Two questions are made, in this case. The plaintiff claims that this action is not removable from the State court into the Circuit Court of the United States, under the act of congress of 1789, or the act of 1867. The defendant, on the contrary, insists that the cause is removable, and that the order of the special term of this court, staying the plaintiff’s proceedings and sending the case to the said Circuit Court, is not an appealable order.
It is not disputed that all the formalities necessary to the removal have been complied with by the defendant, if the case is one that falls within the provisions of either of the acts of congress referred to. The defendant is a citizen of the State of Illinois.
• If the plaintiff is a citizen of the State of Hew York, or if the stockholders composing the American Merchants Union Express Company are to be regarded as the real plaintiffs, and they are either in fact or by construction of law citizens of the State of Hew York, then the .order for the removal of the cause was properly made.
William G-. Fargo is himself a citizen of the State of Hew Yoi’k. If the suit be his, the action is removable.
If the company, or the shareholders who compose it, be
In the present case, the shareholders, consisting of several thousand persons, citizens of, and residents in, various states, including both the States of Hew York and of Illinois, are embodied, for the purpose of suing and being sued, into a new, legal personality by the name used in this action ; and this new faculty of acting and appearing in the courts is given by the laws of the State of New York. (Laws of 1849, chap. 258.)
As to being sued or bringing suits by the fictitious name conferred by the State statute, they stand in the same predicament as if they were in- all respects a perfect corporation created by such State law. It is the State larw itself that gives this multitude of shareholders legal capacity to go into court, whether as plaintiffs' or defendants, by a name furnished for that purpose under the State law. In this respect they are the same as a corporate body— whether they be a corporate body, an associate body, a joint stock company or association, by whatever designation they may be known. The reason why they are treated, for the purposes of federal jurisdiction, as citizens of the state whose laws they have invoked to enable them to be and appear by one name and style in tribunals of justice, applies aptly to every aggregation of persons invested by state law with this faculty of suing and being sued by the new name, which, under such statutory provisions, represents the entire body of shareholders. In this particular, as party litigant, -a corporation and an associate body are identical. The reasoning that applies to one, applies to the other; and that reasoning will be seen at large in Marshall v. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., (16 How. U. S. Rep. 325 to 329.) And see Covington Draw Br. Co. v. Shepard et al, (20 id. 233.)
In the case first cited, the grounds for the construction of the federal constitution and laws are given with great
It will be seen in the extracts given, and more fully in the opinion at large, that the whole force of the reasoning applies to any aggregate body of shareholders authorized by State law to sue and be sued by their collective name, or the name given them for litigious purposes, by the State law. “In courts of law,” says this learned judge, “an act of incorporation and a coporate name are necessary to enable the representatives of a numerous association to
But by the act of 1849 the representatives of a numerous association are enabled to sue and be sued without the act of incorporation or the corporate name; but by its equivalent, a legal association and a legitimate statutory name. By this name the whole collective body of shareholders are represented in the courts. The name represents them, as the corporate name represents all the corporators or stockholders, the name given in each case by the State law for that purpose.
I am of opinion that the present case should be governed by the same principles of law which determine the question of citizenship, in case of corporations authorized by the laws of a state; and that the order appealed from was properly made.
Who is to determine whether this action is removable into the Circuit Court of the United States? The Court of Appeals has held that the question of jurisdiction must be decided by the Circuit Court itself, (Illis v. N. Y. and N. H. Railroad Co., 3 Kern. 597,) and has pointed out the proper practice to be pursued. If the Circuit Court refuses to entertain jurisdiction, then the order' complained of will be vacated, and the case will proceed in the Supreme Court. This course of proceeding avoids all conflict between the State and federal courts, leaves the decision where it constitutionally belongs, and conforms to the views of the Court of Appeals in a similar case before them, where an appeal was dismissed.
It is a doubtful question whether an appeal lies from the special to the general term when the former accepts the security tendered, and the other formal requisites pointed out by the act of congress are complied with by the applicant for the removal, and where the formalities are fully complied with, and the only question is whether the
My brethern are of opinion the order appealed from should be affirmed, and it is affirmed, with $10 costs.
Marvin, Barker and Lamont, Justices.]