his native country, migrated to Delaware, and became a resident of that state by acts of the most unequivocal nature. There cannot be. the least
But we do not rest his domicil in Delaware on this ground: he acquired one of his own. From the time old Guier and family, with his son Thomas, arrived in Delaware, they seem to have been connected with Gideon Guier, and to have been both in some degree dependent upon him. He settled his father on a plantation, and Thomas became his apprentice in the seafaring business. Having served out bis time, he received wages from his brother. About the year 1797 Thomas was shipwrecked, and returning by tbe way of New Tori, be proceeded not to Connecticut but to Wilmington. He studied navigation after he was of age in the borough of Wilmington. His diligence and good conduct recommended him to notice. In a year or two he became a mate, then a captain and part owner of a vessel, in which character he sailed in 1801, when he was murdered by the blacks in the island of St. Domingo. During this whole period we hear nothingfrom him of the animus remertendi. So far from it, that after paying a visit to his friends in Connecticut in 1800 or 1801, he hastened back to Wilmington as the place of his employment, and the residence of bis friends. Not a single witness of the great number who have been examined in Connecticut and Delaware, ever heard a ■word escape his lips of his intention to return; or that Wilmington was only the of his residence. Thomas Guier entered the world an
Several witnesses say they believe he had fixed his residence at Wilmington; others say they believe be had not fixed it there. This appears to be mere opinion. Not a word from Guier himself has been given in evidence; hut his silence on the subject is an argument to shew his views were permanently fixed on that country, in which his affairs wore the most promising aspect. When he proposed to settle his affairs, lie does not think of Connecticut, but of sending to Judge Booth at Hen-Castle, to draw Iris will in favour of that part of his family who were resident there.
It is I think extremely doubtful whether voting and paying taxes are in any case necessary to constitute a domicil, which being a question of general law, cannot depend on the municipal regulations of any state or nation. Voting is confined to a few countries, and taxes may not always be demanded. Guier was a seafaring man; and One of the witnesses says that between the 14th January 1800 and the 15th October 1801, he sailed six or seven times. Is it any wonder a single man thus engaged in trade should escape taxation! It frequently happens that young men who never go abroad, are not discovered to be objects of taxation till they have reached the age of five or six and twenty. If Guier escaped taxation through the neglect of the officers of government, it is impossible to conceive how their neglect can have any effect on the question of domicil. The almost, constant absence of a sailor from home, actually effaces from his mind voting at elections; yet it appears Guier was present at one election and offered his ticket, which, though not. received, is a striking fact to shew he considered himself in the light of a citizen. The ticket not being received does not alter the nature of the transaction on the part of Guier; the evidence resulting from it, of intention to settle and reside, is the same as if it had. been actually received.
Employments of the most opposite character and description may have the same effect to produce a domicil. A man may be alike domiciled, whether he supports himself by ploughing the fields of his farm, or the waters of the ocean. It is not exclusively by any particular act that a domicil, generally speaking, is acquired; but by a train of conduct manifesting that the country in which he died was the place of his choice, and to all appearance, of his intended residence. The sailor who spends whole years in combating the winds and waves, and the contented husbandman whose devious steps seldom pass the limits of 1ns farm, may in their different walks of life, exhibit equal evidence of being domiciled in a country. Every circumstance in the conduct of old Guier and his son Thomas, taking into view the unsettled mode of life of the latter, affords the fullest proof that they were both domiciled in Delaware. If the proof be stronger in either case, it is in the case of Thomas, who, though employed in traversing the globe from clime to clime, constantly returned to Wilmington, the source and centre of his business, the seat and abode of his friends and connexions. His “ heart “ untravelled” appears to have been immoveably fixed on the spot, to which he was attached by the powerful tie of interest, and the strongest obligations of social duty; and never for a moment to have pointed a wish to any other country.
We are of opinion Thomas Guier was domiciled in the state of Delaware, during pupillage; and that he was also domiciled there after he became sui juris; and do decree that his personal property be distributed according to the laws of the state qe Delaware.