Jacob Eidtj Jr., was engaged in the hay and grain business in the city of New York. He had been ill for ten or twelve days, and was taken to Flower Hospital on March 23,1908, for medical treatment. About eleven o’clock in the evening, while lying on the operating table and evidently realizing the gravity of the approaching operation, he dictated his will to his brother, John C. Eidt, which the latter wrote upon the back of a hospital form, he having no prior experience in the drawing of wills. The writing took about half an hour, and some four hours thereafter the testator died. The instrument drawn under these conditions was as follows :
. “ New York, March 23d, 1908.
“ I hereby make my last Will and Testament leaving two thirds of my share in the business Hay & Grain situated at 305 E 45 St. N. Y. City to John C. Eidt and one third of business to my wife Margaret Eidt the business to continue for two years or less before a settlement can be made my wife to drawn one third Interest and John C. Eidt to draw two thirds from same I leave to my wife the house and all furnishings at No. 326 E. 43 St for the rest of her natural life the Interest in the real estate held by me and my brother John 0. Eidt to be held together for two years or less, in case of death of my wife within two years or date of settlement one third Interest to go to Mrs. Anna Deibel I appoint my Executors John C. Eidt James A. Sinsabaugh, Margaret Eidt
“ J. B. Gregg Curtis, Jr.
“ J. Q. Adams
“ Flower Hospital.”
This will was duly admitted to probate as a will of real and personal property by the surrogate of New York county June 9, 1908. The testator left him surviving no issue or descendants, but a widow, Margaret Eidt; a mother, Christine Eidt; three brothers, John C. Eidt, Charles W. Eidt and Christian Eidt; and two sisters,
The question presented by this appeal is whether the construction of this will by the learned court at Special Term was correct, that under it the fee of the realty held in common with his brother was devised to his widow.
In endeavoring to construe this will, the circumstances under which it was drawn arid executed must be taken into consideration, as well as the absence of experience upon the part of either the testator or the scrivener. Testator was about to undergo a grave operation, from which recovery was problematical. . His brother wrote as he dictated, without either knowledge or appreciation of legal forms. ' As was said in Central Trust Co. v. Eggleston (185 N. Y. 23): “ Each will must be read and considered with reference to its peculiar provisions and to the circumstances attendant upon . its making, and precedents are, rarely, of avail.” So read, we find here a will which by its express terms disposes absolutely of but one item of decedent’s estate — the interest in his business — forming less than one-third of his total estate. This provision for his widow and brother is coupled with a provision to prevent loss to his estate or embarrassment to his partner, by which the business was to be carried on “ for two years or less before a settlement can be made,” his brother arid widow to draw two-tliirds and one-third of the profits respectively until the business was wound up and the proceeds divided between them in the same proportion. The other personalty owned by him, aggregating nearly $7,000, it is con
This is. not the case which frequently arises of an obvious effort by testator to dispose of all his property which is in danger of failing for some ambiguity or. defect in the- language used, nor is it one where the presumption attaches that the testator intended to dispose .of all his'property, (Byrnes v. Baer, 86 N. Y. 210.) Nor is there any general purpose indicated to provide liberally for his. wife, which calls for a liberal construction in her favor. (Moffett v. Elmendorf, 152 N. Y. 475.) Applying the rule that “in the construction of a testamentary disposition, where the language is unskillful; or inaccurate, but the intent can be clearly collected from the writing, it is the duty of the court to give- effect to that intent,' subject only to the proviso that no' rule of law is thereby violated ” (Masterson v. Townshend, 123 N. Y. 458), the only fair construction to be placed upon the will is as fol-ldws : The testator left to his brother and widow- his interest in the hay-and grain business in the proportion Of two-thirds and one-third, and until such time ■ as the estate could be settled up, which he fixed at a period. of two years or less (he evidently having some idea that two years was about the time required to settle an estate), the profits of the business were to be divided in the samé proportion; -he left his residence with its furnishings to his- widow for life, and made no dispo-
The situation here presented is that described in Schouler on Wills (1910 ed. p. 285): “ But after all the indulgence, all the favorable regard possible, after all the comparison of words and phrases; after the long search by the light of extrinsic testimony to discover in the gift a certain .and sensible meaning, the court may still be left in impervious darkness, and the will must fail, of effect in consequence,”
The judgment appealed from should, therefore, be reversed and judgment directed to be entered in accordance with the views hereinbefore set forth, with costs to the appellants tó be paid out of, the estate.
Ingraham, P. J., and McLaughlin, J., concurred; Scott, J., dissented.