The opinion of the court was delivered, by
Three prominent questions are raised by this motion. They are, Has the complainant a legal right to the office of sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia ? Does the defendant unlawfully invade or threaten to invade that right ? If he does, is the invasion of such a character as to call for the exercise by this court of its preventive power ?
On the 27th day of November 1861, the governor of the Commonwealth issued a commission to the complainant, reciting that by the election returns of the October election of that year, it appeared that he had been chosen sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, and authorizing him to perform the duties and enjoy the privileges of said office for the term of three years, from the second Tuesday of October 1861, if he should so long behave himself well, and until his successor should be duly qualified. Under this commission he entered upon the duties of the office, and he has, in fact, acted hitherto as sheriff. If this commission is still in force, beyond controversy, he has a legal right, not only to the office, but to its undisturbed enjoyment. This we do not understand to be controverted. The next stage in the inquiry therefore is, whether anything appears which invalidates the commission. The defendant produces a commission from the governor to himself, dated October 21st 1862, reciting that it appeared from the returns of the same election, held in October 1861, that he had been chosen sheriff of the said city
Had there been no contest of the election of sheriff, or of the election returns, it could not be maintained that the commission issued in October 1862 annulled, vacated, or superseded the commission given to the complainant in November 1861. The power of the governor to revoke a commission once issued to an officer not removable at the pleasure of the governor, may well he denied. Even where he has the power of appointment of such an officer, an appointment once made is irrevocable. Much more, it would seem, is a commission issued by him incapable of being recalled or invalidated by himself, when the ajDpointing power is located elsewhere, and when his act, in issuing the commission, is not discretionary with him, but is only the performance of a ministerial duty. Under the Constitution, the governor does not appoint a sheriff, and he has no choice as to whom he will commission. The appointment is made by the electors, and it is the duty of the chief executive to commission the person ■whom they have designated according to the forms of law. When he has done that, his duty is performed, and a vested right is consummated in the person commissioned, a 'right which nothing but judicial decision can take away or authorize him to recall. The observations of the Supreme Court of the United States in Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, bear forcibly upon this subject. That was an application for a mandamus, to compel the delivery of a commission for an office to which the applicant had been appointed by the President of the United States, and for which a commission had been made out, but not delivered. The office was one which the law created,, and of which it fixed the duration of tenure by the officer, but under the Constitution the President had the appointing power. Chief Justice Marshall, in delivering the unanimous opinion of the court, made the following observations : “ Where an officer is removable at the will of the executive, the circumstance which completes his appointment is of no concern, because the act is at any time revocable, and the commission may he arrested if still in the office. But where .an officer is not removable at the will of the executive, the
This brings us to inquire whether the proceedings which have taken place in the Court of Quarter Sessions empowered the governor to grant the commission, and thereby supersede that which was issued upon the original election return. These proceedings are not referred to in the second commission, but if they conferred a power, the commission must be held to have issued under it, rather than to be void. Prior to the date of his commission, a contest of the complainant’s election and of the return thereof had been initiated in the Court of Quarter Sessions under the provisions of the Act of Assembly of July 2d 1839, and in that contest a decree was entered on the 18th day of October 1862, that the complainant was not elected, but that the defendant had received a majority of the votes given, and that he was duly elected. On the same day, a certiorari was sued out of this court by the complainant to remove the record of the contest in the Court of Quarter Sessions, and it wds served. The effect of that writ was to stay further proceedings in the court below, and to remove the record of the case into this court. That such is the effect of a certiorari,-except in cases where the legislature has made a different rule, is the doctrine of all the cases. It is not itself a writ of supersedeas, but it operates as one by implication. Originally in fact, and now always in theory, at least, it takes the record out of the custody of the inferior court, and leaves nothing there to be prosecuted or enforced by execution.
But, while we do not hold that the certiorari served on the court, took away from the executive the power to issue the commission to the defendant after the decree correcting the election returns, a power which the decree unimpeached gave him, we do hold that the service of the writ affects the defendant. He was a party to the contest in the Quarter Sessions, not in name, but in substantial truth. It was his right which was in controversy, and his were the fruits of the decree. Upon him, therefore, the certiorari may operate. When it was served, and the record was removed, he had not begun to execute the duties of the office or to act under the decree and his commission. His position is like that of a party who has an execution in his hands not delivered to the officer when the writ comes, and stays his further proceeding. His title to his commission is not taken away, but his right to proceed under it is suspended until the final decision under the revisory writ. It may be that the decision of the Supreme Court on the hearing of the certiorari, will result in setting aside the decree of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and thus leave the original return and the commission of the complainant, in full force. On the other hand, if the decree be affirmed, the right of the defendant to his commission, and to the emoluments of the office from the 21st day of October last, will be established.
The second question is easily answered in the affirmative. The bill and affidavits show that there has been, and still is, a disturbance of the rights of the complainant made by the defendant, no doubt under a belief of right, but still unlawful.
The remaining inquiry is, whether the case is such a one as requires the court, in the exercise of its equity powers, to grant an injunction. It is a bill preferred by an individual, asserting a personal right invaded. Yet it is not to be overlooked that it affects public interests. The office of sheriff is a most important one, and the question, which of two persons claiming it may lawfully perform its duties, is one in which the whole community is interested. We ought not to leave the matter in doubt. Though rve cannot now determine finally who has the right, we can and ought to determine who is the sheriff in fact, and prevent a conflict until there shall be an adjudication that shall terminate finally the election contest. We therefore feel constrained to award an injunction.
A speedy final decision of the contested election is imperatively demanded by public considerations. In the light of these, individual interests and personal convenience are of minor importance, though they are by no means to be disregarded. We have no power to compel a hearing on the certiorari before the return day of the writ. But we have power to dissolve tile injunction now granted, and we have power to impose terms upon the allowance of a common law writ of certiorari after judgment. It is not a writ of right, and will never be allowed for merely technical errors which do not affect the merits: Bac. Ab., Certiorari, A. We will use some of these powers unless the parties agree in writing to a hearing on the writ of certiorari before the Supreme Court in banc at Pittsburgh, on the 15th day of November 1862. We cannot treat the writ as not allowed, but we can revise the allocatur and quash the writ, if there do not appear to be sufficient grounds for it.
And now, to wit, November 1st 1862, this motion came on for hearing before the Supreme Court at nisiprius, and was argued by counsel. Whereupon, after due consideration, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that, on the complainants giving security according to the Act of Assembly in the sum of $5000, the said John Thompson, his agents and servants, be enjoined from interfering or intermeddling with the office of sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, or from disturbing or molesting the complainant in the peaceable possession and enjoyment thereof,
And it is further ordered that the defendant have leave to move the court, on the 15th day of November 1862, to quash the certiorari, for having been issued without special cause previously shown, unless the plaintiff shall then show sufficient cause on giving five days’ notice.