By the Court. —
delivering the opinion.
[1.] There can be no doubt about the truth of the proposition stated in the first assignment of error. That proposition is, that a witness, (other than the subscribing witness or a physician,) called to prove the insanity of a testator or grantor, cannot give his opinion of his insanity, witho'ut stating facts or giving reasons for such-opinion. Two recent opinions of this Court have recognized this rule. Foster vs. Brooks, 6 Ga. Rep. 291, ’2, ’3. Potts et al. vs. House, 6 Ga. Rep. 324. It is a rule of evidence well settled. I shall not farther, than by the references .already made, attempt its confirmation.
In .looking, however, with great care into this record, I find that the presiding Judge made no such error as that charged in the first assignment. He is stated in the bill of exceptions to have admitted the opinion of Ezekiel Brown, a witness called by the plaintiff below in rebuttal, as to the insanity of the grantor, without a.statement “ of facts going to show derangement.” The testimony of the witness, Brown, is the only testimony in the case excepted to on any ground. His opinion as to the insanity of the
[2.] This was a bill filed by a grantor against the grantee, for the delivery and cancellation of two deeds, conveying property, both personal and real, upon the ground of fraud and insanity. Upon the subject of insanity, the defendant requested the Court to instruct the Jury, “That sanity was always to be presumed, and that unless fixed insanity was shown previous to the execution of the deeds, the burthen of proof was on the complainant to show that he was incapacitated at the very time of their execution.” The Court did not give this charge to the Jury precisely as requested, but, upon the subject of insanity, instructed them as follows: “ What is the degree of mental imbecility or alienation of intellect produced by continued intoxication, excessive drunkenness, old age, or any other cause, that will suffice to authorize a Court of Equity to set contracts aside, or cancel deeds made by a party that alleges that he was incapable of entering into such contracts 1 If the party had, at the time, sufficient mind and reason to be capable of knowing his real situation and condition — of knowing and understanding clearly what he is doing and perceiving the effects of his acts — he cannot complain, subsequently, of the act done by him in disposing of or transferring his property. Now, whether he was of this condition and strength of mind, or whether he was not, is for you to determine, from the evidence introduced by both parties ; and if, from this evidence, you believe that he was of sufficient strength of mind to understand the nature and effect of his act, at the date of these deeds, they cannot be set aside. If incapacity, in the terms laid down by the Court, be proven to have existed with the complainant at any rea
So, also, Lord Thurlow, in The Attorney General vs. Parnther, speaks to the same point. He says, “ If derangement is alleged, it is clearly incumbent on the party alleging it, to prove such derangement. If such derangement be proved, or be admitted to have existed at any particular period, but a lucid interval be alleged to have prevailed at the period particularly referred to, then the burthen of proof attaches on the party alleging such lucid interval, who must show sanity and competence at the period when the act was done, and to which the lucid interval refers; and it certainly is equally as important that the evidence in support of the allegation of a lucid interval, after derangement at any period has been established, should be as strong and as demonstrative of such fact, as when the object of the proof is to establish derangement.” 3 Brow. Ch. R. 441.
Lord Thurlow is held to have gone so far in this case as to say, that where lunacy has once been established by clear proof, the party ought to be proved, by equally clear evidence, to be restored to as perfect a state of mini, as he enjoyed before his lunacy. This extreme position is controverted by Lord Elion, in ex parte Holland, and it seems to me with good reason; for, as argued by his Lordship, the strongest mind may be reduced by the delirium of fever, and be weaker than before the delirium, yet in such a ease it would be unreasonable and unjust that such a person should be subjected to a commission, or be holden incapable of making a will or executing a deed. 11 Vesey, 11.
Swinburne says, “ That if it be proved that the testator was once mad, the law presumeth him to continue still in that case unless the contrary be proved.” Swinb. pt. 2, §3, pl. 7. See, also, Hall vs. Warren, 9 Vesey, 611. White vs. Driver, 1 Phillimore’s Rep. 88. Groom vs. Thomas, 2 Hagg. 434. Godolph. pt. 1, ch. 8, §2. White vs. Wilson, 13 Vesey, 88. 1 Williams’ Ex’rs, 17, 18. Evans’ Pothier, 2 vol. appendix, p. 25.
To return, now, to the case before me. Agreeing with the Court, as I have stated, in these particulars, the plaintiff excepts to the charge of the Court in the following words : “The presiding Judge committed error in charging, that if incapacity, in the terms laid down in the previous part of the charge, be proved to
■ The Judge, we are satisfied, spoke of general or habitual insanity. That must be what is meant by fixed insanity. It either means that, or it means too much. Fixed, in this connection, is a word not used in the books, and doubtless for the reasons I have suggested. Fixed does not belong to the vocabulary of this title of the law. Either, then, there is no disagreement between the Court and the plaintiff in error, or the plaintiff in error has the wrong of it. In either event, his exception cannot be sustained.
[3.] That degree of insanity or unsoundness of mind which will authorize a Court of Equity, at the instance of the grantor, to set aside his deed, if existing at the time, is the insanity which, proven previously to exist, will change the burthen of proof. So Judge Sayre ruled, and rightly. It may be satisfactory to inquire briefly, whether he was right in his definition of insanity ? Whether he legally defined to the Jury that insanity, which is good ground in Equity for the cancellation of a deed ? In defining insanity, no stereotyped form of words is necessary. Nor is it necessary for me to go into an unprofitable discriminatory notice of idiocy, lunacy, derangement, non compos mentis, &c. When Equity interferes, it is upon the ground of unsoundness of intellect, and the fraud that is necessarily involved in the acquisition of property from an insane person. If Judge Sayre’s definitions of insanity are analyzed, he will be found to have ruled, that if one is not possessed of that degree of mind and reason, equal to a full and clear understanding of the nature and consequences of his act, such an one is insane, so far as to authorize a Court of Equity to set aside his acts when they are injurious to himself. This, I believe, is substantially in accordance with the authorities.
We are now, however, in a Court of Equity. The consent of the mind, acting intelligently, is necessary to the validity of acts done and contracts made. “ Consent,” says Story, “ is an act of reason, accompanied with deliberation ; the mind weighing, as in a balance, the good and evil on both sides.” Eq. Jurisp. §222. To give consent there must be capacity, therefore, to know and understand fully the nature of the act done, and its effects upon the interests of the agent. The want of this power to give a rational and deliberate consent, is the ground upon which Courts of Equity will set aside the contracts of idiots, lunatics and other persons non compos, mentis. This is according to the law ofna’ ture, (De Jure Belli Grotius, b. 2, ch. 11, §5,) and was adopted by the Civil haw. Inst. lib. 3, tit. 2, §8. Dig. lib. 50, tit. 17, 1, 5, 1, 40.
Such persons being incapable of entering into, any valid contract, or to do any valid act, every person dealing with them, knowing their incapacity, is deemed to perpetrate a fraud upon them and their rights. “ And surely,” says Judge Story, “ if there be a single- case in which all the ingredients proper to constitute a genuine fraud are to be found, it must be a case where
A Court of Chancery will, therefore, because of insanity, and the fraud which the law infers from a dealing with the insane to his injury, set aside the deed of' such insane person. Such being the principles of action in these cases, the definition of Judge Sayre of that insanity which will authorize the intervention of a Court of Chancery, in our judgment, is in accordance with them, and, therefore, sufficient. Incapacity to assent to a contract by reason of unsoundness of mind, is the test in Equity of the invalidity of the contract. When a man, according to the charge of the Court, is not possessed of that degree of mind and reason equal to a full and clear understanding of the nature of his act— if he cannot distinguish between a sale for value and a gift, for example — and farther, when he has no clear and full understanding of the consequences of his act; for example, is not cognizant that it strips him of his property and vests it in another, or disinherits his children — he is to be held and taken as incapable of consenting, and is insane. This may suffice for this case. To guard against misconstruction, however, it may be well to say, that such intellectual derangement as disables one from understanding, 'in all cases, the nature and consequences of his acts, is not necessary to establish insanity; for one may reason never so wisely and learnedly, and yet be insane as to particular persons or things. See Dew vs. Clarke, 1 Add. 279. 3 Ib.79. The objection here, however, is not that the learned Circuit Judge went too far, but that he did not go far enough. 1 Williams’ Ex’rs, 16 to 34. Story’s Eq. Jurisp. §§222, ’3, ’4, ’5, ’6, ’7, ’8, ’9, 230. Shelford on Lunatics, ch. 2.p. 35 to 74. 3 Brow. Ch. R. 441. 1 Fonbl. Eq. b. 1, ch. 2, §3, note x. Evans’ Notes to Pothier, 2 vol. app. no. 3, p. 28. 11 Vesey, 11. 9 Ib. 611. 1 Phillim. 363. 3 Hagg. 605. 1 Phillim. 88. 2 Add. 445. 26. 210. 5 Russ. Ch. Cas. 166, 167. 13 Vesey, 89. Chitty’s Med. Juris, ch. 9, §5, p. 358, 359.
[4.] The Statute of Limitations being pleaded, the plaintiff in error complains that the Court committed error “ in refusing to charge the Jury, that admitting that the complainant was incapacitated, at the time of making the deeds, yet, if seven years elapsed after his restoration to capacity, before the filing of his
[5.] The plaintiff asserting his title, will prevail, even though he may not have instituted suit within seven years from the accrual of his right of action, unless he is met by a title by possession. The Statute, in short, conveys no title, unless possession is proven. Stile vs. Finch, Cro. Car. 404. 21 Pick. 404. 2 Ld. Raym. 838. Ventries, 191. 2 Mass. 87. 2 Wend. 294. 4 Gill Johns. 439. 5 Har. & Johns. 425. 4 M. & Welsh. Ex. R. 339. 3 Scott, C. B. 265. The only farther exception not covered by what I have already said, is stated in the assignment as follows : “ The Court erred in charging the Jury, that if the deeds show that they were not to take effect, or the estate to be enjoyed until the death of the complainant, that the Statute of Limitations constituted no bar to complainant’s relief.”
The point of this exception is this : the Court submitted the legal effect of the deeds to the Jury, and therein is error. It was clearly not the province of the Jury to construe these deeds, to determine whether, upon their face, they took effect and passed the property at once, whether the instruments were deeds or testamentary papers. That appertained to the Court. The Court was not requested to instruct the Jury, as to the legal effect of the deeds; their legal effect does not appear from the record, to have been made a question. If, in the absence of a request to charge the law, as to any point growing out of the case, the Court does instruct the Jury erroneously, it is, error. But we do not believe that the presiding Judge intended to submit the construction of these deeds to the Jury.
There were two deeds in this case — one of personalty, and the other of realty. One was no doubt a testamentary paper, and
The Court was clearly instructing the Jury in reference to the Statute of Limitations. Putting the matter hypothetically, if, &c. &c. does seem to leave the construction of the instruments to the Jury. We are not, however, satisfied that the Judge so intended, and are loth to pronounce that an error which was not decided. We shall not, on this exception, send the case back; for had the Court instructed the Jury, that one or both the deeds took effect from their date, the Jury could not have found for the defendant; for, according to the testimony, the defendant had not a statutory title, it not having been proven that he held possession for the statutory term; and although there is some evidence of his possession at one lime, yet, nothing is proven from which the Jury could infer possession for the whole term.
Let the judgment below be affirmed.