Tlie bill in this cause was filed to foreclose a mortgage executed by defendants John Q. and Emma S. McKernan to complainant on the 5th day of March, 1875. In addition to the statements usually found in such bills, it sets forth that about May 14, 1873, John Q. McKernan and one Henry Steinbach purchased from Samuel L. Smith lots numbered 5 to 18 inclusive, in block 19 according to the recorded plat of the village of L'Anse, and that a written agreement for the purchase and sale was entered into, and that $400 of the purchase money was paid down, and the purchasers took and remained in possession until about March 8, 1878, on which day Smith and wife conveyed by warranty to McKernan and Steinbach lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, of block 19 aforesaid, being four of the same lots covered by complainant’s mortgage; that in consideration of this deed MeKer
To this bill the defendant Kuppe filed a joint plea and answer, setting forth that on the 29th day of March, 1880, he exhibited his bill of complaint in the same court against the complainant and John Q. and Emma S. McKernan for the foreclosure of a mortgage by defendants John Q. and Emma S. McKernan to him (Kuppe) on the same lands described in complainant’s bill, which was taken as confessed by the McKernans, and that Edwards appeared and answered, upon which issue was formed, and that such proceedings were thereafter had in said suit that on the 5th day of September, 1881, a decree was rendered in favor of Kuppe and against Edwards and the McKernans, and under such decree said premises were sold at public auction, and upon such sale the said premises were bid in by Kuppe; that the sale was ratified and confirmed by the court; “ all which said several matters and things this defendant doth aver and pleads the said former bill, answer and decree, and the said several proceedings in the said former suit, in bar to the said complainant’s present bill.” He sets forth in answer to complainant’s bill, on information and belief, that at the time when"it is alleged in the complainant’s bill that said John Q. and Emma S. McKernan executed and delivered to him said mortgage, said John Q. McKernan had no title to said lands, and no inter
Such was the issue made by the pleadings between these parties. The mortgage to Edwards was duly recorded on March 17, 1875. It was given as security for a precedent, debt, but there is nothing in the printed record before us to show what, if any, time was given for the payment of the indebtedness when the mortgage security was given. The testimony is that a note was made for the amount then owing, but when it became due is not stated, and the note is admitted to have been lost. It appears that March 22, 1878, Samuel L. Smith and his wife conveyed the lots in dispute to Mc-Kernan and Steinbach, and it is stipulated in this record that they then owned the four lots conveyed as tenants in common. Prior to the 22d day of March, 1878, defendant McKernan was indebted to defendant Kuppe, and Pnppe was desirous of obtaining security therefor; and in order to secure the payment of such indebtedness he took from Mc-Kernan and wife a mortgage on McKernan’s undivided half interest in the lots; and also from Steinbach a separate mortgage upon his undivided half interest in the same lots.
The controversy is therefore between two creditors of McKernan, striving to secure precedent debts. Neither advanced nor gave any new consideration for their mortgages. If Edwards’ mortgage did not cover the legal title, neither did Buppe occupy the position of a bona fide purchaser. Boxheimer v. Gunn 24 Mich. 372. lie does not appear to have extended the time of credit, released any securities, or parted with anything of value.
The case of Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. v. Maltby 8 Paige Ch. 361, has been often cited as authority for the doctrine that the record of a mortgage upon an equitable interest in lands is not notice to a subsequent purchaser or encumbrancer, without actual notice from the holder of the legal title. In that case Maltby had purchased certain real estate by contract from Squires, which consisted of four lots in the city of Buffalo. He then sold by contract lot 1 to Buchanan, lot 2 to Lin-hart, and lot 3 to Hodge, who went into possession under their contracts of purchase. While they were thus in possession, Maltby executed the mortgage to complain
A brief reference to the statute relating to the subject of recording conveyances will show very clearly that such mortgages are within the provisions made for recording conveyances. How. Stat. § 5674 enacts that every register of deeds shall keep an entry-book of deeds and an entry-book of mortgages. The next section provides that in the entry-book of mortgages he shall enter all mortgages and other deeds intended as securities, and § 5676 requires the register to record in the books provided for that purpose all mortgages at full length. Section 5683 enacts *that “Every conveyance of real estate within this State, hereafter made, which shall not be recorded as provided in this chapter, shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser in good faith, and for a valuable consideration, of the same real estate or any portion thereof, whose conveyance shall be first duly recorded.” Section 5688 enacts that “ The terra ‘purchaser,’ as used in this chapter, shall be construed to embrace every person to whom any estate or interest in real estate shall be conveyed for a valuable consideration, and also every assignee of a mortgage, or lease, or other conditional estate.” Section 5689 defines the term “ conveyance ” as used in that chapter, and says that it shall be construed to embrace every instrument in writing by which any estate or interest in real estate is created, aliened, mortgaged or assigned; or by which the title to any real estate may be affected in law or equity, except wills, leases for a term not exceeding three years, and executory contracts for the sale or purchase of lands.
It was held in Burns v. Berry 42 Mich. 179, that the protection which this statute (§ 5683) gives to a bona fide
The law provides that every register of deeds shall also keep a proper general index to each set of books, in which he shall enter alphabetically the name of every party to each and every instrument recorded by him, with a reference to the book and page where the same is recorded. How. Stat. § 5682. The object of this provision is to afford facilities to the searcher after recorded conveyances through the names
The case of Wing v. McDowell Walk. Ch. 175, so far as the same conflicts with the views above expressed, must be considered as overruled. It may be remarked, however, that the statutes of 1838, under which that decision was made,, aside from being quite unlike our present law in the language of the section upon which it is based, did not contain the substance of §§ 5688 and 5689 of the present Statutes, which I think materially affects the construction to be given to § 5683 above cited. I am also of opinion from this record that
Mr. McKernan also testifies to a conversation he had with Mr. Ruppe in the fall of 1877 or winter of 1878. He says; he owed Ruppe, and he wanted his money, and he (McKernan) told him he would like to pay him, and suggested to him that if he had a little means that he would try and buy pine land and go into the lumber business, and get out of it in that way; that Ruppe said to him: “You can’t get money unless you give good security, and you can’t give security because you have given a mortgage to Mr. Edwards on your* land, unless you get the money through Mr. Edwards to buy pine lands.” He also testifies to telling Mr. Chandler, who acted as the attorney of Mr. Ruppe in obtaining the mortgage to Ruppe, that he had already given a mortgage to Mr. Edwards and he didn’t know how that would work, and Mr.
Against this testimony stands the testimony of Mr. Ruppe, who denies the interview-as stated by Mr. Mead, — also the conversation with McICernan, and also denies all knowledge or actual notice of the existence of the Edwards mortgage previous to the taking of his; but there is no contradiction of McKernan’s statement concerning his notifying Mr. Chandler of the Edwards mortgage. It is sought, however, to discredit this statement by showing that the witness testified to this interview with Chandler in the suit brought by Ruppe against Steinbaeh and Edwards, and he then omitted to state that lie had informed Chandler of the Edwards mortgage. In explanation he says that he only answered such questions as were asked him, and he was not asked respecting that portion of the interview. These witnesses were examined in open court, and the circuit judge had the opportunity of observing them and judging of their credibility ; and if we had any doubt as to the weight to be accorded to their evidence, the fact that the circuit judge took the same view of their testimony given orally in his presence as we do from the depositions, confirms us in the opinion we entertain of its reliability.
It appears that McKernan and Steinbaeh were partners in the brewing business, and as such partners had borrowed from Edwards about $1400, and on the 9th day of January, 1879, Edwards brought suit against the firm, obtained judgment, levied upon the lots in question, and sold them at sheriff’s sale, and became the purchaser thereof on the 2d day of March, 1880, and afterwards went into possession, claiming under the sheriff’s sale. While he was in possession, Ruppe filed two bills of complaint to foreclose the two mortgages taken by him, and made Edwards a party defendant. Edwards answered, setting up the judgment against the firm and sale thereunder, and also claiming that the land was partnership assets, and claiming that the mortgages to Ruppe were given to secure the individual debt of McICernan to Ruppe, and also that the partnership was insolvent, and that
The existence or validity of the mortgage from McKer•nan to Edwards was not involved 'in that suit, and was unaffected by the decision of that case. Wurcherer v. Hewitt 10 Mich. 453; Dawson v. Danbury Bank 15 Mich. 489; Shotwell v. Harrison 22 Mich. 410, 426; Summers v. Bromley 28 Mich. 125. When the sales were made under the decrees rendered upon the Ruppe mortgages, Edwards became the purchaser of the undivided half mortgaged by Steinbach, and Ruppe of the undivided half mortgaged to him by McKernan, being the same undivided half -in question in this suit. Complainant testified that he has never abandoned or released, or intended to abandon or release, his mortgage, mid never intended to yield up the lien which it gave him upon this property. Rut defendant Ruppe claims that by purchasing the whole property at sheriff’s sale the lien of his mortgage became merged in the legal title, and ceased to exist for all purposes whatever, and that his (Ruppe’s) mortgage lien being prior to’such execution lien, he holds the title under his purchase at the mortgage sale discharged of any lien thereon in favor of complainant.
We cannot accede to this view. It is true, as a general rule, that when the legal title becomes united with the equitable so that the owner has the whole title, the mortgage is merged by the unity of possession. But if the owner has •an interest in keeping the titles distinct, or if there be an intervening right between the mortgage and the equity, there is no merger. This is elementary doctrine. 1 Jones on Mortgages § 848, and notes. In this case Edwards had an interest in keeping the titles distinct, and there was also the mortgage to Ruppe intervening, which of itself was sufficient to pre
Campbell, J. This bill was filed to foreclose a mortgage given in March, 1875, by McKernan and wife on an undivided half of 14 lots numbered from 5 to 18 in block 19 in the village of L’Anse, now in Baraga county, for which McKernan and Henry Steinbach held an unrecorded contract from S. L. Smith, on which there had been a part payment of $500. The mortgage in suit was given for $5179.54, being the balance as alleged of an old unsettled account due Edwards, and was very much beyond the value then or since of the lands mortgaged. It was put on record not long after its date.
On the 22d of March, 1878, with the assent, as the bill indicates, of complainant, the land contract for the 14 lots was given up, and canceled, and Smith gave McKernan and Steinbach a warranty deed of lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, and each of them at the same time gave mortgages to Ruppe of their several undivided interests, which were duly recorded. The bill avers that McKernan and Steinbach failed to perform their executory contract and ceased to have any interest in the lands not conveyed, but claims that his own mortgage attached to the lots conveyed, and was superior to the Ruppe mortgage. It is not averred or shown that there was any agreement to this effect.
Edwards, afterwards, sued McKernan & Steinbach, as partners, for a partnership debt, and in March 1880 obtained a certificate on sheriff’s sale, and afterwards got a deed, and has been in possession for some three years or thereabouts. In March 1880 Ruppe filed his bill making Edwards a party as a subsequent encumbrancer. Edwards answered and claimed priority of right over Ruppe on the ground that as a partnership creditor he was to be preferred to a mortgagee of one of the partners. But it was held in this Court in Ruppe, v. Steinbach 48 Mich. 465, that by taking the warranty deed in the usual form of a tenancy in common, the
The question now is whether this early mortgage can be •enforced against Ruppe.
The testimony does not, in my opinion, indicate that when Ruppe took his mortgage he knew that Edwards set up any such claim. Apart from other circumstances it is clear that no one at that time had any idea that such a mortgage, if existing, would leave anything worth mortgaging. The circumstances indicate that the warranty ■deed from Smith, which all parties approved, and which ■Smith could not have given if Edwards was supposed to retain any rights against the contract, was part of one arrangement whereby Ruppe was to obtain his mortgages. Neither Ruppe nor any one else would have taken a mortgage which would be worthless when given. It is hardly credible that Edwards, seeing and approving the surrender of the contract and the conveyance of lands not in accordance with its terms, •or with his mortgage rights on the ten lots surrendered, supposed or intended it to be kept in force, and it would have been a gross fraud to let Ruppe act upon a different belief, as he certainly must have done. If he had no notice actually, there was nothing to affect him constructively, as not only was Smith’s contract unrecorded, but the statute does not make the record of interests under executory contracts emanating from private titles notice to subsequent purchasers under the legal title. If executory contracts are beyond the protection of the recording laws I cannot conceive that a mortgage of such a contract can stand on any better ground : still less a mortgage of a part interest.
The case of Wing v. McDowell Walk. Ch. 175, was based on recording laws which in this respect have not been substantially changed ; and although the chancellor in that case seems to have obtained 'the idea that the rule in New York
But upon all the facts of this case that question is not at all controlling. As already stated the mortgage is an old mortgage and was allowed, if not, as may fairly be supposed, intended, to pass without any reference at the time when a large part of the land covered by it was taken out of it by complainant’s approval, but without any written evidence of it. It has been allowed to outlaw, so far as the secured debt is concerned. Complainant subsequently paid a considerable sum for the equity of redemption. He set up in Buppe’s suit a claim entirely inconsistent with its validity, when, if he supposed it valid, it would have sufficed to render Buppe’s mortgage worthless. These facts taken together are not to be harmonized with the idea that he considered it as in force after the new arrangement with Smith.
But the failure to set it up in the foreclosure suit reaches further. While it is well settled that a prior mortgagee is not a necessary party to a foreclosure suit, yet it is not held that he may not be made a party where there are other interests claimed by him, or where there are questions otherwise rendering it desirable. When he undertakes to set up his title,, to show why he should not be affected by the foreclosure, there is no' reason why he should not set it up fully. It is always competent for a subsequent mortgagee to redeem, so as to make complete title by his foreclosure, provided the prior mortgage is due. And any purchaser on a foreclosure has a right to assume that the title disclosed is the true one, although in the absence of any answer the case may be otherwise. The rule as generally agreed upon is that it is proper, but not necessary, to bring in prior encumbrancers. Story’s Eq. PL § 193, and notes; Farmers’ & Mech. Bank v. Bronson 14 Mich. 361.