Donovan v. Ritchie

                  United States Court of Appeals
                      For the First Circuit

No. 95-1421

                   CHRISTOPHER DONOVAN, ET AL.,

                     Plaintiffs, Appellants,


                   JOHN M. RITCHIE, PRINCIPAL,
                 WINCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL, ET AL.,

                      Defendants, Appellees.




         [Hon. Reginald C. Lindsay, U.S. District Judge]



                      Boudin, Circuit Judge,

            Aldrich and Coffin, Senior Circuit Judges.


     Paul L. Kenny for appellant.
     Mary Joann Reedy for appellees.


                         October 24, 1995

     COFFIN, Senior Circuit  Judge.  This  appeal requires us  to

decide whether the procedural due process requirements of Goss v.

Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975), applied to and, if so, were correctly

applied to a high school student before his suspension.

       Appellant,  a senior  at  Winchester High  School, brought

suit  under both  federal and  state statutes  and constitutional

provisions against  the school  principal, the superintendent  of

schools,  and the  school committee,  seeking injunctive  relief,

compensatory and punitive damages,  and attorney's fees and costs

for his ten-day suspension from school and exclusion from various

extracurricular activities.  

     At  the conclusion of a  five-day bench trial,  in which the

evidence  and argument  focused solely  on whether  appellant had

been afforded procedural due  process, the district court granted

judgment  as a matter of law for the school committee members and

found that the process  given appellant was adequate.   Appellant

appeals from these dispositions  but has not furnished us  with a

transcript of the trial proceedings.  We affirm.

     The  case revolves  about a  nine-page document  bearing, in

large capital  letters, the scatological title,  "The Shit List."

Apart  from a cover page and a concluding page containing general

remarks of a boorish  nature, the document zeroed in on  some 140

named students,1 each name being followed by one or more lines of

     1  The district court referred to the list as containing
"the first name and the first initial of the last name" of
students.  The list appearing in the record as an exhibit
contains the initial of the given name and the full surname of
each student.


crude descriptions  of character and/or behavior.   The freshmen,

fewer  than a  dozen, were  treated to  insulting comments  about

their  appearance or  social  conduct.   But  the sophomores  and

juniors,  more than  thirty in  each group,  and more  than sixty

seniors  were  characterized by  epithets  that  were not  merely

insulting as to appearance,  but suggestive, often explicitly so,

of sexual capacity, proclivity, and promiscuity.

     The sequence of events  leading to appellant's suspension is

the following.   On September  18, 1994, a  Sunday, some  fifteen

students  were gathered in the home of  one of them when the list

was  created by someone still unknown.  On Thursday appellant and

two  other boys made copies of  the list and put  them in a trash

barrel.  They were delivered to the school soon after.   After it

was  discovered  by  a  faculty member  the  next  day, Principal

Ritchie announced to  the school  that the list  was harmful  and

degrading, and urged  students to provide  information as to  the

perpetrators.   On the following Monday,  September 26, appellant

and  two  others   came  to  Ritchie's  office   and  denied  any


     The  next  day  they  came  back  and  said  that  they  had

photocopied the  list but denied  knowing the contents  and that,

since the photocopying  was outside of school premises, they were

not  subject to school  discipline.  The  principal disagreed and

said  that  they  would  probably face  suspension.    Meanwhile,

Principal  Ritchie met with other students and compiled a list of

fifteen students who were  said to be present at  the creation of


the list.   On Thursday, September  29, a letter was  sent to the

fifteen, announcing a  meeting the  next day for  them and  their


     At the September 30 meeting, Principal Ritchie said that the

list was a violation of  the school's rules, as set forth  in the

school  handbook, against  harassment and  obscenity.   After the

meeting,  Ritchie met with appellant  and his mother  and said he

was indefinitely suspended.  He did not specify the length of the

suspension, but said that  information would soon be forthcoming.

In a letter requested by the principal and received the following

Monday,  October 3,  appellant  wrote apologizing  for this  "bad

mistake" and saying:

          My involvement in the list is such; I had the list
     copied  with 2 other boys and we then proceeded to take
     the list put it in a trash bag and put it in the barrel
     at Gin [Ginn Field] where it was to be picked up.

     Two days later, Ritchie met with the school's "Crisis Team,"

consisting of  twelve staff  members, and then  wrote appellant's

mother, specifying  "the consequences for your son, Christopher's

participation  in  the  chain  of   events  leading  up  to   the

distribution of the 'Shit List' at Winchester High School."  They

were  suspension  for ten  days,  and exclusion  from  any school

social events and interscholastic athletics.  

     Principal  Ritchie identified  the  following parts  of  the

Student Handbook  as being violated: (1) the  cover, which called

for  an  end to  name calling,  harassment,  "put downs;"  (2) an

opening  statement proscribing  "harassment of  any kind;"  (3) a

section proscribing violent behavior,  vandalism, or violation of


students' civil  rights on  school premises or  at school-related

events,  carrying  the  sanction   of  indefinite  suspension  or

expulsion; and (4) a section barring abusive or  obscene language

or materials.   Possible  reinstatement to athletic  programs (in

appellant's  case,  lacrosse)  and  removal of  the  letter  from

appellant's file was to depend on steps "to repair the damage" to

individuals and the school.

     In a subsequent, undated  letter to the principal, appellant

complained of his  "excessive punishment" and added  to his prior

statement that he thought "it was the Underground Newspaper."

     Appeals  to  the  superintendent  and later  to  the  school

committee, in  which presentations were made  by both appellant's

attorney and the principal, were unsuccessful.


     We  must  first  face a  threshold  question:   whether  the

sanction imposed  on  appellant was  an  expulsion or  a  ten-day

suspension.  Appellant's brief assumes throughout that it was the

former,  citing the  fact that  Principal Ritchie  initially told

appellant  and his  mother  than he  was indefinitely  suspended.

Appellant then cites  Jones v.  Fitchburg, 211 Mass.  66, 68,  97

N.E.  612, 613  (1912), for  the proposition  that  a suspension,

"intended to operate[] for an indefinite period, . . . in  effect

amount[s]  to  a permanent  exclusion. .  .  ."   Accordingly, he

invokes the  authorities that  specify a considerable  panoply of

rights,  including the  assistance of  counsel  and the  right to


examine  witnesses at  a hearing.   See,  e.g., Dixon  v. Alabama

State Bd. of Educ., 294 F.2d 150, 159 (5th Cir. 1961).

     Unfortunately  for  appellant, the  mere  repetition  of the

expulsion label  is of no  avail.  As  the district court  found,

Principal Ritchie, after informing  appellant and his mother that

he was  indefinitely suspended, told them that they would receive

the information  as to the length  of the suspension  in the mail

"shortly thereafter."  Five days later, after conferring with the

"Crisis  Team," he sent his  letter of October  5, containing the

details of  the ten-day suspension.  Appellant  cannot attack the

basis  of the district court's finding that he was suspended, for

he  has not furnished  us with a  transcript. Real v.  Hogan, 828

F.2d 58, 60  (1st Cir.  1987) ("If [the  existing record]  proves

inconclusive, it is the appellant  who must bear the brunt of  an

insufficient record on appeal.")  In any event, however, we would

be unlikely to find "clear error" in the finding.   Cf. Roland M.

v. Concord School Committee, 910 F.2d 983, 990 (1st Cir. 1990).

     We  are,  therefore,  dealing  with the  kind  of  temporary

suspension at issue  in Goss v.  Lopez.  In  that case the  Court

succinctly  summarized the three  procedural prerequisites: "that

the  student be  given  oral or  written  notice of  the  charges

against  him  and,  if he  denies  them,  an  explanation of  the

evidence the authorities have and  an opportunity to present  his

side of the story."  419 U.S. at 581.   The Court added, "In  the

great majority of cases the disciplinarian may informally discuss

the  alleged misconduct  with the  student  minutes after  it has


occurred."  Id. at 582.  In order for the student "to explain his

version of the  facts at  this discussion, [he  should] first  be

told  what he  is accused  of  doing and  what the  basis of  the

accusation  is."   Id.   "Requiring  that  there be  at  least an

informal  give-and-take between student  and disciplinarian," the

Court concluded, would at least give the student "the opportunity

to  characterize his  conduct and  put it  in  what he  deems the

proper context." Id. at 584.

     It  is clear,  first  of all,  that  appellant had  adequate

notice.    The  principal  warned  him  several  days  before the

suspension  took  effect that  the  conduct  he had  acknowledged

likely would result in his suspension.  The principal's letter of

October 5,  elaborating  on  and specifying  the  bases  for  the

suspension,  referred to  the High  School Handbook,  which every

student  was obliged to read  and understand.   Its cover, as the

letter   noted,  briefly  but  clearly  identified  name-calling,

harassment,  and  "put downs"  as actions  to  be resisted.   The

principal also referred to the "Opening Remarks" of the Handbook,

prohibiting "harassment of any  kind."  This introductory section

defined "harassment" as "conduct,  behavior, or comments that are

personally offensive, degrading, or  threatening to others,"  and

gave such examples as "sexually suggestive remarks, . . . and the

display  or circulation  of  written materials  .  . .  that  are

degrading to any individual. . . ."

     Thirdly,  the  principal  cited  to  a   regulation  barring

fighting,  violent behavior,  or  "violation of  other  students'


civil rights"  on school premises, the violation  of which called

for an  indefinite suspension and possibly  expulsion.  Appellant

challenges the relevance of  this regulation to the facts  of his

case.    He also  argues  that more  formal  procedures regarding

notice, counsel, and presentation of witnesses are required under

this regulation.   This would seem  to be true but  it is obvious

from  the sanction  imposed,  a temporary  suspension, that  this

regulation was not a ground for decision.

     The principal's fourth basis  for punishment was regulations

barring  the use of either obscene materials or language that was

"abusive," "obscene," "profane," or "vulgar." 

     Apart from the attack noted above to the third ground listed

by  the principal, appellant makes only two arguments.  The first

is that a passage  in "Opening Remarks" urges sensitivity  to the

feelings of others and prompt communication between a student who

feels aggrieved  and an  offender so that  objectionable behavior

may be brought to an end quickly.  To read this as preempting any

more severe treatment  of what has been  "strictly prohibited" is

not  only  to treat  the  Opening Remarks  section  as internally

inconsistent  but also  to  ignore other  parts  of the  Handbook

detailing a  twelve point "Range of  Consequences" for violations

of the student  disciplinary code that extend from verbal warning

to  expulsion.   Appellant's second thrust is against the charges

of  abusive or obscene language.   His brief  makes the assertion

that "Notwithstanding  that Ritchie found no  evidence to support

the  foregoing,  Ritchie  cites  this  regulation  without   ever


explaining to Donovan  how it was violated."   This, in the light

of "The Shit List" itself,  defies rational justification even in

the context of strenuous advocacy. 

     By  the same token, there can be no rational question raised

as  to  the basis  for the  suspension.   Indeed,  appellant knew

precisely what  the basis was -- the preparation and distribution

of the list; he  acknowledged his part in making  photocopies and

merely asserts  that he did not know the contents.  This leads us

to the third requirement of Goss v. Lopez, an opportunity for the

student to have presented his version of the facts.

     We conclude  from the  record that  appellant had,  and took

advantage of, multiple opportunities to present his view  of what

occurred.  On September  26, he and two others met with Principal

Ritchie  and denied any involvement.   On September  27, they had

another meeting  and admitted  photocopying, but no  knowledge of

contents.   They also advanced  their defense that  their act did

not  take place on school  property.  On  September 30, appellant

and his  mother met  separately with  Principal Ritchie,  after a

larger meeting, and  had the opportunity to add to  what had been


     We  add  these  observations.    At  no  time has  appellant

indicated  the presence of any evidence other than his own say-so

that  could shed light on  his defense of  ignorance of contents.

Moreover,  as  we  reflect  on the  giant-sized  capital  letters

spelling  out  the  title  of the  list  on  the  cover,  and the

following  listing names  with,  generally, a  salacious one-line


commentary,  we  can  be  skeptical  of  the  likelihood  of  one

remaining oblivious to content  after feeding into and retrieving

from  the  copying  machine  multiple copies  of  this  nine-page

document.   Given the nature  of the defense,  the nature of  the

evidence, the lack of any trial transcript, and the opportunities

given appellant  to explain and support his position, we conclude

that  the  disciplinarian  was  entitled to  make  a  credibility


     We take note of an argument briefly advanced by appellant --

that, because  of the bar to interscholastic  athletics and other

school  activities,  in addition  to  a  ten-day suspension,  the

punishment falls outside of  Goss and required a higher  level of

procedural  formalities.  We are  not unmindful of  the impact of

sanctions other than suspension  and expulsion.  As the  Court in

Goss  recognized,  there  may be  "unusual  situations,  although

involving only  a short  suspension, [where] something  more than

the  rudimentary procedures will  be required." 419  U.S. at 584.

But  the mere  fact that  other sanctions  are  added to  a short

suspension does not trigger  a requirement for a more  formal set

of procedures.  In Goss itself one of the plaintiffs had not only

been  suspended, but had been transferred  to another school. Id.

at 569  n.4.  What must  remain the focus is  whether the student

was  given  the  opportunity  to  present  his  version  of  what

occurred.  In this case appellant has never suggested any respect

in which he was denied this opportunity.


     We add one final  word.  We  have said that appellant  bears

any  risk stemming  from an  inadequate record.   Our  reading of

appellees'  Proposed Findings  of Facts  below suggests  that the

absence of a record may have deprived us of evidence that is more

adverse than helpful to appellant.   In any event, on this record

we conclude that he received all of the process that was due.

     We make  short shrift of two  other arguments.   One is that

Mass. Gen.  L. ch. 71,   84 prohibits the suspension of a student

for "marriage, pregnancy, parenthood or  for conduct which is not

connected with any school-sponsored activities. . . ."  While the

context suggests that  the statute is dealing  with matters other

than actions taken with  and aimed toward other students,  we are

entirely satisfied  with  the  district  court's  reasoning  that

appellant's   "admitted   off-premises   conduct   led   to   the

distribution of the list on school premises."  As for appellant's

objection  to  the  judgment  dismissing the  claim  against  the

members  of the school committee, our due process holding renders

further statement unnecessary.

     We do not, however, deem this  such a frivolous appeal as to

grant appellees' motion for attorney's fees.



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