ACCEPTED 01-13-01068-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS Texas Jeffrey L. Oldham9/30/2015 9:31:14 AM New York Partner CHRISTOPHER PRINE Washington, DC CLERK Connecticut 713.221.1225 Office Seattle 713.221.2199 Fax Dubai London Jeff.Oldham FILED IN & Giuliani LLP Bracewell 1st COURT711OFLouisiana APPEALSStreet HOUSTON, TEXAS Suite 2300 Houston, Texas 9/30/2015 9:31:14 77002-2770AM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk September 30, 2015 Hon. Christopher A. Prine Via E-File Clerk of the Court First Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 Re: No. 01-13-01068-CV; Diamond Offshore Services Limited and Diamond Offshore Services Company v. Willie David Williams; In the First Court of Appeals, Houston, Texas Dear Mr. Prine: Please prepare for me a copy of the recording made of the oral argument in this case on November 10, 2014. If you would please advise my office when the copy is prepared, I will have a courier deliver the required fee and retrieve the disk from the Court. Thank you. Very truly yours, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP /s/ Jeffrey L. Oldham Jeffrey L. Oldham JLO/tlp cc: Mr. David M. Gunn Via EFile Ms. Constance H. Pfeiffer Mr. T. Patrick Baynham Via EFile Mr. Steven K. Best Ms. Adele Hedges Via Efile
Diamond Offshore Services Limited and Diamond Offshore Services Company v. Willie David Williams
Combined Opinion